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Tiananmen Square
Chinese Democracy Movement
10th Anniversary - June 4 1989

The year 1989 was a watershed year for the struggle for Individual Human Freedom and Democracy across the world. Communist rule in the Soviet Union was crumbling, and the Communist regimes in the eastern block Warsaw Pact nations were being overthrown by their own people. Freedom was in the air, and closed borders were opened to allow travel and emigration.

The People of China had endured much under the Communists, and it is not over. Mao's "Great Leap Forward", the Gang of Four, the Red Guard, and other horrors. Imprisonment for the wrong political beliefs had become commonplace. But the hunger for democratic reforms remained unfulfilled, notwithstanding the efforts of some officials to open China to western trade. Years of patient and gentle persistence in the struggle for Freedom and truly democratic reform were about to explode into the largest mass demonstration in history.

As Mikail Gorbachev prepared to visit mainland China, events were unfolding in Beijing that shake the world to this day. Hu Yaobang, former Secretary General of the Chinese Communist Party was about to die.

As the 10th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre approaches, the Communist government of mainland China remains ruthless and unbending to democratic reforms. The People of China that the Communists slaughtered in the streets of Beijing and in Tiananmen Square are called by Communist Party officials "some flies and mosquitoes>" to be swatted.

In the years since the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the Communist regime has continued to bully, threaten, harass, imprison, torture, and execute Chinese citizens for any effort to organise a democratic opposition party. But a group of Brave Chinese organisers have mounted a worldwide internet petition campaign to the United Nations, and to the Communist Chinese government, to end this brutality.

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