Drunk Monkey Marketing
Drunk Monkey Marketing

Buy this shirt! Buy this shirt!
Buy this shirt! Buy this shirt! Buy this shirt!
Drunk Monkey Marketing
29 August 2003: I'll be adding some more shirts and models tonight so make sure to check back. Also, the official Drunk Monkey Marketing message board is up and running, so please swing by and leave me something good and juicy, preferably the worst insult you can muster (against me of course). A virtual slap in the face... come on, I double dare ya! Make my momma blush...

But make sure to leave something good for the models.

Poll of the Drunk Monkey What was the ticket price of the last rave you went to?

Drunk Monkey Girls: I'm actively looking for new females from around the world to demonstrate the power of our shirts. So if you're a girl and bought a dm shirt, just take some pictures of yourself and send them to drunkmonkeymarketing2003@yahoo.com... your pictures will be personally reviewed by enRique and myself, and we'll pick the best photos that shows our shirts in action (good examples are night clubs, hanging out, eating at Denny's, webcam shots, etc), anything you can think of. The crazier the better. And if we list your picture on our site, we'll link your pic to our shirt shop, so every sale made from your picture you'll get 1/3 of the profit.

And if you're rolling in mad cash and don't know what to do with it, why not donate 50 cents to the drunk monkey cause? Okay, I can think of a hundred reasons why not, but enRique thought this would be a great idea...

Drunk Monkey Marketing

(C) 2003 Drunk Monkey Marketing, Inc. "Drunk Monkey Marketing: Club Gear for Girls" and "Drunk Monkey Marketing, Inc." are property of Drunk Monkey Marketing, Inc. and Michael McGowan. You are visitor Counter since the site was opened 25 August 2003.