Where it began...

Once upon a time there was this guy named Bill Jones. He came up with a lemon-lime drink called Mountain Dew. A big evil company called Pepsi was in charge of the place at which Mountain Dew was bottled. Pepsi told the bottlers that they could not bottle any lemon-lime drink other than Teem. Teem was Pepsi's newest drink.

Not to be outdone Bill put just enough orange flavoring in his drink so that it would not be clasified as lemon-lime. With a mind full of new names for his product he set about trying to get it bottled. For a time he had no takers. Then one day he came across Herman and Charles Minges. Dudes said "We'll bottle your stuff but you have to call it Mountain Dew 'cause we still have all these Mountain Dew bottles left over from the last time!" Bill hesitantly agreed and Mountain Dew was a hit.

Many offers came in from soft-drink companies interested in acquiring the rights to Mountain Dew. In an ironic twist it was Pepsi, the company that forced him to quit making Mountain Dew in the first place, that ended up becoming the new manufacturer.

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