In Thru the Out Door
david manchester gallery

"Just a Moment"


"You're Still in the Exit Room. This is the Exit Room."
-Kevin Costner, Tin Cup

Some thoughts on Media,
Human's Liberation, and the ongoing Communications Revolution.

[ Each moment an eternity unto itself (and to each other!]

[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise? ...]

[ Just a Moment... quantum reality is discretely discontinuous,...][ guffaws to /dev/null ]

H.Marshall McLuhan saved my sanity, back when I was unhappily writing propaganda for the Army. I took six months and thoroughly studied his "Understanding Media: The extensions of Man".

"The wheel," he said, "is an extension of the foot."

The club is an extension of the fist. (See his "War and Peace in the Global Village, if You can find it (It was out of print, so I went to a college library and Xeroxed it at a nickel a page when nobody was looking.)

The book is an extension of the eye. The radio is an extension of the ear. The television caused us to begin using our eyes like we piece together sound with our ear, a raster line at a time through our short-term memory.

Any technology is some kind of externalisation of some natural body or mind function.

The telephone extends our voice. The evolving, emerging global mass (and now with the web, de-massified) electronic communications infrastructure is an externalisation of Mankind's Collective Central Nervous System. This is the Internet, an ironic techno-counterpoint to Carl Jung's Collective Unconscious. Ironic, because it grew out of the efforts of the military cold war machine, which is not yet gone away.

Strange Days Indeed. (Momma told me...) Yet the convergence is a harmonic one, irrespective of the pathetic attempts on the part of the moles and secret shadow governments of the "free" "democracies" to throttle a process which synergistically emerges past that knee of the yeast growth curve.

We witness the emergence of Human Freedom. Here. Now. Right there on the other side of that screen, at Your fingertips through USENET, "chat" groups; NETSCAPE and realaudio and video and xing streamworks and email and the soon to be dynamic and active, collaborative environment of Communicator and Navigator, the world wide web and the intranets, (which a few MIS types are finally starting to realise they have to have);

Liberty...especially through the popular use of strong encryption freely available to everyone, not just shadowy oligarchies and fascists pretending not to be running the post coldwar free democracies.

Freedom. Without bloodshed, but with the light of the free flow of information...and anonymous remailers.

...Well and good. The struggle continues.

. -- dcm April, 1997

[ Just a an ocean foam, governed by gauge theory. ] [ Just a Moment...Gauge Theory.  Geometrodynamics.  Quantum discrete Hypertoriodal Topology.]
Just a Moment. Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory..
[ Just a Moment...and the Image of the Moment... ]

[ Just a Moment...each a Message of the Image. ] [ Just a Us, in this World

of Positive Curvature. ] [ Just a Moment...Who said 'time is of the essence'? ]


[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]
[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]
[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]
[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]
[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]
[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ] [ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]
[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]

[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]

Excerpts from Boudary Regions in the Pulsor.


An oscillating quantum discontinuity lay at the center of a Pulsor.


A Pulsor is a channel through which mass and energy may flow through the media of time and space.


It is a mechanism for describing a model of the world where the channel itself collapses and passes though itself as signal, forever oscillating between the concave and the convex Universe.


A Pulsor is a stitch in time... a stitch in time..


Nature is a Cantor Dust of Strange regularity.


"Not only is the Universe queerer than we imagine, it is queerer than we *can* imagine." - J.B.S. Haldane


"A truly great scientist never knows exactly what he is doing." - A.N. Whitehead


"eep ! " - Bart Simpson

 An animation suggestive of a stitch
A pulsor is a stitch in time.

Nature is a Cantor Dust of Strange regularity. Euler's identity is a recipe for the fractal folding of Space-Time. Planck's constant reveals an index of this fractal folding with respect to our expanding positively curved Universe, and the function describing the Lyapunov-Euler boundary region with our universe's negatively curved (tachyon) counterpart at the center of the pulsor. This is not a probability function, as it's value goes from -1 to 1.

Leptons, Hadrons, and quarks exists only in the outmost region of a Pulsor, and we call them (leptons and hadrons) Tardyons.

The Tachyon universe which is co-incident with our positively curved cosmos has a negative curvature.

Our positively curved cosmos exists in the phase space of the outermost portion of a pulsor.

The boundary region separating the two is a region of convergence and divergence (of rates of convergence-divergence) , of stretching and folding, of inflation and collapse.

The Mandlebrot Set is the reflection of this in our positively curved world. It is the evidence of the fail-safe, informational integrity built into our number system as well as the pulsing cycle of discontinuity we see from our quantum experiments. The Mandlebrot Set is an example of GOD's phase-lock on Thermodynamics for our particular Universe through Planck's Constant. -from "Boundary Regions in the Pulsor"


[  ...anything

You do will be insignificant.  It is nevertheless very important that You do it....    -Mohandas Ghandi.]

[ Rigour-114.]

[ Rigour-114.][  Rigour-114]

This page was originally created by the zany folks at Netscape, to demonstrate the ability to position HTML elements on the screen with precise control. It was called "The Temple of Pacman".

Be Here Now. -- dcm (I'm not quoting Richard "Ram Das" Alpbert...just remembering...and stringin' the words together on my own.) (he said it, too.)

[ Rigour-114. ] [ Led Zeppelin Live when I was 15  THAT was a Religious experience...changed my life forever in a

most profound way.]
...anythingYou do will be insignificant.

It is nevertheless very important that You do it....

-Mohandas Ghandi.

[ Rigour-114. ]

[ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ]

[ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ]
[ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ]
[ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ]
[ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ]
[ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ]
[ Rigour-114. ] [ Rigour-114. ]

[ Rigour-114. ]


Of all the wallpapers I've made, Her's a couple versions of my my favorite.

16 million Color jpg file (1024x768 jpg 59k)

256 Color gif (640x480 gif 301.4k)


[ Rigour-114]


[  Enter the Shrine...You can keep the hat on.]

[ Mozilla Razes a Path...Makes Tags Blink.]


[ Just a Moment.  Did You ever stop to realise that quantum reality is Discontinuous, and that it's like an ocean foam governed by gauge theory.. ]


This is still the Exit Room.

Site Design by Dave Manchester
Copyright © 2000 David C. Manchester
Graphic Images Copyright © 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000 David C. Manchester