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                              THE FORTRESS OF DOOM

                                  Version 1.2

What's this:
This is a Faq/walkthrough for the game Lufia and the Fortress of Doom. Here 
I will put a list of everything in the game. Also, I will write every secret 
of the game. I like to do "perfect saves" on the games I like, such as this 
one, so I will put tips for perfection, this inclues all chests of the game, 
all Dragon Eggs, a complete mosters list, etc, etc...

Who I am:
My name is Leandro Gueths Dupke, nickname "Lord Leandreus". I live in Brazil, 
my most frustrating thing was in the times of old and good Snes, I used to 
read about games in magazines every month, and the games were avaliable here 
only years later. To have an idea, I began playing Final Fantasy II US, in 
1993(it was made in 1991). Today things are not this way, at least. The 
problem now(years ago too) is the money, original stuff is too expensive. As 
you could guess, I'm a Rpg maniac. I simply love rpgs, I think they are better 
than any book, movie, or anything. I like too, to take stress away, to punch 
someone's face at fighting games. Other thing I should tell you is that I like 
more 2d rpgs than3d. I don't hate the games of today, of course, but I believe 
the games years ago were made with passion, the people didn't had resouses, so 
they wanted to make the game best possible and focus more on gameplay than 
graphics. Today it seems that great companies such as Square only mind about 
money and make games with awesome graphics and a bad gameplay. Of course, 
there is some exceptions. I hope poeple notice this in the future.

My e-mail is leandreu@terra.com.br, if you think there's something that might 
improve this faq, or if you want to speak about rpgs, feel free to e-mail me, 
and I will answer gladly.

My work:
This is Copyright® by Leandreus, I made all this by my own. If you use it for 
any purpose, please give me, Leandro, or Lord Leandreus, the proper credit.

- Version 1.0, I made it in October 2000. TThe furture possible updates 
are items that monsters carry, and some hidden items, since I missed 7 
items(last screen of the game tells you this), but I got all the chests.

- Version 1.1, in November 2000 , I fixed ssome problems with the
format that had messed up all my lists. Now you can see it clear.
The tittle was added too.
I also revised it all, but I'm human you see, if you see any errors, please
let me know.

- Version 1.2 now, at July 2001. Thanks to  some e-mails I received
I was able to put some info that was missing.
Thanks to:

Don Petus: This guy has a great sharp eye and sense of exploration, he
found all the 7 hidden items(got item on last screen)that I didn't
found. Thanks to him now you all can see the last screen of the game
with everything perfect, thanks a lot, I really apreciate this.

Celes Destiny: I missed zircon rod on weapon list. Thanks for noticing
this and warning me. As a perfectionist, the lists here can't be
Another thing, the Sand rose enemy gives hi potion, that was missing


Well, enough of this, let's go to the game:

Lufia & the Fortress of Doom, and Lufia2, Rise of the Sinistrals are, in my 
opinion, the best games ever created. The story, the features, the gameplay, 
the graphics, and the MUSIC, are awesome in this game. I will not write about 
the story here, I think it's far more fun if you see it in the game itself.


1 - Characters section
1.1 - Hero
1.2 - Lufia
1.3 - Aguro
1.4 - Jerin
2 - Hints and tips section
2.1 - For begginers
2.2 - For advanced players
3 - Walkthrough section
4 - Old cave section
5 - Dragon Eggs section
6 - Items section
7 - Equipment section
7.1 - Weapon list
7.2 - Armor list
7.3 - Shield list
7.4 - Helmet list
7.5 - Shoes list
7.6 - Ring list
8 - Monsters list
9 - Boss list
10 - Game Genie codes

1 - Characters section:

The characters you play are equivalent to Maxim's party in the Intro, they are 
exactly the same except for the spells. The four are all strong, each have 
their strong and weak points.

1.1 - Hero(equivalent to Maxim):

You choose his name as you start the game. He has good attack power, good 
defence, average  intelligence and magic resistance. He have some usefull 
spells, such Valor, Courage, Trick, Fake, etc.

Hero's spells:

Spell name Mp  Level learned  Description
Strong     3        4         Recover little hp(single)
Float      2        7         Levitates party to avoid poison marsh
Drain      3        10        Lowers def. power(single)
Poison     2        13        Recover from poison(single)
Statue     3        16        Turns member into stone(single)
Stronger   5        19        Recover more hp(single)
Stone      5        22        Recover from statue(single)
Courage    5        25        Increase def. power(all)
Champion   8        28        Recover all hp(single)
Fright     4        31        Puts monters to sleep(all)
Dread      5        34        Lowers def. power(group)
Fake       4        37        Increase agility(all)
Trick      5        39        Increase attack power(all)
Rally      30       41        Revives with full hp(single)
Succumb    8        44        Instant death(group)
Valor      35       47        Recover all hp(all)

1.2 - Lufia(equivalent to Selan):

She comes with you after you return from Sheran first time. Lufia has the best 
attack magic, they do MUCH damage, expecialy if you equip some good rings on 
her, she have some recover and aid spells too, she also has great magic 
resistance, but her attack power and defence are low.

Lufia's spells:

Spell name Mp  Level learned  Description
Flash      2        1         Weak lightning attack(single)
Awaken     4        1         Recovers from sleep(all)
Shield     2        3         Increase mag. resistance(single)
Dew        5        5         Weak water attack(group)
Strong     3        7         Recover little hp(single)
Drain      3        9         Lowers def. power(single)
Deflect    3        11        Silences monsters(group)
Bang       10       13        Weak explosion attack(all)
Stronger   5        15        Recover more hp(single)
Absorb     1        17        Steals mp from monsters(single)
Fright     4        19        Puts monsters to sleep(all)
Bolt       7        21        Medium lightning attack(single)
Water      10       23        Medium water attack(group)
Courage    5        25        Increases def. power(all)
Boost      15       27        Recover some hp(all)
Protect    5        29        Increases mag. resistance(all)
Blast      15       31        Medium explosion attack(all)
Perish     4        33        Instant death(single)
Bounce     5        35        Silences monsters(all)
Flood      15       37        Strong water attack(group)
Sunder     20       39        Strong explosion attack(all)
Thunder    12       41        Strong lightning attack(single)
Succumb    8        43        Instant death(group)

1.3 - Aguro(equivalent to Guy)

He joins you at Treck, after you visit Guy. Aguro is the best fighter of the 
party, his attack and defence are better than the hero, but his agility, 
intelligence and magic resistance are low. But that's the price for having an 
awesome attack and defence isn't it? Also, later in the game if you equip some 
stuff on him, it gets better, like Black ring and Might shield.
He has no spells.

1.4 - Jerin(equivalent to Artea)

She's a half elf and joins you at the Guide station to the Lost Forest. Jerin 
is awesome, because her bow attacks one group of enemies, and she has lots of 
usefull spells, like warp and escape, healing spells, and aid spells. Her 
attack spells are not that good and she already hits one group just by 
attacking, her attack spells are only usefull when she is at higher levels. 
She has attack power a little more than Lufia, a defence low, high agility and 
high intelligence and magic resistance(not as high as Lufia). Might bow, 
shield and helmet, and white ring are the best things for her.
Jerin's spells:

Spell name Mp  Level learned  Description
Spark      6        14        Weak fire attack(group)
Strong     3        14        Recover little hp(single)
Warp       8        14        Travel to any visited town instantly
Escape     8        14        Escape dungeons(useless on towers)
Poison     2        14        Recover from poison(single)
Stun       2        14        Recover from paralyse(single)
Frost      9        14        Weak ice attack(all)
Absorb     1        16        Steals mp from monsters(single)
Confuse    3        18        Confuses monsters(group)
Stronger   5        20        Recover more hp(single)
Eff        1        *         Travel to Elfrea
Flame      10       22        Medium fire attack(group)
Stone      5        24        Recover from statue(single)
Dead       10       26        Revives with little hp(single)
Boost      15       28        Recover some hp(all)
Blizzard   13       30        Medium ice attack(all)
Mirror     3        32        Reflect spells(single)
Vulcan     15       34        Strong fire attack(group)
Champion   8        36        Recover all hp(single)
Glacier    18       38        Strong ice attack(all)
Trick      5        40        Increase attack power(single)
Rally      30       42        Revives with full hp(single)
Valor      35       46        Recover all hp(all)

* when you finish the blue, green and red towers quest.

Obs: The spells I wrote she learns at level 14 already comes with her when she 
joins you(she joins you at level 14)

2 - Hints and tips section:

2.1 - For beginers:

- Always try to heal yourself more with speells than with items, because you 
don't spend the items this way, try always to carry the more recovery mp items 

- Always check the shops at towns for betteer equipment, use look option to see 
which equipment is better to buy.    

- Carry lots of sweet water, some escapes aand swing wings(these two are 
useless after you get Jerin)

- If you know the boss is near, recover youurself

- Explore every single poison marsh of the  game(with float spell), because 
there are lots of items hidden there.

- Beware the cursed equipment, never equip  it. Check the equipment section to 
see which stuff are cursed.

- Jerin always attack the group more numeroous, except if they are strong vs. 
physical attacks

- If you want to run away, make it with smooke ball. Trying without it can be 
painfull sometimes.

- Explore the towns and castles, there are  lots of good stuff hidden in 
dresses, flowers, etc.

- Save often

2.2 For advanced players:

- As soon as you get the ship, you can makee a trick to get a Might helmet. Go 
to the tower of light and explore it to the top. In the chest where was 
supposed to be the Light key, there's a might helmet. Check the walkthrough 
section for more details.

- The might equipment is :
Might sword - Hydra carries
Might armor - Fire plate carries
Might helmet - Barient carries(can get on that chest too)
Might shield - Get at the Dragon shrine, with 8 Dragon Eggs
Might Bow - Same as the shield
Try to kill lots of these monsters. Do it as you are leveling up.

- The best thing to get at the Dragon shrinne is one Might bow and two Might 
shields. The level up is completely useless since you can do it yourself, and 
the potions could be a good choice, but the equipment is too good to lose. The 
bow is the best for Jerin, and the shield gives you lots of defence and magic 
resistance, I equip it in Aguro and Jerin.

- The best equipment set for the characterss are:
Hero: Might sword, Might armor, Might helmet, Might shield, Sword shoes, Wave 
Aguro: Might sword, Might armor, Might helmet, Might shield, Sword shoes, 
Black ring
Lufia: Cat whip, Clear silk, Silver wrist, Carbo cap, Cat heels, and for 
normal battles blast ring, for bosses, flash ring.
Jerin: Might bow, Zircon robe, Might shield, Might helmet, Cat heels, White 
Note: If you get two Might shields and one Might bow at the Dragon shrine, one 
person can't stay with Might shield. I put the Zircon plate on Hero, because 
Aguro needs MGR and Jerin needs DEF.

- Another thing you can do when you get thee ship is go to Epro and level up 
around the town. You can stick to get the might equipment from this point 
already, with Hydras around Epro and Fire plates in the Pirates tower, but, if 
you like the game chalenging, don't do it.

- When you're at the begginig of the game,  the best thing to do with miracles 
is sell it if you need money. You won't lose it since you can buy it later in 
Frederia, they are worth 2500 gp.

- Save all power, spell potions etc, to usee at the end of the game, this way 
you can see better who needs what.

