
The Cast

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Doctor Who Trident

Having lost the TARDIS on present day Earth, the seventh doctor and ACE’s only 
lead is to a mysterious corporation in the heart of the docklands.  However the true 
nature of the corporation stretches from prehistoric earth through to the far distant
 future. Whilst the seventh doctor and ace investigate into the head of the 
the fifth doctor has been dragged through a temporal suction tube into earth’s far 
distant past.  However he is not the only one who has been brought back in time.
One of his deadliest enemies is also there, however this time there is something more terrible than just Cybermen to deal with.

In the future the sixth doctor’s TARDIS has a forced landing aboard a vast spaceship which is heading towards the earth.  Unfortunately the ship is not planning on stopping 
and as the Doctor investigates further, he discovers that an attack squad of Cybermen have taken over the ship and seem to be searching for something…or someone.  The Doctor’s must discover what ties the three time zones together before they themselves runs 
out of time!



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