This is my site  dedicated to Programming and the useful things you can do with it.  Some of the sites listed are what people like to call hacker sites, but these sites are not here for you to go to and use what you find to do bad things.  The reason I am presenting these sites is I believe that we as a community need to know what the black hat hackers are doing out there so that we can better protect ourselves from these guys.  This site will also introduce another concept called the white hat hacker.  By defintion now days a hacker is a person that breaks into a system to do harm to the system or to gain personal gain.  That definition couldn't be more wrong.  This type of hacker is called a black hat hacker, on the other hand when you have a person that has the permission of the site or company to hack their website to help find system loopholes you would be a white hat hacker.  Plain and simple one has a life in this world and one doesn't I will let you decide which you want to be.  I accept no responsibility for whatever you use this information for.  Thanks and happy programming. 

Jeffery Thompson
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