Subject: Re: Pulsor Boundary Region
Date: Tue, 12 May 1998 20:12:53 -0500

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Subject: Pulsor Boundary Region
From: (D. Manchester)
Date: 1996/02/23
Newsgroups: sci.fractals
> Summary: Pulsor Boundary Region related to Mandlebrot Set.

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>Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 17:55:58 -0500
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>From: (D. Manchester (dcm))
>Subject: Pulsor Boundary Region

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>Date: Fri, 23 Feb 1996 17:35:16 -0500
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>From: (D. Manchester (dcm))
>Subject: Freeze-Spindizzy!
> Summary: Pulsor Boundary Region related to Mandlebrot Set.


  I plan to make books and inventions out of this language and
  these Ideas, so I have included a copyright notice right here:

  (C) Copyright 1996 By David C. Manchester
  Authors Notice: Permission is granted to USENET to repost
  this document, or an edited version, when, if, and as they
  feel appropriate, to serve their members requests.
  Notwithstanding the above permission, the Author reserves and retains
  All rights to reproduction, transmission, distribution and all other
  Rights Worldwide, to include patents on and/or inventions derivative
  of the application of processes, techniques, and technologies based
  on the theoretical ideas discussed in this message irrespective of
  the use of the pulsor metaphor in any such derivation or technical
  development. -D. Manchester, MADRIGAL Development Company, 23 Feb,1996


                    Boundary Regions in the Pulsor


         "Up against the wall, Spindizzy. Freeze!  Now spread'em."


                  (C)Copyright 1996 David C. Manchester


       "Not only is the Universe queerer than we imagine,
         it is queerer than we *can* imagine." - J.B.S. Haldane

        "A truly great scientist never knows exactly what
          he is doing." - A.N. Whitehead

         "eep ! " - Bart Simpson

  A pulsor is a stitch in time.

  Nature is a Cantor Dust of Strange regularity.  Euler's identity
 is a recipe for the fractal folding of Space-Time.  Plank's constant
 reveals an index of this fractal folding with respect to our expanding
 positively curved Universe, and the probability function describing
 the Lyapunov-Euler boundary region with our universe's negatively
 curved (tachyon) counterpart at the center of the pulsor.

 Leptons, Hadrons, and quarks exists only in the outmost region
 of a Pulsor, and we call them (leptons and hadrons) Tardyons.

 The Tachyon universe which is co-incident with our positively curved
 cosmos has a negative curvature.

 Our positively curved cosmos exists in the phase space of the outermost
 portion of a pulsor.

 The boundary region separating the two is a region of convergence and
 divergence (of rates of convergence-divergence) , of stretching and
 folding, of inflation and collapse.

 The Mandlebrot Set is the reflection of this in our positively curved
 world.  It is the evidence of the fail-safe, informational integrity
 built into our number system as well as the pulsing cycle of
 discontinuity we see from our quantum experiments.  The Mandlebrot
 Set is an example of GOD's phase-lock on Thermodynamics for our
 particular Universe through Plank's Constant.

 A digression: I used the word "co-incident" above.  I do not think
 as it was used that it would be the same as quantum superposition (qs).
 It is my current (incomplete! :) ) understanding that qs occurs
 in the same phase space, and the outer part of a pulsor is
 a phase space with it's own peculiar rules...those of current QED/QCD,
 Special and General Relativity... wrt the rules of phase-space of negative
 curvature.  (I mean, I don't _think_ I am talking about quantum
 superposition here, although that may apply).

 So "co-incident" as used here means an inter-leaving of phase-spaces
 of positive and negative curvature, with tardyons extending through
 the positive, and tachyons extending through ("instending through?
 ...extension/instension?  ugh. that sounds horrible!) the negative.

 The pattern of that interleaving in Pulsor meta-phase-space is
 either the Mandlebrot Set, or deeply, directly related to it.
 Our particular universe in this picture is the one where Plank's
 constant is what we find it to be here, and it points to a
 probability function that is discontinuous at those points of
 the meta-phase-space at which the density of the bands of
 convergence/divergence between negative and positive curvature
 approaches infinity.