- You can do something to get stronger, butt it requires lots of patience. Save 
right before you gain a level, gain it, and write the status you gained. 
Reset, level up again and the raising stats will be different. Keep doing this 
until coming the thing you want. However, even I haven't done this too much, 
it takes too long. You can also do this when using potions that raise status. 
The save state helps a lot doing this.

- Check the monsters list to see the items  monters carry, and kill lots of 
monsters that have the item you want.

- Notice that the miracle item also revivess characters with full hp/mp. Use if 
you need.

- If you're bored with so many random encouunters, there's something you can do 
to avoid all battles if you're using an emulator. Use a sweet water, save 
state, walk a little and save again, keep doing this until a battle comes, 
then load state. If in one square, a battle keeps coming, use sweet water 
again, or any heal item and continue. You can explore an entire dungeon 
without any battle this way.

 3 - Walktrough section:

Well, here we go. As I said before, I will write this in the simpliest way. I 
won't write about the history of the game because there's no point doing it. 
Just in case if someone is lost, or don't know what to do, here is everything. 


You start the game as Maxim, the hero's ancestror. Just walk and beat enemies, 
if you wish. You can take the chests too. It's not necessary, unless you're a 
perfeccionist like me. All here is a piece o cake, you are at high level, with 
lots of items and spells.

Bosses: Gades, Amon, Erim, and Daos.
That's very easy, just attack with Maxim and Guy, While Selan uses 
thunder(except in Erim), and Artea could attack or use trick spell, and heal 
with valor spell when needed.

Miracle x5
Power potion x2
Spell potion x2
Mind potion
Speed potion
Great potion


Let's begin. Here you can speak with the princess Estea at the castle, she 
gives you 100gp, and buy a dagger, some potions and antidodes at the shop. 
Don't need to buy cloth helm, you find it in the northwest house, at the 


City:         Castle:              Weapon Shop:     Armor Shop:
Dress         Swing wing           Dagger           Dress
Potion        Escape               Knife            Cloth
Revive        Revive x2                             Cloth helm  
Sweet Water   Arrow                                 Sandal
Cloth Helm    Potion x2
Power potion  Stuffed Bear                          Item Shop:
              Bracelet                              Potion 
              Sweet water                           Antidode
              Antidode                              Sweet water
              Dragon Egg (2nd Search)               Arrow    

Just take everything and leave. You can make some level up if you want, and 
heal at the guy in the temple to the west. Chatam is very near, to north.


Here, talk to the people and rest, if damaged.

Items:                          Item Shop:
Great potion                    Potion 
Smoke ball                      Antidode
Mind potion (thanks D.Petus)    Arrow

Keep north to the caves, there are two entrances:

East entrance:
200 gp

Come here first. Get these items and head for the other entrance:

West entrance:

This is the right way, just go trough the cave.


Once you're out, you can see Sheran. Go there.
There's nothing to take in the city.
In the castle take this:
Potion x4
Foul Water x2
Sweet Water x2
Mid arrow
Arrow x2
Dragon Egg(3rd Search)
(there's more later)

Just take everything and leave. Back to Alekia talk to the innkeeper, then 
with Lufia upstairs. You can speak to the comander and the princess in the 
castle to see about the history. As you leave the town, Lufia will join you. 
Buy equipment for her.
Head for Sheran again. In the cave, get sheran key with the guy.

Sheran - 2nd time

At the throne room, use the key to lower the switch and take the chest(100 
Go to the cellar and save the king. 
There's also a great potion here.
As you leave, you will fight Gades, the sinistral of Destruction. Nothing you 
can do, just die.
When Lufia saves you, you will be at Alekia. Get Lilah in the castle and 
Go to Chatam again, to take Lilah to her brother.
Now you need to get trough the cave to Sheran one last time, and head to 
Treck, to southwest. You can save and rest at Sheran, if you want.
It should not be hard, make use of Lufia's flash spell and the Hero's strong 

Note: If you think you're too weak, if the enemies are bothering you too much, 
just keep leveling up near any town. This is worth for the entire game, so I
will say this only once.

Items:            Café:           Guy at the Cafe's basement:
Power Gourd       Pear Cider      Sour Cider            
Hair Band         Sour Cider      Plum Cider            
Dress             Plum Cider      Lime Cider            
Smoke Ball
Escape (thanks D.Petus)
Swing wing (thanks D.Petus)

Armor Shop:       Weapon Shop:
Cloth Armor       Club
Robe              Long Knife
Bracelet          Dagger
Cloth Helm        Knife    
Hair Band

Here, talk to the old guy at the port south of town.
I recomend you first buy weapons, then with the rest of the money, buy armors, 
don't need to buy hair band, find in th town. Don't forget to sell your old 
items and the ones you consider useless(if you don't know a use of some item, 
check the item's list).

Now you need to go to the east cave(the directionn is obvious).

East cave:

Cloth Shoes
Swing Wing
Dragon Egg(3rd Search)

If you're at low level, take special care with giant bats, always try to kill 
them first
The girl will open the door for you, go trough, and just outside the cave is 
guy's house.

Guy's house:

Short Sword
Great Potion

Speak with guy. This is one sad moment of the game. If you're like me, who get 
the "feeling " of games very easy, you will get touched in this part.
Don't forget the short sword at guy's grave.
Now head back to Treck.
Speak with the old guy first, then buy equipment, if you still need, rest and 
Now go speak with Aguro south of town and get ready.

Demon Lord x4 

Here is the first chalenge of the game. I like good chalenges, so I face the 
game at low levels. I beat them at Hero's lv 6 and Lufia at 5.
Keep your hp always higher than 30. They can cast dew(annoying when all 4 
cast), and do a lot of damage. Watch when they use mirror, it reflect your 
spells. If one only is with mirror, you can  take risk and cast flash, pray to 
not fall on the head of the one with mirror. If more are with it, Lufia should 
attack. I always use dew on first Lufia's comand, but it's not 100% safe. 
Another thing to consider is only order Aguro heal if you are in really need. 
His attack is the best now.
If you think you can't beat them, go build up some levels.

After it, Aguro joins you. The Capitain at the 2nd floor of the Cafe tells you 
that his ship is at an island to the west. Go north of Treck and enter the 
cave there.
Cave north of Treck:

Potion x2
Daze Ring
Power Potion

Here, the up teleporter takes you to a place where have a mp and hp recover, 
the down teleporter takes you near the cave's entrance. Trough the first stair 
up, take items. To the stair down is the right way. Don't forget to explore 
the poison squares(cast float before entering).

Special note: You get a miracle in this cave. I don't think it's worth using 
it in this point of the game. I believe the best thing to do with them is sell 
it everytime you need money. You get 2500gp for it. Don't worry, later you can 
get all miracles you sold. 

Outside the cave, there is another boss fight.

Goblin x3

These should not be that hard. Since Lufia's spells don't do much damage, use 
her strong spell to recover. Only cast attack spells when full healed. I faced 
them with Hero at lv9, Aguro at 8, and Lufia at 7.

After the fight, you will sail back to Track. Speak with the Capitain at the 
Cafe's 2nd floor, and he will give you permission to sail with it to Lorbenia. 
Just speak with him at the port.


Items:                  Item shop1:          Item shop2:           Item shop3:
Mind Potion             Sweet water          Magic guard           Stuffed bear
Mid arrow               Potion               Power gourd           Stuffed dog
Sweet water             Antidode             Mind gourd            Stuffed pig
                        Swing wing           Arrow

Weapon Shop:         Armor shop1:         Armor shop2:
Short sword          Tan armor            Earring
Staff                Tan robe             Hair band 
Club                 Tan shield           Brouch
Long Knife           Tan helm             Necklace 
                     Glass cap
                     Cloth shoes

Here you must enter the big shop and go to the third floor. When Lufia keeps 
looking the dresses, the boy steals her and you catch him outside. After it 
speak with the innkeeper. When leaving the inn, Aguro returns and join you 

Note: Surely, here you won't have money to buy every equipment needed, unless 
you sell the miracle you found at the cave north of Treck(check the special 
note above).
Now you must head to Grenoble, go west to find it.
If you want to make some money, each Roozard gives you around 114gp. Good 


Items:                     Weapon shop:         Armor shop: 
Speed potion               Short sword          Tan armor 
Spell potion               Staff                Tan robe
Potion                     Club                 Tan shield 
                           Long knife           Tan helm
                                                Glass cap
                                                Cloth shoes
Item shop:
Stone cure
Smoke ball
Magic guard
Power gourd
Mind gourd

Here, enter the old cave's shop, you need to pay 50 gp to enter. Talk to the 
old man there and he will ask you to go to the old cave get an item in 
exchange for some info. Go for it.

Special note about the old cave:
In this cave, you can reach the deeper levels as you gain more levels of 
experience. If you are below 10, you can get only to 2nd floor. Below 15, to 
3rd, below 20, to 4th, below 25, to 5th, below 30, to 6th. If you are higher 
than 30, you can enter the 7th, the last one.
The enemies in the floors are equivalent to the enemies of your level, and so 
the items found there. Here is a good place to level up, if you want.

I will put here only the 2nd floor, because you need to go there now. The 
others are in the Old cave section.

Old cave level 2:

Hi magic
Ex potion
Sleep arrow
Power ring
Cloth shoes
Hair band
Heeled shoes
Fairy kiss
Tan shield
Dragon Egg
Secret map

This sould be very easy, since there's no new monsters. When Lufia goes alone 
to get the Fairy kiss, use flash on enemies.
Back to Grenoble, give the old man the fairy kiss and he will give you a 
letter in exchange. With this, you can go to the tower to north.

You will also get the secret map on the cave. I like to sell it. I know it's 
not the right purpose to do with this item and the others, but I like to sell 
them because after, all will be at the special shop, and you will have all the 
items. If you don't mind this, go ahead and give it to the woman at the old 
cave shop. Just check the old cave section to know that there are some of 
these items  that the reward is less than the price you sell them.

You will probably be at level 10. I think it's good to make the 3rd floor of 
the cave now. You find good stuff there. If you are going, check the old cave 
I will also from here, tell the point of the game I believe it's good to go 
to the other levels of the cave(you can return here with swing wing any time).

Note: In the 3rd floor, you find the water ring. You will love to equip it on 
Lufia because it boosts the dew spell, and other water spells, never sell it. 
Beware with the broad sword, it's cursed. Don't equip it, or you will have to 
remove the curse at the hut which you save the game. Sell it!

Enough. The old man gave you a letter, and you must go to the Tower north of 
Grenoble. It's at the edge of the map. Try to save the Hero's mp until you 
reach the boss of the tower, stock yourself with lots of potions.

Tower north of Grenoble:

Sonic ring                 Smoke ball
Mid arrow x2               Hi potion x2
Power potion               Hi magic
Spell potion               Mind gourd
Mind potion                Power gourd
Great potion               Revive
Dragon Egg(2nd search)

The tower isn't a problem, just a warning about red magi. If you encounter 
any, priorize to kill them quikly, attack even with Lufia(she kills them with 
one blow). Their spark hurts.


Well, this is a tough battle, you must fight him alone with the hero, and he 
loves to use jolt, or fake spell and attack on the same round. You must keep 
your hp at least around 65, he can take you down easly. Heal with spells a 
lot(that's why save hero's mp). I recomend you be at least on level 11, if 
not, you will have MUCH trouble on killing him.
After the fight, he gives you a Speed potion and tells the location of Elfrea, 
the city of elfs.

