
The close of the millennium is drawing near and with it we are seeing many ancient prophecies and writings arise
from the caves and closets from which they have been hidden for many years. Some of them tell stories of wonder
and enlightenment and many others speak of decay and destruction.

Regardless of the truth of any of these predictions, the turn of the millennium will bring great impact on many
people simply because of the natural tension that arises around such a "calendar change". All people on one level or
another are assessing their lives. This is happening both consciously and subconsciously, and if you do not seem to
have a propensity towards conscious and directed searching then the media will certainly help that along. From
television programs on angels, and ghosts, to group suicides to crop circles to miracle healings, to deforestation and
energy vortex sites, to holy wars and the effects of prayers. Unless you live in the tundra with no communication to the population at large, then all of this information is certainly difficult to avoid.

The impact in many peoples lives will be apparent in everything from how we keep physically fit, how we promote
personal, family, and community growth, and our search for deep spiritual insights. Others may be impacted by fear
of change, and fear that the road ahead will be filled with death and destruction.

You need not concern yourself if whether there will be a day of reckoning when the, "wheat will be separated from
the chaff". But what you may want to consider is whether you, consciously or subconsciously, believe that you are
"destined to be doomed" or are "destined for glory and Love". Remember that "Where your mind is, there you are."
And, if your current belief is one of tragedy and hell for yourself and your loved ones, in many ways you are already
living that life. You need not wait for a day of reckoning to begin to feel the impact of your deep-seated beliefs.

You are your choices in this life. You have the freedom and awesome power to change your choices. You know that
you need not wait for others to prod you on and that you have our own initiative to draw from. See the illumination
and brightness in your mind, heart and soul in this and every moment and you will dance through the so-called
"doom's day" towards the Joy, Love and Total Fulfillment, of where you have come from, what you are now, and
where you will go.

-The Inspirational center-

Happy New Year!


"It seems to me that we can never give up
longing and wishing while we are thoroughly
alive. There are things we feel to be
beautiful and good, and we must hunger
after them."

-George Sand-

"All men dream, but unequally. Those that dream at
night in the dusty recesses of their minds awake the
next day to find that their dreams were just vanity.
But those who dream during the day with their eyes
wide open are dangerous men; they act out their
dreams to make them reality."

-Thomas Edward Lawrence-

"Now' is the operative word. Everything you put in
your way is just a method of putting off the hour
when you could actually be doing your dream. You
don't need endless time and perfect conditions. Do it
now. Do it today. Do it for twenty minutes and
watch your heart start beating."

-Barbara Sher-

"When you see a thing clearly in your mind,
your creative "success mechanism" within you
takes over and does the job much better than
you could do it by conscious effort or "willpower."


Just Me

From the time I was little, I knew I was
great `cause people would tell me, "You'll make it
- just wait."
But they never did tell me how great I would
be if I ever played someone who was greater than

When I'm in the back yard, I'm king with the
To swish all those baskets is no sweat at
But all of a sudden there's a man in my face
who doesn't seem to realize that I'm king of
this place.

So the pressure gets to me; I rush with the
My passes to teammates could go through the
My jumpers not falling, my dribbles not sure.
My hand is not steady, my eye is not pure.

The fault is my teammates - they don't
The fault is my coaches - what a terrible
The fault is the call by that blind referee.
But the fault is not mine; I'm the greatest,
you see.

Then finally it hit me when I started to see
that the face in the mirror looked exactly
like me.
It wasn't my teammates who were dropping the
ball, and it wasn't my coach shooting bricks at the

The face in the mirror that was always so
great had some room for improvement instead of just
So I stopped blaming others and I started to
My play got much better and it started to

And all of my teammates didn't seem quite so
I learned to depend on the good friends I
Now I like myself better since I started to
see that I was lousy being great - I'm much
better being me.

-Tom Krause-


The most useless day of all is that in which we have not

We are told that laughter is sunshine filling a room. And where
there is laughter, there also is life.

They say that people who laugh a lot live longer than do the

When we laugh together, gratitude comes more easily,
companionship thrives, and all praise is sincere.

Laughter brings us joy that cannot be bought. Such joy is with
us throughout each day. To hoard joy, to hide it away deep
within us away from others, will make us lonely misers.

We cannot buy or trade for joy, but we can give or receive it as
a gift.

Laughter's joy celebrates the moment we are living right now.
It is a gift we must share, or it will wither and die. Shared, it
grows and thrives, and always returns to us when we need it


10 Qualities of a Complete Winner

1. Positive Self-Expectancy
Always expect success - embrace the challenge

2. Positive Self-Motivation
Go after the rewards of success, not away from the penalties of failure

3. Positive Self-Image
If you can see it, you can do it

4. Positive Self-Direction
Ink what you think--write down your goals. Strive to be better today then you were yesterday.

5. Positive Self-Control
Winners make things happen - losers let things happen to them. Trust yourself and your preparation.

6. Positive Self-Discipline
Practice winning every single day. Be mentally tough - deal with the situation.

7. Positive Self-Esteem
Single most important human quality - feel good about being you. Always respond with a positive reply.

8. Positive Self-Dimension
Little successes lead to victories. Live in the 'Precious Present' - It's the only moment in which you have control.

9. Positive Self-Awareness
See your unlimited potential. Force yourself to push the envelope.

10. Positive Self-Commitment
Measure success against self. Don't get caught up with competing against others. Commit to Excellence

-D. Scott Ward, Ph.D-

NEON GRAPHICS BY: Pat's Web Graphics

THE LIGHTER SIDE OF Y2K: The lighter side

Y2K: Count down

Y2K BUGZ: Humor

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