 It's like the Mandlebrot set: An infinitely thin line (boundary)
 separating two regions, one region "inside" i.e. convergent (or
 oscillating between determinate, sometimes stable values, our cosmos);
 and divergence, taking off to infinity at increasingly accellerating
 rates (moving outward from the "more convergent" bands/areas).

 If GOD used e**ipi+1=0, Euler's equation, in creating the Universe,
 (and he seems to have, since we can use it ties our math together,
  the same math we can use to describe nature), then it seems he must
 also have chosen Plank's Constant for this particular Here/Now. This
 thought has technological implications, and applications, and I am hereby
 reserving all rights to any inventions based on this, and all other
 ideas presented in this message. (a man's got to eat...dcm)

 To continue,

  From the Fractal FAQ:

   "Lyapunov exponents measure the _rate_of_ divergence_ (italics mine)
  of _nearby_ orbits."

  If We consider the Universe to be composed of Tardyons and Tachyons:

   (using plainer words)

  If We think of the world as two families of bits, one only moving
  slower than the speed of light, and one moving faster than the speed
  of light, then the family that moves slower is what scientists call
  "Tardyons".   The ones that move faster than light, "Tachyons", are
  very subtly interweaved amongst their slower Tardyon brethren-bits.
  They play a never-ending, transfinite game of tag, yet never touch,
  passing mass and energy (content) through time and space (channel),
  over the fence of the Euler-Lyapunov imaginary, transcendental
  boundary condition in an eternal byplay of IMAGE and MESSAGE,
  event and image-of-event. This interwoven spindizzy is what the
  Pulsor model describes.

  From the Fractal FAQ:  "Roughly speaking the (maximal) Lyapunov
  exponent is the time-average _logarithmic_growth_rate_ (my italics-dcm)
  of the distance between two nearby orbits."

  Well, what does the Pulsor model seek to address?  Continuity and
  discontinuity in Space-Time as Plank, Einstein, and Bohr addressed
  it in Mass-Energy through Relativity and Quantum theory.  But Einstein
  struggled with a grand unification that would include Gravity
  until he passed away, still convinced that GOD does not play dice.

  A big problem was the geometries of space and time and their
  supposed interchangeability: this Space leads to black and white
  holes; this Time leads to multiple world lines, parallel worlds,
  and paradox.  Not a manageable view at all for the "conservative
  revolutionaries" of physics.  Not the aesthetic balance sought
  by Einstein.

  Pulsors give us a way of looking at Relativity and Quantum theory
  which would include the unified quantum gravity Einstein so
  tirelessly sought, and which avoids the problems of paradox in
  an Absolute with a capital "A", and fail-safe way.  GOD does not
  build shoddy operating systems.  They do not crash.  There are no
  "memory management" problems.  I believe that if we are thoughts
  in the mind of the Almighty, an absolute fail-safe like the Mandlebrot
  set is a necessity, or we'd have driven him nuts by now.(! :) )

  Observe that a cycle is a kind of "orbit", the traversal
  of a circuit.  A communication is the sending of a message encrypted
  in signals through a channel to a receiver.  To decode the message
  the receiver gets, the receiver must decrypt signals emerging from
  the channel back into the message.

  There is a mathematical and topological assymettry about the Pulsor,
  an Absolutely determined fractal, strange breaking of the initial
  symmetry of negative space into positive; yet a break which leaves
  events in the positively curved world open-ended.  Determinism,
  and Free-Will, interleaved in a most subtle way.  As Baba Ram-Das
  (Richard Alpbert) once said, "We can't put it together. It IS together."

  One final note, for those who have read my message "Pulsor Rigor
  of Epistemology: Apologia & Guidelines".  If we were to look for
  that single, pristine equation, would it not be Euler's equation?

  Please forgive the somewhat disorderly presentation of thoughts
  here, and in the release of these messages.  I pray that the
  overall message has not been lost or distorted in transmission.
  Bear with me, because I'm still trying to sort these things out
  myself.  It behooves me however to get these ideas out so they
  can stand or fall in the cold light of critical scrutiny.  Otherwise
  I might still be maundering around with it in another 22 years,
  and it would be nice to branch out to other interests.  Thanks
  for Your attention, patience and understanding.

                                    -dcm, 2-23-96
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances."- Amendment I to the
Constitution of the United States.
In God We Trust          D.Manchester

(end of original message)


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