Go back to Grenoble, rest, and if you didn't made the 3rd floor of the cave, 
go for it now.

You must head to Kirof. Go as if you were going to the north tower, when the 
mountains to west end, turn south , along the coast. Then go a little east and 
you will see Kirof.


Bomb            Hi potion
Hi arrows       Sweet water
Mid arrow       Stuffed pig 
Plum cider      Stuffed dog

Here, go at the item shop house, enter and see the speech of the two children. 
After, talk with the girl. You can leave and go to the Kingdom of Medan, it's 

Medan City:

Swing wing
Hi potion(can get only later, it's at the house of the old man)

Item shop:              Weapon shop:         Armor shop:
Sweet water             Spear                Chain mail
Potion                  Mace                 Chain cloth
Antidode                Short sword          Wood shield
Mistery pin             Staff                Wood helm
Smoke ball              Mid arrow            Glass cap
Magic guard             Arrows               Cloth shoes
Mind gourd              Bomb
Power gourd
Swing wing

Medan castle:

Ex potion
Ex magic

Here, as you enter the castle, mark will run away, in the castle, go to the 
basement and watch the scene with the princess, and leave. Mar will run again 
with the hope ruby. You must go back to Kirof.

You can go to a cave north of Medan before, you find there:
Foul water
Sweet water

As you enter Kirof, Mark will come and join you. You must head for the cave 
north of town.

Cave north of Kirof:

Hi potion x4              Smoke ball              Moster ring
Revive x3                 Hi magic x2             Spell potion
Escape                    Dragon Egg
Ghost ring                Chain Cloth
Power potion              Miracle
Great potion              500gp
Mind potion               Speed potion
Escape                    Wood shield

This cave is not as hard as it seems. Most ways are conected and you keep 
walking in circles. Just use the recover hp/mp and keep exploring. If you're 
lucky, you will get scimitar from the sword spook and light armor from the 
ghost mail. Also, use all the magic jars that those crazy pots give you.When 
you reach the bridge area, go in the middle staircase up, there is an 
invisible bridge for you. Prepare for the boss.


This can be a little annoying, just a little. Keep hp high. You better heal 
most with Lufia because her spells don't do that damage on him. If someone is 
confused, you can use shriek if you have some, if not, hit him with Lufia. If 
Lufia is confused, leave her, but keep healing her. My levels were: Hero 15, 
Aguro 13, Lufia 14. It was a fierce battle, to say. Very fun, I love 
chalenges. However, if you don't, just level up near the hp/mp recover.

After, you will be at Kirof. The woman gives you Power potion.
Go back to Medan.

Note: Now(in Medan) is the only time you have to get the Hi potion that is at 
the house of the nasty old man, go there before leaving the town.

Note: Now it's a good time to return to Grenoble and do the 4th floor of the 
old cave. Just use a swing wing, you can wait until you get to Belgen to get 
better weapons and armor, or not.

Now go to the cave east of Medan.

Cave east of Medan:

Hi potion

The guards will let you pass, go ahead.
As you out the cave, go south to the city of Belgen


Items:                                        Weapon shop:
Float                                         Brone sword
Power gourd                                   Long staff
Hi magic                                      Spear
Hi potion                                     Mace
Mind gourd                                    Mid arrow
Revive                                        Hi arrows
Dragon Egg(2nd search)                        Bomb

Item shop:                     Armor shop:
Sweet water                    Brone armor
Potion                         Brone robe
Antidode                       Brone shield
Mistery pin                    Brone breast
Shriek                         Brone helm
Swing wing                     Glass cap
Smoke ball                     Tan shoes
Magic guard
Power gourd
Mind gourd

Here you just need to talk with the woman at the house with a tunnel entrance. 
Head for the southwest cave.

Cave southwest of Belgen:

Power potion
Spell Potion
Smoke ball
Hi potion x2
Brone helm
Brone armor
Brone shield
Hi magic
Fly ring
Dais key
Dragon Egg(2nd search)

Piece of cake. No complex mazes and enemies not that strong. Speak with the 
guy and he will let you get the Dais key.
Return to Belgen to rest and save.
Now you need to go to the cave that's west of Belgen.
It's the cave north of the one you entered before.

Cave west of Belgen:

Great potion
Mind potion
Speed potion
Hi magic
Power gourd
Magic gourd
Spell potion
Power potion

Nothing unusual, just go, explore, and out in the other side.
Note: Stick to kill mimicks. They give lots of xp and gp, but run away easly.

Enter the temple where Jerin is. Recover hp/mp, and save. As you leave, the 
demon kidnap her. 
Head for the north tower to rescue her.

Tower north of Dais temple:

Flash ring
Mistery pin
Stone cure
Hi potion
Miracle x2

The maze is not that hard. The enemies, however, are strong. Watch the 
Archers, they do A LOT of damage with hi arrows. Kill'em quikly. If you have 
flash ring equiped in Lufia, a flash kill   with one spell(make sure to never 
sell this ring). On the last hall(the hall of teleporters), don't step on the 
one behind the boss, it will teleport you to the entrance of the tower.


For this one, enter the battle with full hp, and he won't give much damage. 
Equip flash ring and use flash. He won't be a trouble. My levels: Hero 18, 
Aguro 16, Lufia 17.

You're at Belgen again. Jerin gives you a miracle.
Head for the desert at east and go to the village of Surinagal, that's up and 
east in the desert.


Hi magic
Hi potion

Item shop:                 Armor shop:                 Weapon shop:
Hi potion                  Brone armor                 Axe
Hi magic                   Brone robe                  Rapier
Antidode                   Brone shield                Scimitar
Awaken                     Brone breast                Big arrow  
Mistery pin                Brone helm                  Hi arrows
Stone cure                 Glass cap                   Bomb
Shriek                     Tan shoes
swing wing
Smoke ball
Magic guard
Power gourd
Mind gourd

Here, rest, save, buy equipment you need, and stock hi potions and hi magic.

Head for the guide station to the lost forest, to south.

Guide station to the lost forest:
Swing wing
Sweet water

Here, talk to the old man and Jerin will join you. Now you don't need swing 
wings anymore, she has the warp magic.

Go to the lost forest to south and follow Jerin's instruction to get out of 
the forest.
You can heal at the house in the map, then cross the temple and head north to 
get to Jenoba.


Hi potion
Mind potion
Hi arrows
Miracle (thanks D.Petus)

Item shop:                Armor shop:            Weapon shop:
Sweet water               Light armor            Long sword
Hi potion                 Light robe             Axe
Antidode                  Buckler                Rapier
Awaken                    Brone shiel            Scimitar
Mistery pin               Brone breas            Big arrow 
Stone cure                Brone helm             Hi arrows
Shriek                    Glass beret            Bomb
Swing wing                Tan shoes
Smoke ball
Magic guard
Power gourd
Mind gourd

Here, buy good equipment, stock some stone cures, save, and talk with the 
persons at the basement of the northern house. Buy ciders from the old woman 
and she will tell you how to get to Elfrea, you need to visit the blue, green 
and red tower in that order, do here we go. Some people get stuck on this 
part, it's really simple, just follow the instructions here. The blue tower is 
just east and a little south of Jenoba, go for it. 

Blue tower.

Magic guard
Blue ring
Sweet water
Hi potion
Hi magic
Green jade

No complex mazes again, but some monsters can be annoying, like dark elf and 
horrorquin. Priorize to kill them quikly. No bosses here, the point is get the 
green jade.

Special Note: From now on, rings begin to get more important. You must choose 
wisely which person equip which ring. I will put my sugestions from here, but 
you can do whaterver you want(just make sure you don't do things like equip 
flash ring on Aguro right?)

I equip blue ring on Hero, power ring on Aguro, flash ring on Lufia, and daze 
ring on Jerin.

Now you can exit the cave and travel to Jenoba using warp magic from Jerin.

Lets head for Green Tower.

This Tree islands conected by bridges are a bi circle, you just need to walk 
through it going south, and following the way, simple. The Green tower is 
south and east.

Green Tower:

Green ring
Magic guard
Ex potion x2
Revive x2
Hi magic
Swing wing

It's a piece of cake. This tower has an inn at the right door of the first 
hall, make sure to go there. After the first hall, go right, there are two 
stairs, go in the two ways. After, go back and change the swich to down 
position and return to the other hall and the stairs will have changed. Just 
get the items, notice that you couldn't get the red sapphire.
After this, go to the inn again and leave.
Keep going east to find the city of Ruan.


Items:                             Shop:
Hi potion                          Emerald
Small knife                        Opal
Power potion
Emply bottle
Sweet water

You need to get here just to add this city to Jerin's warp magic.

Now use Jerin's warp to go to Medan
Go north and enter the cave there.

Cave north of Medan

*Foul water
*Sweet water
Diamond ring

The items with * means that you could alredy got them if you went here before.
Talk to the old man amd he will give you the red sapphire.

Note: Now it's time to make the 5th floor of old cave. Go to Grenoble if you 
want(check old cave section).

Let's head for the Red tower.

Red tower:

Spell potion
Power potion
Hi potion x3
Red ring
Hi magic
Smoke ball
Magic guard x2
Power gourd
*Dragon Egg
*Blue jade

One thing important here is to get the items at the basement(an enormous 
poison marsh) before defeating the boss. If not you lose them.
I don't like to use the red ring, but, it's your choice.
The items with * means that you get them after beating the boss at that 
enormous poison marsh(which will disappear).
Not hard mazes again.

Dark Ghost

This one is VERY hard and annoying unless you are at a high level, 25 or more.
He keeps using that powerful water magic and attacking before you could totaly 
heal yourself.
Healing here is the thing. Heal, heal, and heal more. If you let your hp low, 
you are gone for good. A tip: it's good to use that power gourd and 2 magic 
guards you get at the tower in the Hero and Aguro, it helps a little. Flash 
with flash ring equiped is good too, but only if your hp is at least 100 for 
the girls and 130 or the men. And just attack(any form of attack) if your hp 
is that way. 
This is the toughest battle until now, expecially if you face him in my 
levels: Hero 21, Aguro 19, Lufia 20 and Jerin 19, awesome challenge!

After the great battle, the Water Fairy restores the poison and you can get 
the Blue jade in the basement. Now you have the three gems.

Now go to the Blue, Green, and Red tower in that order and put the gems in the 
pedestals. When you put the gem in the red tower, Jerin learns Elf spell, and 
you travel to Elfrea intantly.


Spell potion
Speed potion
Mind potion

Item shop:              Weapon and Armor shop:
Hi potion               Rod
Hi magic                Trident
Swing wing              Quilted silk
Smoke ball              Glass beret
Magic guard             Heeled shoes
Power gourd             Big arrow
Mind gourd              Hi arrows

In Elfrea, finally(took long huh?), talk with Artea, get the Shrine Key and 
Artea's bow. Don't forget to equip it on Jerin.
Use the Shrine Key in the basement, use again in the other door, and you're 
out in the other side  of the Shrine.
Go south and find the village of Ranqs.

Power potion

Item shop:                Weapon and Armor shop:
Sweet water               Morning star
Hi potion                 Rod
Antidode                  Trident
Awaken                    Half mail
Mistery pin               Quilted silk
Stone cure                Buckler
Shriek                    Iron helm
Smoke ball                Glass beret
Magic guard               Spike shoes
MInd gourd
Power gourd

go to the east, but a old man there tells you the puzzle tip and you get 
an escape(a perfeccionist can't miss it). Anyway, the old guy just tells
you the tip if you already went one time to the tunnel(west cave).

