10.20.02: Page 009 of Gaijin is up. D-da d-da d-dat's all folks!

10.16.02: Wow, everything's so much darker! If you haven't been to my site before, I changed the background because I found out that the old background I had took forever for people to load, so I feel retarded. Anyway, Page 008 of Gaijin is complete and posted.

10.13.02 Gaijin Page 7 is up! Yatta! I'm so happy! It took me...54 days to complete that page. That's a looooong time. Anyway, that's it for today's updates.

10.12.02: More art added to the fanart section. I'm working on Gaijin, really! (sorry fans!) I also have a Livejournal. Check it out. It's at LiveJournal.com.

10.10.02: I'm totally hyped because I got a LiveJournal account (thank you Nathan!). Anyway, school is still happening so Gaijin is taking a REALLY long time for me to complete; plus I'm a huge procrastinator so that doesn't help. I re-made my sketchbook section so that's new. I think that's it for today. sayonara.

9.16.02: I've added a list of my manga collection to my bio. I'm working on my anime collection, but that's gonna take some time. Anway, Gaijin 7 is on it's way. I might get it done before anyone reads this update (well, probably because no one except for my ultra l33t best friend visits my site).

09.07.02: There's a new menu layout. yay. I think that's it. How exciting -_-

08.28.02: Cover, vocabulary, and Freetalk part 3 has been posted! I'm trying to get a good anime section up, but it will take a lot of work, so have patience, my dearies ^_^

08.22.02: Not much this time: I scanned in my finished(kinda)fanart of Kouryuu into my fanart section, and I rearranged my index.html page. Page 7 of Gaijin is 20% complete.

08.21.02: The Sound files section of the Misc page is finally up and running. I only have clips from Warcraft, but they're pretty damn hilarious. I recently just upgraded the RAM on my computer, so updates will be happening much more frequently(yay!) from now on...now if only I knew how to install this 'hard drive' thing-a-ma-jiggy.

08.20.02: Page 6 of GAIJIN is complete! woohoo! And also Freetalk Part 2.

8.15.02: Page 5 of Gaijin is up. I've also added Cranberry no Miko's and Firefly of Death's fanfiction up under my miscellaneous section.

8.12.02: I've added another one of my comics (the one that I'm actually working on). It's under the Art section. Check it out, tell me what you think. Don't pay any attention to the logo though...it's only temporary until I come up with a better one.

08.08.02: Just added a comic section! Go check it out! It's under "My Arts" section. That's it for now!