Purple Twos

2C = strong 2C OR weak 2D OR weak/GF 5H+5minor   OR  20-21 bal OR GF 4441
2D = strong 2D OR weak 2H OR weak/GF 5S+5another OR  22-24 bal
2H = strong 2H OR weak 2S OR weak/GF 5C+5D       OR  25-27 bal
2S = strong 2S                                   OR  28-30 bal
2N = transfer preempt to 3C
3C = transfer preempt to 3D
3D = transfer preempt to 3H
3H = transfer preempt to 3S
3S = transfer gambling 3NT
3N = transfer preempt to 4C
4C = transfer preempt to 4D
4D = transfer preempt to 4H
4H = transfer preempt to 4S

Responses to 2C, 2D, 2H
All hands that can't invite opposite a weak 2 hand or a weak 2-suiter 
should bid the 1st step above the opening bid.  Hands that are invitational
or better should bid the 2nd step above the opening bid.  2NT counts as one 
of the steps.

Responses to 2S
Since both 2S options are strong, 2N shows a super-negative and 3C
shows > 4.

Rebids to Weak Responses

2C-2D Rebids
p  = weak 2D
2H = weak 5H+5minor (3C is pass or correct)
2S = strong, any 4441 (2N asks opener to bid their short suit)
2N = 20-21 balanced (normal 2NT systems on!)
3C = strong club hand
-----3D = shows < 4 points
3D = H+D GF two-suiter
3H = H+C GF two-suiter

2D-2H Rebids
p  = weak 2H
2S = weak 5S+5another (3C is pass or correct)
2N = 22-24 balanced (normal 2NT systems on!)
3C = S+C GF two-suiter
3D = strong diamond hand
-----3H = shows < 4 points
3H = S+D GF two-suiter
3S = S+H GF two-suiter

2H-2S Rebids
p  = weak 2S
2N = 25-27 balanced (normal 2NT systems on!)
3C = weak 5C+5D
3D = strong heart hand
-----3H = shows < 4 points passable!!!!
3H = GF 5C+5D

2S-2N Rebids
3C = GF 5 spade hand
3D = GF 6 spade hand
3S = strong but not GF spade hand
3N = 28-30 balanced (systems on)

Rebids to Invite+ Responses

2C-2H Rebids
2S = top of weak 2D or weak 5H+5minor.  2NT relays followed by:
     3C = 5H+5C
     3D = 5H+5D
     3H = weak 2D
     3N = AKQxxx of diamonds
2N = bottom of 5H+5C
3C = bottom of 5H+5D
3D = bottom of weak 2D
3H = GF H+C
3S = GF H+D
3N = 20-21 bal
4C = strong club hand

2D-2S Rebids
2N = bottom of 5S+5C
3C = bottom of 5S+5D
3D = bottom of 5S+5H
3H = bottom of weak 2H
3S = top of weak 2H or weak 5S+5another.  3N relays followed by:
     4C = 5S+5C
     4D = 5S+5D
     4H = weak 2H
3N = 22-24 bal
4C = GF S+C
4D = strong diamond hand
4H = GF S+H
4S = GF S+D

2H-2N Rebids
3C = bottom of 5C+5D
3D = top of weak 2S or weak 5C+5D.  3H relays followed by:
     3S = 5C+5D
     3N = AKQxxx of spades
     4C = weak 2S
3H = bottom of weak 2S
3S = GF C+D
3N = 25-27 bal

2S-3C Rebids
3D = 5 spades GF
3H = 6 spades GF
3N = 28-30 bal

In competition over opening 2C-2H
Pass shows 1st step
x/xx shows 2nd step

In competition over a 1st step response to 2C-2H
Pass shows one of the weak varieties
x/xx shows one of the strong varieties

In competition over a 2nd step response to 2C-2H
Pass shows a very poor weak opening
x/xx shows a max for one of the weak opening

    Source: geocities.com/drtodd13/bridge_files

               ( geocities.com/drtodd13)