In the tunnel, the cave to west of Ranqs, the directions you should follow are 

Up, right, right, up, right, right, up, up, up, up, left, left, left, down, 
left, left, down, left, left, up, up, right, up, right, right, up.

You're out in the other side of the cave.
You must find the Odel city. It's west from the exit of the cave, very near.



Ex potion
Ex magic

Item shop:                  Armor shop :              Weapon shop:
Sweet water                 Hafl mail                 Battle axe
Hi potion                   Quilted silk              Glass robe
Antidode                    Kite shield               Morning star
Awaken                      Brone breast              Rod
Mistery pin                 Iron helm                 Mid arrow
Stone cure                  Glass beret               Hi arrows
Shriek                      Spike shoes               Hi bomb
Swing wing                  Wind shoes
Smoke ball                  Heeled shoes
Magic guard                 Wind heels
Mind gourd
Power gourd

Speed potion
Mind potion
Great potion
Spell potion
Power potion
Hi magic x2

In the Castle, talk to the Architet, next to the Princess, and say yes. You 
must go to Lyden to find his partner to fix the bridge.
Before going to Lyden, go in the left stairs in the garden of Odel castle. 
It's Shaia lab 2.
Here there is:
Power gourd 
Mind gourd

There are 4 ways:
North--Arus cave: Go here and get the Yellow ring and a Stone cure 
West--Shaia lab1: Go here just to add this city(Platina) to Jerin's warp 
South--plains: you out southwest of Odel, near the city.
East--Shaia lab2(where you came from)

I like to equip Yellow ring on Aguro, so it's like this:
Hero-blue ring, Aguro-Yellow ring, Lufia-flash ring(expecially with bolt 
spell), and Jerin-Green ring.

If you didn't found Lyden yet, the way is east and south. Cross one of the 
bridges on the map, keep always south and east and you find Lyden.

Swing wing
Grilled newt
Stone cure
Fry pan
Small knife
Chop block
Dragon Egg(3rd search)

Item shop:
Fry pan
Small knife
Chop block

The Architet's partner is at the restaurant, talk with him and he will go to 
In Odel, talk with Piron(the architet)and he will ask you to check the bridge.
There are four entrances to this cave, but don't get scared:
I will write them from south to north:

1st entrance: Where the bridge is, the right way.
2nd entrance: This leads to Shaia lab2(where you got yellow ring)
3rd and 4th entrances: Just a maze, go there just to get the items in the 

First, go to the 1st entrance and check the bridge. Now go to Odel and tell 
Piron this.
Now you are ready to explore the dungeon.

Important note: Now you shall already have water spell(Lufia learns at lv23). 
You can equip the water ring, to power it up, and do lots of damage to one 
group of enemies(can kill them  instantly, sometimes), or equip flash ring and 
use a lot the bolt spell, I believe there's no enemy around here that resists 
the bolt spell with flash ring equiped(exept mimickers of course). It's up to 
you(I prefer water ring), just make sure you equip flash ring when facing a 

Well, when you realise that the 3rd and 4th entrances are not conected with 
the 1st, this horrible maze turns very easier. Those mimickers gives you 
about 3000 xp each so focus your attacks on them when they come. First, go
to the 3rd and 4th entrances, to get the items and xp.

Arus cave, 2 northern entrances(3rd and 4th):

Glass robe
Half mail
Stone cure
Quilted silk
Glass cap
Wind shoes
Iron helm

Easy huh? As soon as you get these items, you can leave the cave and go to the 
1st entrance, the southest. Heal and save first, of course.

Note: I believe you made lots of xp now, expecially with mimickers, you must 
be at level 25, so you can go to Grenoble and go to the 6th floor of the Old 
cave, if you want(check Old cave section).
There you find the Blast ring, that power up bang spells, but I think for 
while, water ring is best. Leave to equip Blast ring at lv31, when you learn 

When you enter the 1st entrance and speal with Piron, he will ask you to watch 
him from that cliff where there are two treasure boxes. You already got them 
right? If not, check back the 3rd and 4th entrances and go there.
Enter in the 3rd entrance, and keep going down and left whenever possible, and 
you get there.
Watch they build the bridge and enter the 1st entrance.

Arus cave, 1st entrance (southest):

Dragon Egg
Ex potion x2
Hi arrows
Revive x2

In the sealed door, Lufia cast Le fallas La fallas, and the door will open. 
Arus is just ahead.


Hi magic
Mind potion

Battle axe                 Kite shield
Glass robe                 Red beret
Morning star               Wind shoes
Rod                        Heeled shoes
Half mail                  Hi potion
Quilted silk               Swing wing

Here there's a scene with Lufia and Priphea flowers. Also, talk with the 
You must head for the Tower of Grief. It's beyond a small cave to east.

Tower of Grief:

Revive x2
Dragon Egg
Stone cure x2
Ex potion
Ex magic
Purple ring

This tower is a joke. All enemies are not new and the maze you can do watchig 
a movie at the same time. Talk with the elder and Lufia's mp up 10.

Now if you haven't gone in Shaia lab1 yet, go to Odel, get to Shaia lab2, and 
take the west path to reach it. You can warp instantly to Platina if you got 
here before.

Platina(Shaia lab1):

Hi magic
Hi bomb
Gloom arrow
Ex arrows

Here, talk with professor Raile Shaia, and he will give you the falcon! Wow, 
now you can get to many places by sea.
One of them is Forfeit, teleport to Surinagal and sail to the island north.


Hi magic
Hi potion
Mind ring

Item shop:        Weapon shop:    Armor shop:     Assessories shop:
Hi potion         Morning star    Quilted silk    Goblet
Hi magic          Gloom pick      Kite shield     Ear tip
Magic guard       Hammer rod      Hair band       Empty bottle
Power gourd       Trident         Glass beret     Gown
Mind gourd        Glass robe      Knife shoes   
Dragon arrow      Scimitar        Heeled shoes
Sleep arrow       Gladius
Puzzle arrow
Stun arrow
Gloom arrow
Smoke ball

Special shop:
All items you ever sold!

You don't need to go here, but you can get mind ring, buy a Gladius and Knife 
shoes. Also, you can buy any item you sold by mistake, or the miracles you 
sold to make money before.
I like to equip mind ring on Lufia, but I keep the Flash, Water, and Blast 
Also, if you enter the assessories shop, the women force you to buy something.

Now, the most important tip of the faq, get a MIGHT HELMET NOW!

Haha, so you think the only way to get the Might helmet is battling enemies? 
you're wrong, I'm sorry, here, follow the intructions and get it NOW!

You need to get to the Tower of light, follows this direction: From Platina, 
sail west, and some little squares south, and get to Carbis, enter the city to 
add it to warp magic. Keep west, and find the city of Bakku, enter and add it 
to the warp too. Now walk north, through some mountains and a lake, and enter 
the tower. The Might helmet is on the chest where the Light key is supposed to 
be, the last one, that's the reason another item is on the chest, you can't 
get that scenario item now, so there is a Might helmet there. Wow, what do you 
think? I love it!!!

I like to equip it on Jerin, because her defence is low, and also, it boosts 
your int by 24. Pretty good huh? I won't write the items of the Tower of light 
now, I will save it for the time you need to go there.

Well, after this, I think you should be a little more happy hein? But let's 
keep going, warp to Carbis, or if you haven't go there yet, from Platina, it's 

Carbis(Shaia lab3):

Mind potion

Here, talk with professor Raile, and he will ask you to go to Bakku and bring 
his partner, Cooper. Bakku is west from here, but if you got the Might helmet, 
you had already visited it, just use warp.


Ex potion
Ex magic

Item shop:              Armor shop:          Weapon shop:
Hi potion               Plate mail           Gladius
Sweet water             Plate cloth          Hammer rod
Antidode                Round shield         Battle axe
Awaken                  Round wrist          Glass robe
Mistery pin             Plate helm           Mid arrow
Stone cure              Plate cap            Hi arrows
Shriek                  Wind shoes           Bomb
Smoke ball              Wind heels
Magic guard             Spike shoes
Power gourd             Heeled shoes
Mind gourd

Go to the cleric's hut and talk with him. He will say that Cooper is at the 
5th level of the Old cave, piece of cake, you already got there haven't you? I 
believe it's almost time to get to the 7th and last level. Anyway, head for 
Grenoble and go to the Old cave, 5th floor(choose "next window" at the 
elevator if you're beyond level 30).
Find him and warp to go back to Carbis.

Now, you will start a LONG quest to get 7 pieces of allumina, to make falcon 
go underwater, go to Bakku first, rest, save, and head for the Tower of light, 
north of here.

Tower of Light:

Hi bomb                  Sea ring
Spell potion             Undead ring
Power potion             Large shield
Stone cure x2            Great axe 
Ex potion x4             Silver robe
Revive x2                Plate cap
Ex magic                 *Might Helmet
Power gourd              Light key
Gloom voice

Here, explore carefully the Tower to get everything. How to get Might helmet 
is described in the part where you get Falcon, you can't take it now if you 
didn't get it before.
Watch for the false squares, you will fall. Sometimes it's needed to get some 


This bothered me a little since my levels were: Hero 30, Aguro 27, Lufia 29, 
Jerin 26.
His Flame spell hurts, you can use protect from Lufia, to minimize the damage 
a little.
Anyway, keep hp always higher than 100 for girls and 150 for boys. Boost spell 
from Lufia is extremely usefull, to heal all characters at the same time.

After the battle Amon and Gades appear, just to scare you. Get the Light key 
in the chest and use in the locked door at the first floor.

Keep going until you get to Linze


Sweet water
Swing wing
Dragon Egg
Ex magic (thanks D.petus)
Item shop:               Armor shop:            Weapon shop:
Hi potion                Plate mail             Great axe
Sweet water              Plate cloth            Gladius
Antidode                 Large shield           Hammer rod
Awaken                   Round shield           Ex arrows
Mistery pin              Round wrist            Hi bomb
Stone cure               Plate helm
Shriek                   Plate cap
Smoke ball               Knife shoes
Magic guard              Wind shoes
Power gourd              Needle heels
Mind gourd               Wind heels

Now, just do the usual and go to the basement of the house that have a stair 
and out in the plains:

Note: Now you might be at lv30, so let's make the 7th and last floor of the 
Old cave, go to Grenoble(check the Old cave section). However, It's very hard, 
you might want to wait being at a higher level.
There you find the Wind flute, very useful now.

Back in Linze, out in the plains by the basement of the house and go to the 

Gaya cave:

Escape x2
Stone cure
Ex bomb x3
Hi magic x2
Dragon Egg
Ex potion x5
Revive x4
Magic guard
Ex magic
Ex arrows
Silver sword
Power gourd
Mind gourd
*Wave ring

Try to kill Werefrogs quickest possible.
Here you need to find a guy, he is at the corner east of the maze. Ask him 
about the 4 things and leave. He will give you the Wave ring(I put * because 
it's not in a chest). You can leave after that.

Note: The wave ring is the Maxim's ring. It's powerful and my sugestion is 
equiping on Hero.
So I'm like this now: Hero-Wave ring, Aguro-Yellow ring, Lufia-Blast ring(she 
already learned blast), and Jerin-Purple ring.

