Course Goals and Learning Objectives of Anthr. 003

Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology
Course goals and Learning Objectives


PICTURE The basic goal of Anthropology 03 is to provide a background in cultural anthropology; so that students will be able to approach their own work and other experiences with an anthropological point of view. This goal implies the development of a working knowledge of the concept of culture and an awareness of the significance of cultural variation in different social settings and situations. Students should become aware of the relativity of human values, and the roles that culturally defined values play in affecting the actions of individuals and groups. Students should improve their capacities to think critically about their own values, ideas and assumptions; as well as those values, ideas, and assumptions that might underlie the behavioral norms of other cultures. The development of this critical approach is applicable to other academic and professional domains; particularly in an international, multicultural context. An anthropological perspective can be viewed as the ability to study other cultures objectively and to withhold pre-judgment until essential evidence is brought to bear in analyzing comparative economic, political or religious differences.

Students who complete Anthropology 03 should be able to define the concept of culture and understand how it applies to a variety of social domains and circumstances. They should be able to understand and discuss the role of culture in shaping all relationships between human beings and to their physical, biological or social environments.
Click here to see Anthropology 003 Course Syllabus

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Updated 02/02/06