
Test #2

Guys: We will have our test #1 on Friday, April 22nd

-First Part: Oral tests.


-Second Part: Written tests.

So, again…. if you finish earlier you can go home….:)


BY THE WAY, check the previous page and study some exercises that I uploaded a long time ago. Unit 7 / Exercises

Also check Unit 8 / Numbers



This part is performed at the beginning of the lesson. 


Grading Scale

2pts: time to make reference to situations

3pts: structures, tenses, vocabulary and grammar

3pts: pronunciation


Topics for Oral Part:

-You should perform this individually.

-Remember that you have to choose FOUR situations in class

(TWO: going to & TWO: should). So, once again ….my advice is: study all of them….!!!


           Using:  S H O U L D

-Street Crime in CR

-High Prices in CR (food, bus fare, etc)

-Ethnic Conflicts around the world

-Alcohol abuse in CR

-AIDS around the world

-Expensive tuition for Universities in CR

-Prostitution in CR

-Terrible food in the cafeteria

-Or...Two personal topics

             Using: G O I N G  T O

-Your kid’s profession

-Your future car (description)

-Your future house (description)

-Your future profession

-Future champion in CR (soccer)

-Your future clothing to work

-Your future gifts during Christmas

-Your English skills in 2010

-Or...Two personal topics








Test #1


Guys: We will have our test #1 on Friday, April 8th.

-First Part: Oral tests.


-Second Part: Written tests.

So, if you finish earlier you can go home….:)


Topics for Written Part:

a-      There is / There are:  affirmative, negative, question forms.

b-     Simple Past Tense (Verb list, regular-irregular verbs, affirmative, negative, question forms, all variations in the simple past tense)

c-      Adjectives, Comparatives, Superlatives (all variations)


Topics for Oral Part:

-You can perform this part either in pairs OR individually. So, it’s your personal decision    

 and you can decide on your partner.

-Remember that you have to choose one of these situations in class. So, my advice is: study all of them….!!!

-First part: use Simple Past Tense – Second part: Use A-C-S.  Total time for your presentation: 3 minutes approximately per person.


Using Simple Past Tense: 2 minutes


a-      Talk about a famous or unknown person who is dead.

b-     Talk about CR, your city, OR your neighborhood in the past.

c-      Talk about an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend you had in the past.

d-     Talk about any good friend that you had in the past

e-      Talk about your time and experiences in high school

f-       Talk about any trip to the beach, another country OR any other interesting place.

g-      Talk about any job that you had in the past.

h-      Use any personal topic if you wish, but it should be in THE PAST


Using Adjectives+Comparatives+Superlatives  1 minute approximately = 3 options


a-      Going to work by bus               /           Going to work by taxi

b-     Doing exercises                        /           Staying at home watching TV

c-      Getting married                         /           Living with another person without getting married

d-     Studying a career                      /           Working without any studies

e-      Soccer in CR                            /           Basketball in CR

f-       Catholics in CR                        /           Christians in CR

g-      Cold places to visit                   /           Hot places to visit

h-      Japanese food                          /           Chinese food

i-        Fidel Castro (Cuba)                  /           Hugo Chaves (Venezuela)

j-       Paulina Rubio                           /           Celine Dion

k-     Use any personal subject if you wish, but you should use A-C-S






March 30th

Guys, we will not have our test #1 on Friday, April 1st.

Please check the documents that you need to print. Take a look at UNIT 7 on previous page.




March 13th

1. People who don’t have the book, please photocopy these pages:

UNIT 6: 91-92-93-94-95-96-101-102-105-106-107-109-110

UNIT 7: 111- 112-113-114-115-119-122-123-125

UNIT 8: 127-128-130-136-137-140-141

UNIT 9: 145-146-147-155