Now you need to get to Marse, you could simply get your falcon, and sail along 
the coast to fint it, but it's best to go by land, because there's some stuff 
to get.

From Linze, go to the Tower of Light, cross it and keep northeast until you
find a cave.

Cave northeast of Tower of light:

Power potion
Dragon Egg(2nd search)

See why it was best? If you didn't get that power potion now, when you make 
the wish in the Dragon shrine later, there will be a Dragon Egg here and you 
will have lose that power potion.

Out in the other side, head north and reach Marse.


No items here

Item shop:                    Armor shop:            Weapon shop:
Hi potion                     Silver armor           Silver sword
Sweet water                   Silver robe            Silver rod
Antidode                      Silver plate           Great axe
Awaken                        Silver wrist           Hammer rod
Mistery pin                   Silver helm            Big arrow
Stone cure                    Plate cap              Ex arrows
Shriek                        Knife shoes            Hi bomb
Smoke ball                    Wind shoes
Magic guard                   Wind heels
Power gourd                   Needle heels
Mind gourd

You better have enough money to buy all equipment here, you will need.
It's good to go on the cruise, buy a ticket in the 1st floor and in the 2nd, 
talk with the capitain "Albatross" and he will take you to the cruise. You can 
have an idea of the localization of the 4 Fargo islands, (Ullup to southeast, 
Elba to north, Loire to East, and Aisen, to west), your next target. 
The girl at the cleric tells that Brant is at Loire.

Let's go to Ullup first, it's southeast of Marse.

Ullup Island:

*Dragon Egg
*Hi power ring
*Ex potion
*Speed potion
Ex potion
Silver wrist
Alumina x2
Silver plate

Here, you can only get the * items. It's important to open the door(use the 
switch) here.
The first teleport you see brings you to Elba, go there only if you got all 
the * items and have lowered the switch. You can go back to Marse and heal, or 
you can get the teleport to go to Elba, do what you think it's best. I like to 
equip Hi power ring on Aguro.

Then, go to Elba. It's north of Marse.


Mind potion x2
Smoke ball
Hi daze ring
Ex potion x2
Spell potion
Ex magic
Hi bomb
Silver rod
Silver armor
Spell potion
Dragon Egg(2nd search)

Explore it by parts and you make it easy. The switch here change the 
destination of the teleport up there. You go in two places of Ullup with it, 
that's how you get the missing items I wrote in Ullup section.

In these two islands, you only need to get the Alumina to continue the game, 
but the stuff you get is usefull.

Special note: you can go to the Dragon shrine now an make a wish, but I 
wouldn't do this now, 
because the Dragon will place more 8 Dragon Eggs through the world, some in 
chests you haven't got yet, so you will lose the item that was there. If you 
don't mind, go for it(check Dragon Eggs section), but a perfeccionist always 
do things perfect don't he?

Done with this, now head for Loire, to east, where a ship is docked.


Foul water
Miracle x2
Ex potion x2
Great potion x2
Mind potion
Revive x4
Power potion x3
Gloom arrow x3
Hi magic x2
Mach ring
Hi bomb x3
Spell potion
1000 gp
Ex magic x2
Sweet water

This maze is a litlle big. It helps if you explore all the first floor before 
getting any of the two stairs down. When you find Brant, say yes to help him. 
He will give you a piece of Alumina.
Teleport to Marse and he will be at the cleric's hut(they will marry) and will 
tell you that Knig Herat has Alumina too.

At this point, you MUST have 6 pieces of Alumina. If don't, look this and go 
get the misssing:

1st: Gaya cave
2nd: Elba island
3rd and 4th: Ullup island(from Elba, take the teleport, the switch change your 
5th: Loire island
6th: Brant gives you

Now you must go to Herat to get the last piece of Alumina, from Marse, sail 
west along the coast until you find a river, follow the river south and you 
get to Herat.



Great potion
Mind potion
Plum Cider (thanks D.Petus)
Hi potion (thanks D.Petus)

Armor shop:          Item shop:           Weapon shop:
Carbo plate          Hi potion            Buster sword
Clear silk           Sweet water          Silver sword
Tower shield         Antidode             Silver rod
Silver armor         Awaken               Big arrow
Silver plate         Mistery pin          Ex arrows
Silver wrist         Stone cure           Hi bomb
Silver helm          Shriek
Sackret              Smoke ball
Sonic shoes          Magic guard
Knife shoes          Power gourd
Sonic heels          Mind gourd
Needle heels


Ex bomb
Power potion

Note: there's more items at the basement of the castle. I will write them in 
the time you can get them.

Here, talk with the chief in the Kitchen, and then you can leave.

Now, teleport to Lyden and talk with the Lyden wizard at the basement of the 
Go back to Herat(warp is really usefull isn't it?). Now it's time to go to the 
cave to east.

Sail a little north and out of the ship to the west. Walk south, then east, 
then north to find the cave of purple newt. You will pass by the Dragon shrine 
in the way, I already told you that if you go here now you will lose future 
items, go now only if you don't mind it.

Cave of purple newt:

Gloom arrow
Engage ring
Stun arrow
Grilled newt x3
Stone cure
Purple newt
Power gourd
Chain mail
Swing wing
Ex potion
Hi bomb
Great potion
Miracle x2
Dragon Egg(3rd search)

Not too much challenge here. Turn the switch to change the destination of the 
teleport and get the purple newt.
Cast escape when you're done and teleport to Lyden and talk with the wizard to 
get the Magic flavor, then teleport to Herat.

Note: From here, whenever you buy stuff, equip Engage ring first, it lowers 
the price of things, however, this part of the game, you must have lots of gp, 
even I forget to equip this thing.

Talk with the cook, then with the King, now go to the basement.

Basement of Herat castle:

Carbo sword
Silver robe
Gloom voice
Ex potion
Plum cider
Royal statue
Fry pan
Tower shield
Carbo helm
Mach heels
Miracle x2

Well, now you have 7 pieces of Alumina, but don't get exited, there's still 
things to do before Falcon change into a submarine.
Go to Carbis, and talk with the researcher, then go to Marse, you need to go 
to the Pirate's tower, Aisen Island. Don't remember? Northwest of Marse, a 
ship will be docked there.

Aisen Island, Pirate's tower:

Sour Cider
Hi potion
750 gp
Power gourd
Speed potion
Hi bomb
Ex potion x2
Big arrow
Swing wing
Smoke ball
Silver tarot
Pirate key
*Heavy ring

Try to kill as many Fire plates as you can from here in the game, they can 
give you Might armor, the best for the fighters. 
About heavy ring: I don't like to equip it. You stay too slow, too bad.  
Go to the cellar before meeting the boss, there's a false ground here, you 
fall and get stuff.
Watch with Dark spook, they can kill you instantly.
Anyway, here's not chalenging too.
The right order of the switches are:
                        1        4 
                        3        2
If you do wrong, kill some pirates.

Bosun and Pirates:

Haven't seen a boss for a while heh? Well, I faced them at Hero lv37, Aguro 
34, Lufia 36, Jerin 32, but you can be very lower to beat them. Equip Blast 
ring, Lufia cast blast every round, Hero and Aguro concentrate on Bosun first, 
and Jerin heal with boost spell. Just watch out for the storm spell that 
hurts. That's the only big damage he does. You can use the wind flute you got 
at 7th floor of Old cave in emergencies(any character can use).

After beating, go to the cellar, and first get the item, heavy ring, then free 

Teleport to Carbis and talk with Raile, he will make Falcon go underwater AT 
But you can only go underwater in whirlpools.

Let's go to the ring shaped island, where Doom island fell 100 years ago, go 
north and a little east from Carbis, first go to the village of Soshete.


Straw doll
Gloom arrow
Sweet  water

Carbo sword
Carbo plate
Carbo shield
Carbo helm
Carbo cap
Sonic shoes
Sonic heels
Hi potion
Big arrow
Ex arrows

This is just an ordinary town. no events here.
There's good equipment to buy, and there's items at the cleric hut.

You need to go to the whirlpools around here, it's a big and annoying maze.

Underwater caves in ring shaped island:

Foul water
Gloow arrow
Zircon wrist
800 gp
Hi magic
Hi potion x3
Miracle x2
Magic guard
Empty bottle
Power potion
Ex potion
Spell potion
Mistery pin
Dragon Egg(2nd search)

Well, these caves are the most painfull mazes of the game, what can I say? 
Good luck!
I'm sure these are all the items here.

A thing that helps to explore is only enter in the currents if you don't have 
any other place to go on that floor. Ahh and the southwest entrance is not 
conected with the others, so explore it first, the go for the other two. If 
you don't mind leaving some items behind, it's easy, just out in one of the 
exits and go for Doom island.
The Hidras give you Might sword, the best sword for both fighters, better even 
than Dual blade, so kill lots of it from here in the game.

Enter Doom island and go to the floor where the statues are. I wonder if you 
didn't get the chests at the begginig of the game the items will still be 
here? I think not, but if you tested it, please let me know.

As you get the Dual blade, the statues rise, and the party notice that Erim's 
statue is Lufia's statue. Then the Sinistrals appear to scare you again, and 
you go instantly back to Soshete.

Teleport to Carbis and talk with Raile.
Then go to Frederia first, get the ship and sail south in the same vertical 
line of Carbis.

Frederia(Shaia lab4):
Grilled newt
Stone cure

Armor shop:           Item shop:                 Weapon shop:
Carbo plate           Hi potion                  Grand blade
Carbo shield          Hi magic                   Carbo sword
Carbo helm            Magic guard                Catwiph
Carbo cap             Power gourd                Ex arrows
Catwiph???            Mind gourd                 Bomb
Clear silk            Float
Sonic shoes           Smoke ball
Sonic heels           Stone cure 
Sword shoes
Cat heels

I wonder why a catwiph is being sold in the armor shop but.....
The purpose here is add this city to Jerin's warp.

Now head for Epro, teleport to Marse and sail north until you find a 
continent. The first city you see is Epro.


Power potion
Ex magic
Ex bomb

Armor shop:         Item shop:            Weapon shop:
Carbo plate         Float                 Grand blade
Carbo shield        Hi potion             Carbo sword
Carbo helm          Hi magic              Cat wiph
Carbo cap           Magic guard           Ex arrows
Silver robe         Power gourd           Bomb
Silver wrist        Mind gourd
Sonic shoes         Float
Sonic heels         Smoke ball
Sword shoes         Stone cure
Cat heels

Speak with the woman in the northeast house.
Then out of the city, and walk northwest until you find Hedge, he will give 
you the Oil key.
Now go back to Epro. 
You may want to kill some Hidras hoping to get a Might sword.

There's a cave underwater, go there.

Underwater way to Oil cave:

Power potion
Big arrow
Mistery pin
Grand blade
Power gourd
Magic guard
Hi magic
Ex bomb
Ex potion

This is easy, if you got all the items in the other submersal cave then, it's 
a piece of cake.
Just out in the whirlpool, leave the ship to your left and walk north and east 
to find the Oil cave.

Oil cave:

850 gp
Dragon arrow
Hi bomb
Dragon tooth x3
Hi magic x3
Dragon ring
Big arrow
Miracle x2
Hi potion
Swing wing
Ex bomb
Great potion
Power oil
Dragon Egg(2nd search)

It's not a difficult maze. It helps if you explore the entire floor before 
getting the stairs.
Find the Dragon and get ready!

Oil Dragon

Before the fight, equip flash ring if you already have Thunder spell, if not, 
blast ring will do(sunder spell).
If you're expecting to equip Dragon ring and/or use dragon tooth/arrow, don't 
waste your time, it's completely useless against Oil Dragon.
The stronger version of his breath can make you toast. Use Jerin's boost a lot 
if he uses too much. Lufia always cast thunder(or sunder) EXCEPT, if he cast 
mirror. Keep always Lufia's hp(and everyone's)very high, just in case he cast 
mirror after you already selected the attack spell, then use champion on her 
right after she got hit by her own spell.
If you think you're dying, use Lufia and Jerin boost. You can even make the 
fighters use wind flute in emergencies.
My levels were: Hero 42, Aguro 38, Lufia 41, Jerin 36. But it wasn't THAT 
tough, you can face him some levels lower I believe, however, I really think 
it will be very hard.

Get Power oil and leave with escape.
Teleport to Frederia and talk with Raile, he will make Falcon fly. WOW, that's 
it, finally, the airship.

Teleport to Epro and explore the continent by air, find the Arubus city, and 


Spell potion
Pear cider
Plum cider

Armor shop:         Item shop:            Weapon shop:
Zircon armor        Sweet water           Zircon sword
Zircon robe         Ex potion             Zircon axe
Zircon plate        Ex magic              Zircon rod
Zircon wrist        Power gourd           Big arrow
Zircon helm         Mind gourd            Ex arrows
Zircon beret        Float                 Ex bomb
Mach shoes          Smoke ball
Mach heels 

Old woman in basement:           Old man in basement:
Pear cider                       Apple cider
Sour cider
Lime cider
Plum cider

Congratulations, you just reach the last city of the game, even some townsfolk 
salute you, the end is near!

Buy a cider from the old man and give it to the guy for some info.

A thing that always bothered me since I played this game first time is why the 
hell Lufia can't use Zircon stuff. Why there's Zircon rod? For Jerin? 
I dunno if the programers missed it or what, but it is really annoying.

Equip engage ring before buying stuff, after you're done with the equipment, 
buy tons of ex potions and magic, until your money lasts, you won't need to 
buy anything more except these potions.

You have two caves and Glasdar tower, the cave west of Arubus leads to the 
Tower. You need to go first to the cave north of Glasdar tower, to get the 
Glasdar key. Go there with the airship.

Cave north of Glasdar tower:

Hi potion
Gloom arrow
Hi bomb
Smoke ball
Magic guard
Mistery pin
Zircon sword
Great potion
White ring
Mind potion
Miracle x3
Spell potion
Glasdar key
Gloom guard
Power potion
Dragon Egg(3rd search)

The switch changes the destination of the teleport again. If it's up, you get 
a chest. If it's down, the way to get Glasdar key.
No bosses here.

White ring is awesome for Jerin. It increases her attack power the same hi 
power ring does, plus gives defence and litlle agility. Great!

I recomend you keep that Zircon sword(unless you have a might sword already), 
you will see why later.

Get Glasdar key and you're done here.

Teleport back to Arubus and prepare for Glasdar cave and tower.
Equip engage ring and buy more ex magics. Ex magics are better because you can 
stay recovering your hp with spells forever. I think ex potions are to be used 
only in batlles in emergencies.

Glasdar cave is west of Arubus.

Glasdar cave:

Ex bomb x2
Black ring
Ex arrows x2
Power potion
Smoke ball
Hi potion
Sonic heels
Hi magic
Stone cure
Miracle x4
Gloom arrow
Great potion
Mind gourd
Dragon arrow
Big arrow
Ex potion
Dragon Egg(3rd search)

This is not too dificult. Always walk with hp full(you have lots of Ex magic), 
and you make it.
Use Glasdar key on the locked door and you out in fron of Glasdar tower.

Glasdar tower:

Hi potion
Ex bomb x2
Big arrow
Ex arrows
Revive x3
Mind gourd
Power gourd
Gloom arrow
Gloom ring
Miracle x7
Stun arrow
Power potion
Great potion
Speed potion
Mind potion
Spell potion
Dragon Egg(3rd search)

Since you have lots of Ex magics, use it and recover hp with spells! Explore 
all floor before getting stairs and the hallways that leads to other floors. 
Don't forget there's a recovery place in the tower.
Here's all the switches combinations:

O - pressed
X - not pressed

OOO - Leads to 2F, get this for a chest.
OOX - Leads to 2F, get this for a chest.
OXX - Leads to 5F, get this for 11 chests, also, the Dragon Egg(3rd search) 
will be here.
XXX - Leads to 6F, useless.
XOO - Leads to 4F, useless.
XXO - Leads to 5F, useless.
XOX - Leads to 3F, useless.
OXO - Right way, to the boss.

Important note: After you beat the boss, Lufia will leave the party and only 
join you again in the final battle(which is very near), so I like to keep this 
data to gain levels, get might equipment, ect. etc...  Before I meet the boss, 
after getting all chests here, I leave and save. Do what you want, but 
battling monsters without Lufia to level up is a pain.

Equip Lufia the flash ring before the fight. It will help a lot in the final


My levels: Hero 43, Aguro 40, Lufia 42, Jerin 37, very low I should say, but 
you can beat him in these levels. The fighers allways attack, unless you're 
dying, so make them use wind flute.
Lufia allways cast Thunder,  unless you are dying too, she can cast boost to 
recover hp, or if he casts MIRROR, watch out. Well Jerin will be the key to 
win this battle, first thing is use mirror on all characters, when they all 
have mirror, use power and mind gourd to up your power.
Don't worry, mirror doesn't reflect cure spells. Cure allways with Lufia if 
someone is NOT with mirror, to let Jerin cast it. If all are with mirror, then 
cast thunder.
There's nothing you can do if he uses mace and kill you, just revive your 
character with miracle.

After the fight, Lufia will leave the party and you will have lose the Dual 
Equip Zircon sword, or Might sword if you have one.
Out of the tower, rest, save in another data, and teleport to Arus, get the 
airship and head west to the Tower of grief, then go north, to DOOM ISLAND!

Recover your hp with the old man and save on the slot you saved when Lufia 
leave your party.

Doom Island, Last dungeon:

Power potion x2
Mind potion
Great potion
Speed potion
Spell potion x2
Miracle x5

The same as the intro of the game, for one only detail, the monters are 
stronger, you have 3 characters and very lower level than them. Go for the 
final battles:



My levels: Hero 44, Aguro 41 and Jerin 38.
He is tough, Jerin will only cure with champion spell, sometimes even the Hero 
needs to cure someone.
A thing that helps is cast courage from Hero, to raise your defence, 
expecially when he uses undead.

Heal all hp and mp after the fight.


Same levels than Gades, this one is the easiest. Fighters attack and Jerin 
always cast mirror, even if all characters already have, so you will never 
lose it. Piece of cake.
If someone loses mirror and get hit, let the Hero cure him with Champion.

Heal all after the fight.


Levels: Hero 45, Aguro42, Jerin 39.
The same strategy of Amon, exactly. 

Now Lufia joins you for the Last boss:

Last boss, Guard Daos:

Levels: Hero 45, Aguro 43, Lufia 42 and Jerin 40.

Well, Jerin won't do anything except cast mirror, on herself first.
If you get too much people confused, make Jerin hit them all with her bow.
Lufia's thunder hurts him a lot.
Use miracle with any character if needed, don't forget miracle also revives 
Priorize Jerin to be with mirror, so she can cast more.
Cast mirror even on confused characters.
The best way to cure confuse is shriek, but Lufia hitting the confused also is 

Well, good luck and enjoy the final!!!!!!

Now beat Lufia 2!!!!!!!

4 - Old cave section:

The Old cave is a 7 floor dungeon located north of Grenoble. You must have 
some levels to enter in lower floors of the cave, as follows:

2nd floor:  No requirements.
3rd floor:  Must be at level 10.
4th floor:  Must be at level 15.
5th floor:  Must be at level 20.
6th floor:  Must be at level 25.
7th floor:  Must be at level 30.

In the walkthrough section, I wrote the time I believe you're ready to face 
all the floors, buy I like to play at low levels, so if you reached the level 
requirement sooner than I, you can go sooner.

In every floor there's a treasure that you can get a reward at Grenoble, 
however, I like to sell the treasures(because you can buy it again later), I 
know it's not worth the money, except the Silver wick, but I think it's nice 
in the end of the game you having all items incluing these. If you think this 
is nonsense, get the reward, the money helps through the game.
Let's go:

2nd floor:

Treasure - Secret map
Reward: 500 gp
Sold by : 250gp


Hi magic
Potion x2
Ex potion
Sleep arrow
Power ring
Cloth shoes
Hair band
Heeled shoes
Fairy kiss
Tan shield
Dragon Egg
Secret map

3rd floor

Treasure - Silver wick
Reward: 1000gp
Sold by: 1150gp


Hi potion x2
Sour cider
Magic guard
Revive x2
Smoke ball
Sweet water
Hi arrows
Hi magic
Brone breast
Brone helm
Broad sword
Spike shoes
Water ring
Silver wick

4th floor:

Treasure - Crown
Reward: 2000gp
Sold by: 1000gp


Smoke ball
Hi potion
Magic guard
Long sword
Brone helm
Light robe
Flame ring
Wind heels
Light armor
520 gp
Hi magic
Long nail
Spell potion
Broad rod

5th floor:

Treasure - Golden pawn
Reward: 3000gp
Sold by: 1800gp


Kite shield
Ex potion
Smoke ball
Luck blade
Ex potion
500 gp
Spell potion
Hi potion
Hi bomb x2
Frost ring
Battle axe
Power potion

6th floor:

Treasure - Miracle gem
Reward: 5000gp
Sold by: 700gp


Hi bomb x3
Plate cloth
Plate mail
Power potion
Speed potion
Mind potion
Ex magic x2
Ex potion x2
Plate helm
Hammer rod
Power gourd
Knife shoes
Needle heels
Mind gourd
Power gourd
Blast ring
Miracle gem

7th floor:

Treasure - Crown jewels
Reward: 10000 gp
Sold by: 6000 gp


Gloom pick
Ex potion x3
Gloom voice
Ex magic x2
Power potion
Spell potion x2
Buster sword
Miracle x4
Hi magic
Sweet water
Great potion
Power potion
Wind flute
Clear silk
Mind potion
Dragon Egg(3rd search)

5 - Dragon Eggs section

The Dragon at the shrine grants you a wish if you bring him 8 Dragon Eggs. 
They are located in chests through the world. 
Here's the location of every Dragon Egg in the game. The 2nd search Eggs you 
can get only if you already got the wish of the first ones. The 3rd search, 
only if you got the wish of the 2nd. After the 3rd wish, the Dragon 

Beware, if you take the 1st ones to the Dragon before getting all chests of 
the game, you will lose some items, because a Dragon egg will be placed in 
some chests you haven't got yet.

1st ones:

- 2nd floor of Old cave
- Ghost cave
- Red tower(after you beat the boss)
- Arus cave
- Tower of Grief
- Linze
- Gaya Island(the cave)
- Ullup Island

2nd Search:

- Alekia castle
- Belgen
- Northwest tower(from Grenoble)
- Cave southwest of Belgen
- Cave northwest of tower of light(near Linnze)
- Elba island
- Waterway around soshete
- Oil cave

3rd Search:

- Sheran castle
- East cave(from Treck)
- 7th floor of Old cave
- Lyden
- Cave of Purple newt(east of Herat)
- Cave north of Glasdar tower
- Glasdar cave(west of Arubus)
- Glasdar tower, in the secret room where hhave 11 chests     

The wishes you can get are these:

2 level ups for every member of the party
3 of each potions that raise status
1 might bow
1 might shield

Surely, the one most useless is 2 level ups, you can level up by yourself, so 
never take it. The potions could be a good choice, but the equipment is too 
good, you can't lose it, check the equipment section to see for yourself.
I get a might bow first, then 2 shields on 2nd and 3rd wishes.

6 - Items section:

Here is a list of every item in the game, their description, the price and if 
they are buyable or not. Note that you can buy the items you sold before, so 
the most of them are buyable at Forfeit. The ones with * you can only buy at 

Item Name       Description                       Price      Buyable?(Y/N)

Grilled Newt    Recover HP(very little)             2             Y*
Potion          Recover HP(little)                  8             Y
Hi Potion       Recover HP(more)                    400           Y
Ex Potion       Recover HP(all)                     3000          Y
Revive          Revive Character                    500           Y
Magic Jar       Recover MP(little)                  10            Y*
Hi Magic        Recover MP(more)                    1000          Y 
Ex Magic        Recover MP(all)                     6000          Y
Miracle         Recover all HP and MP(revives also) 5000          Y*
Antidode        Recover from Poison                 6             Y
Awaken          Recover from Sleep                  10            Y
Shriek          Recover from Confuse                5             Y
Mistery Pin     Recover from Paralyze               30            Y
Swing Wing      Travel to visited Towns             80            Y
Smoke Ball      Escape from Battles                 80            Y
Escape          Escape from Dungeons                200           Y
Stone Cure      Recover from Statue                 100           Y
Float           Levitates Party(avoid poison)       50            Y 
Sweet Water     Less Monsters Come                  10            Y
Foul Water      More Monsters Come                  10            Y*
Arrow           Attack one enemy                    2             Y
Arrows          Attack one group                    10            Y
Mid Arrow       Attack one enemy                    50            Y
Hi Arrows       Attack one group                    100           Y
Big Arrow       Attack one enemy                    100           Y
Ex Arrows       Attack one group                    200           Y
Gloom Arrow     Attack one enemy(instant death)     80            Y
Stun Arrow      Attack one enemy(paralyze)          14            Y
Sleep Arrow     Attack one group(sleep)             4             Y
Puzzle Arrow    Attack one group(confuse)           8             Y
Dragon Arrow    Attack one enemy                    200           Y
Dragon Tooth    Attack all enemies                  120           Y*
Gloom Voice     Attack all enemies(instant death)   600           Y*
Poison Pin      Attack one enemy(instant death)     10            Y*
Ear Tip         Attack one enemy                    5             Y
Goblet          Attack one enemy                    10            Y
Empty Bottle    Attack one enemy                    2             Y 
Bomb            Attack all enemies                  100           Y
Hi Bomb         Attack all enemies                  250           Y 
Ex Bomb         Attack all enemies                  500           Y
Power Gourd     Increase Attack power in battle     100           Y 
Mind Gourd      Increase Intelligence in battle     100           Y
Dragon Egg      Exchange 8 eggs for a wish          Can't be sold N
Power Potion    Increases Hp permenently            Can't be sold N
Spell Potion    Increases Mp permanently            Can't be sold N  
Great Potion    Increases Strenght permanently      Can't be sold N
Mind Potion     Increases Intelligence permanently  Can't be sold N
Speed Potion    Increases Agility permanently       Can't be sold N 
Long Nail       Trade for gloom voice at Forfeit    4             Y*
Strall Doll     Trade for gloom voice at Forfeit    10            Y*
Royal Statue    ??????????                          5000          Y*
Silver Tarot    ??????????                          1800          Y*
Wind Flute      Recover hp of all party(use at will)4600          Y*
Magic Guard  Increases magic resistance in battle   50            Y
Pear Cider   Recover hp(field)/Increases ATP(battle)10            Y
Sour Cider   Recover hp(field)/Increases ATP(battle)20            Y
Plum Cider   Recover hp(field)/Increases ATP(battle)30            Y
Lime Cider   Recover hp(field)/Increases ATP(battle)20            Y
Apple Cider  Recover hp(field)/Increases ATP(battle)1000          Y
Stuffed bear    Confuses one enemy                  50            Y
Stuffed dog     Paralizes one enemy                 10            Y
Stuffed pig     Puts one enemy to sleep             10            Y

-Thanks Celes destiny for noticing that theese 3 last items were missing.

7 - Equipment section

Here, a list of every equipment of the game. Everything you can buy at towns, 
except for the might stuff, which you can buy only at Forfeit if you previous 
sold them. The Dual blade, of course, can't be sold.

ATP - attack power
WGT - Weight
DEF - Defence power
MGR - Magic resistance
INT - Intelligence

7.1 - Weapon list

Weapon name             ATP      WGT     Price                   
Knife                   13       10      10
Dagger                  19       15      50
Small knife             10       1       70                   
Club                    28       20      120                           
Long knife              24       40      180 
Short sword             39       30      360               
Staff                   37       30      360
Broad sword - cursed    81       75      1200
Spear                   53       45      780
Mace                    45       20      600
Brone sword             71       40      1400
Long staff              56       40      1200 
Axe                     104      80      3000
Rapier                  66       30      2400
Scimitar                90       50      2100
Elven bow               58       38      2800
Broad rod - cursed      50       75      1200
Long sword              115      50      4800
Luck blade - cursed     400      80      2400
Artea's bow             100      50      24000
Rod                     75       28      4800
Trident                 128      60      7800
Morning star            142      100     9600
Battle axe              155      85      12000
Glass robe              88       25      7200
Fry pan                 5        3       50
Gloom pick - cursed     0*       50      4800
Gladius                 168      80      15300
Hammer rod              98       55      9600
Great axe               180      100     18600
Silver sword            192      90      24000
Silver rod              112      50      12000
Buster sword            217      90      28000
Carbo sword             232      85      33600
Catwhip                 121      60      15600
Grand blade             244      85      38000
Zircon sword            256      75      42000  
Zircon axe              288      85      48000
Zircon rod              160      50      19200 - thanks Celes destiny
Dual blade              300      0       Can't be sold
Might bow               148      62      30000
Might sword             380      30      9500    

* instant death

7.2 - Armor list

Armor name              DEF      WGT     Price
Cloth                   8        15      140
Dress                   4        10      120
Cloth armor             12       25      240
Robe                    11       20      260
Tan armor               16       30      480
Tan robe                15       25      540
Apron                   2        1       60
Chain mail              20       45      960
Chain cloth             18       35      1100
Brone armor             24       60      1400
Brone robe              21       35      1500
Light armor             28       29      3000
Light robe              24       30      3360
Gown                    2        1       100
Quilted silk            28       35      4800
Half mail               32       65      4200
Plate mail              36       80      5800
Plate cloth             31       5       5700
Silver armor            42       70      7200
Silver robe             34       50      8400
Clear silk              37       50      10000
Carbo plate             46       75      10800
Zircon robe             44       55      12000
Zircon armor            50       75      12000
Might armor (+10 MGR)   100      80      60000

7.3 - Shield list

Shield name             DEF      WGT     Price
Bracelet                2        7       90
Tan shield              5        15      180
Brone breast            10       20      840
Wood shield             7        20      360
Wood wrist              8        21      480
Brone shield            10       33      720
Buckler                 13       14      1000
Kite shield             15       20      1400
Chop block              2        1       30
Round shield            18       30      1920
Round wrist             15       26      2600
Large shield            20       40      3400
Silver plate            23       45      3800
Silver wrist            20       28      2800
Tower shield            25       60      4600
Carbo shield            28       55      6000
Zircon wrist            25       30      8400
Zircon plate            30       45      8400
Might shield* (+32 MGR) 65       45      36000                       

*Jerin can use this

7.4 - Helmet list

Helm name               DEF      WGT     Price
Cloth helm              2        5       120
Hair band               2        7       210
Tan helm                5        10      240
Glass cap               4        10      460
Earring                 1        1       80
Broach                  1        1       50
Necklace                1        1       100
Hair band               1        1       30
Ribbon                  1        1       50
Brone helm              11       21      1200
Wood helm               8        14      540
Glass beret             6        15      1000
Iron helm               14       30      2500
Pot                     3        1       60
Red beret               8        14      2200
Plate helm              16       24      4900
Plate cap               10       17      3800
Silver helm             18       27      7400
Sakret                  12       22      6200
Carbo helm              20       29      8900
Carbo cap               14       24      8500
Zircon helm             25       30      10200
Zircon beret            16       25      9600
Might helmet*           35       30      10200

*(+19 MGR, +24 INT)Jerin can use too.

7.5 - Shoes list

Shoes name    DEF  ATP  AGL  WGT  Price
Sandal        2    -    -    2    50
Cloth shoes   4    -    -    4    300
Heeled shoes  2    5    -    4    3000
Spike shoes   4    5    -    8    2000
Tan shoes     6    -    -    5    840
Wind heels    1    -    5    5    4900
Wind shoes    1    -    5    5    3900
Knife shoes   5    10   -    10   6000
Needle heels  2    10   -    8    7200
Sonic shoes   7    -    8    4    8600
Sonic heels   5    -    8    2    10200
Sword shoes   8    15   -    15   11000
Cat heels     3    15   -    12   11400
Mach shoes    2    -    10   5    11600
Mach heels    3    -    10   3    12200     

7.6 - Ring list

Ring name     Price Description
Daze ring     2400  +8 DEF, +4 MGR
Power ring    1200  +10 ATP
Water ring    6000  Boosts Lufia's water spells(dew, water, flood)
Sonic ring    4800  +1 DEF, +5 AGL
Monster ring  1200  More random battles
Ghost ring    1440  Efective againt some ghost creatures
Fly ring      1960  Efective agaist some flying creatures
Flash ring    3000  Boosts Lufia's lightning spells(flash, bolt, thunder)
Emerald       200   No use
Flame ring    8000  Boosts Jerin's fire spells(spark, flame, vulcan)
Opal          100   No use
Frost ring    7000  Boosts Jerin's ice spells(frost, blizzard, glacier)
Blue ring     4000  +10 ATP, +8 DEF
Green ring    4000  +4 ATP, +7 DEF, +4 INT, +10 AGL, +4 MGR
Red ring      4000  +1 DEF, +10 INT, +5 AGL
Blast ring    10000 Boosts Lufia's explosion spells(bang, blast, sunder)
Yellow ring   5000  +20 DEF, +20 MGR
Purple ring   6000  +10 ATP, +11 DEF, +4 INT, +2 AGL, +5 MGR
Undead ring   960   Efective agaist some undead creatures
Sea ring      4400  Efective agaist some sea creatures
Wave ring     30000 +30 ATP, +22 DEF, +15 INT, +8 AGL, +15 MGR
Hi power ring 6000  +40 ATP
Hi daze ring  9600  +40 DEF, +10 MGR
Mach ring     10800 +4 DEF, +11 AGL
Engage ring   6000  Buy things at lower price
Diamond ring  7200  Buy things at higher price
Heavy ring    4000  +80 ATP, +120 WGT
Dragon ring   3800  Efective agaist some dragon type creatures(hydra too) 
Mind ring     6000  +30 INT, +10 MGR
White ring    10000 +40 ATP, +21 DEF, +4AGL
Black ring    12000 +10 ATP, +7 DEF, +10 AGL, +40 MGR
Gloom ring    6900  *
Gloom guard   3600  Protect agaist instant death spells

* It's supposed to increase the sucess probability of instant death spells, 
but I don't see much difference.

My sugestion:  
Hero - Wave ring 
Aguro - Black ring
Lufia - Blast ring (Flash ring for bosses)
Jerin - White ring

8 - Monsters list 

Note: The gp of the monsters is not fixed. This means you can get different gp 
from this one, but it is a near valor to this. This increases in stronger 

Another note: The list of items monsters carry is not complete. I'm not sure 
if every monster has items, but if you know any item that is not here, please 
e-mail me, even if it's a single one.

Monster name   XP     GP       Item
Big newt       2      1        Grilled newt
Madshroom      3      2        Potion
Jellyfish      3      2        ?????
Spider         4      3        ?????
Earwig         4      3        ?????
Anemone        5      3        ?????
Nettles        7      8        ?????
Green orb      6      5        Opal
Baby crab      8      4        Small knife
Kobolt         8      5        Mid arrow
Giant bat      9      4        ?????
Bore worm      7      3        ?????
Roozard        12     114      Apron
Mini demon     13     6        Potion
Rat            10     6        ?????
Giant newt     11     7        Giant newt
Mini crab      17     7        ?????
Goblin         16     67       Awaken
Dracu rose     22     81       Hi arrows
Huge bunny     14     84       Ribbon
Red magi       20     42       Hi magic
Fight          20     62       ?????
Zombie         18     30       ?????
Frog           39     20       ?????
Spike newt     19     20       Poison pin
Crazy pot      34     57       Magic jar
Ghost mail     28     92       Light armor
Sword spook    30     46       Scimitar
Wil'o wisp     37     37       ?????
Flame spook    39     48       ?????
Poison rat     32     9        Poison pin
Beetle         38     28       ?????
Mummy          39     6        Antidode
Blue wolf      38     51       ?????
Mud man        45     40       ?????
Orc            43     50       ?????
Red orb        45     6        Emerald
Mimick         633    370      ?????
Straw man      48     11       Long nail
Archer         46     70       Foul water
Sand Man       59     80       Smoke ball
Sand rose      55     34       Hi potion (thanks Celes destiny)
Nightmare      52     47       ?????
Skeleton       53     40       ?????
Killer bee     41     43       Poison pin
Chomp weed     60     38       ?????
Tarantula      68     34       ?????
Spell nail     64     54       ?????
Gargoyle       97     58       ?????
Horrorquin     95     41       Gown
Dark elf       85     66       Mind gourd
Jelly bean     70     40       ?????
Dark demon     100    50       Hi potion
Flame freak    88     55       Fry pan
Big meany      90     2        Ear tip
Mace man       110    105      ?????
Sting          100    83       Poison pin
Gold orc       130    104      Small knife
Rok            128    85       Swing wing
Pin lizard     160    45       ?????
Armor lord     180    105      Ex potion
Mimicker       2999   900      ?????
Blue meany     140    49       ?????
Giant oak      135    58       ?????
Frogula        265    72       Antidode
Yeoman         200    35       Hi arrows
Halloween      230    99       Puzzle arrow
Harpie         250    59       ?????
Blue wisp      200    90       ?????
Ice snake      240    83       Sleep arrow
Ghoul          225    75       Potion
Crazy jar      225    16       Magic jar
Red star       240    130      ?????
Lobsteron      260    95       Goblet
Killer eel     255    100      ?????
Axe knight     310    80       Tower shield
Psycho clam    275    145      ?????
Jelly bolt     400    127      ?????
Star fish      450    93       ?????
Trap harp      290    106      Ex potion
Terrorquin     360    150      Ex potion
Mad lily       340    116      ?????
Zooster        335    73       Stone cure
Were wolf      410    65       ?????
Crazy pine     380    84       Power gourd
Land worm      400    8        ?????
Were frog      550    435      Great potion
Sabrespook     550    148      Buster sword
Zaurus         470    215      ?????
Cave rok       450    220      ?????
Evil clam      793    90       Earring
Sea snake      730    100      Power gourd
Demon mace     700    360      Morning star
Green magi     750    322      Hi magic
Troll          800    323      ?????
Red wolf       700    180      ?????
Eye curse      650    300      ?????
Mud ghoul      495    257      Hi bomb
Manticore      750    439      Mind potion
Nail man       600    60       Straw doll
Blue skull     550    200      ?????
Red core       13333  4500     ?????
Vampire        900    410      Hi magic
Basilisk       850    258      Stone cure
Lizard man     725    250      ?????
Salamander     925    280      Grilled newt
Pirate         732    333      ?????
Steel lord     975    230      Grand blade
Fire plate     1100   232      Might armor
Dark spook     800    232      Gloom guard
Berzerker      850    250      Gloom arrow
Magura         1400   110      ?????
Hydra          1850   315      Might sword
Megaturtle     1300   280      ?????
Mad wolf       1250   215      ?????
Griffon        1500   315      ?????
Mega frog      1200   537      Miracle
Rock golem     1550   245      ?????
Manta ray      1400   100      ?????
Sea dragon     2000   325      Dragon tooth
Efreet         1900   310      Hi potion
Mad knight     1750   300      Ex potion
Barient        2300   311      Might helmet
Zaurus rex     2100   301      ?????
Gorgon         1900   255      Stone cure
Wing lion      2700   340      Spell potion
Gloom          1999   202      Miracle
Red skull      2400   300      ?????
Mad cleric     3333   290      Ex magic
Dragon         2800   330      Dragon arrow
Humungus       2850   317      ?????
Electromaz     3000   530      ?????
Fire wave      3000   500      ?????                     
Waterspout     3000   430      ?????
Whirlwind      3000   320      ?????
Green core     65000  8500     ?????
Act hydra      3456   530      ?????
Mega atlas     2929   415      Power potion
Gold golem     3333   1300     ?????
Act demon      3666   560      Foul water
Act dragon     4000  1030      ?????

9 - Boss list

Here I will put all the bosses of the game, their location, xp, gp, and the 
level I beat them. You can follow this to see if you're at very low or high 
level when facing them, but beware, I always try to beat them at low levels 
because I like chalenges, you can get a little higher if you want.

Demon lord x4       200xp    470gp
Location:  Treck
Levels: Hero 6, Lufia 5, Aguro 5

Goblin x3            300xp    551gp
Location:  Island northwest of Treck
Levels: Hero 8, Aguro 8, Lufia 7

Aprendice         200xp    201gp
Location:  Tower northwest of Grenoble
Levels: Hero 11

Phantasm            800xp  510gp
Location: Cave north of Medan
Levels:  Hero 18, Aguro 16, Lufia 17

Follower         1400xp     1018gp
Location:  Tower north of Dais temple
Levels:  Hero 18, Aguro 16, Lufia 17

Dark ghost       2300xp    2198gp
Location:  Red tower
Levels:  Hero 21, Aguro 19, Lufia 20, Jerin 19

Guardian          5000xp      5073gp
Location:  Tower of light
Levels:  Hero 30, Aguro 27, Lufia 29, Jerin 26

Bosun & Pirates         27032xp     4737gp
Location:  Aisen Island, the Pirate's tower
Levels:  Hero 37, Aguro 34, Lufia 36, Jerin 32

Oil dragon            31000xp       4031gp
Location:  Oil cave
Levels:  Hero 42, Aguro 38, Lufia 41, Jerin 36

Nazeby            50000xp        0gp
Location:  Glasdar tower
Levels:  Hero 43, Aguro 40, Lufia 42, Jerin 37

Gades         65000xp     0gp
Location:  Doom island
Levels:  Hero 44, Aguro 41, Jerin 38

Amon         65000xp     0gp
Location:  Doom island
Levels:  Hero 44, Aguro 41, Jerin 38

Daos         65000xp   0gp
Location:   Doom island
Levels:  Hero 45, Aguro 42, Jerin 39

Guard Daos, last boss           0xp     0gp
Location:  Doom island
Levels:  Hero 45, Aguro 43, Jerin 40, Lufia 42

10 - Game genie codes

Alright, these codes were all got from internet and I tested them all. I will 
describe them all here.

Codes to get more status from potions:

0AED 04FF - Use a spell potion and get 255 MP
0AED 4AFF - Use a mind potion and get 255 INT
0AED 6DFF - Use a great potion and get 255 STR

Note: Your status will go very high, note that your mp returns to 0 after you 
pass 999, but you will have more than 1000 mp, use a lot of spell potions than 
use a miracle. Now check your spell list to confirm this.
Same for STR and INT. You will have a 4000+ STR or INT but you will see low 
damage in battles. In reality, you are giving more than 1000 damage, but the 
thousand house doesn't appear. I confirmed this when I gave 016 damage on an 
Efreet and he died.

Codes to increase the probability of getting the better numbers using potions

FD34 0448 - Speed potion
FD30 0438 - Mind potion
FD31 07C8 - Great potion
FD3D 0F18 - Spell potion
FD33 DDC8 - Power potion

Note: With these codes on, your chance of getting 3 of str,agl, and int, and 
getting 5 of hp and mp when using that potions will increase a little.

Code for no random battles

01 B4 5698

Note: With this, you get no random battles, but you can't enter anywhere, and 
also, your buttons are locked. Use it to explore, then disable it when you 
must enter a place or a door.

Codes to get tons of xp gp, and get different items from enemies

01F5 DA0D
01F5 DA71
01F5 DA7B
01F5 DA7D
01F5 DA82 - get might sword from gold orcs
01F5 DA85 - get might bow from efreets

Note: These 6 codes seem to change the xp, gp, and items of monsters. 
Sometimes you get really big xp and gp, and sometimes 0. Also, you can even 
get dummy items. For each code the thing is fixed, same monsters always give 
same things, so, someday I will make a list for each code with xp, gp and 
items for each monster.

Some useless codes

4DB4 D401 - move quicker in the world and dungeons
8236 0F34 - Infinite HP
823A 0FC4 - Infinite MP

Note: These codes didn't worked for me. Istead of doing what they are 
supposed, they locked some buttons and messed up the graphics in battles.

There are more codes on internet, but the only ones I found usefull are these. 

Well, that's it. I hope you liked this faq, It gave me a lot of work, but it 
was a pleasure doing it.

If you think that there is something that might improve this faq, or  if you 
find something that is not here, like hidden items, or items monsters carry, 
please e-mail me so I can update it. You will be given the credit of course.

Also, if anyone wants to speak via e-mail about this game or any other rpg, 
feel free to e-mail me.

Copyright® by Leandro Gueths Dupke, the "Lord Leandreus".

Contact: leandreu@terra.com.br

People who helped me, thanks again:

- Don Petus: dpettus@i1.net
- Celes Destiny: CelesDestiny@compuserve.dee

The end.

    Source: geocities.com/dshpmx