Treasured Thoughts

When given an assignment or a task, this slave takes great pride in doing her best. Early this morning Master Law gave His slave a task of finding ideas to keep a slave busy in the absense of her Owner. Knowing that His pleasure is always utmost in her mind, she thought most of the day about what she wanted to place here. So below are some of her thoughts, of course at Master Law's request, this will be an ongoing list *soft smiles*.. so here is the start...
Reading, either offline or online stories, and perhaps writing a brief summary of what she is reading.
Feeding her graphic and font addiction.
Working on what stories she already has started on her web page.
Getting some excersise, she chould lose some weight.
Making a list of ways she can be pleasing for the time she does have online with her Master
With Masters permission, rebuilding the GOT web page, and adding more intense links with details to slave chores, dances, foods, drinks, and basics of serves hoping to help others.
Spending time with her family, now that the spring and summer is coming up, she'll most likely be spending less time indoors, and more time outdoors.
Being more dedicated to her journal. she has been lax over the past month.
Making lists of things she thinks she does well that are pleasing, and ways she can improve those things, as well as making lists of things she would like to change. Kind of a pro and con of herself.
Finding a job with benefits for her future, and so that eventually she'll be able to return to school and get her teaching degree, perhaps enrolling in some other kinds of courses until then, perhaps a writing course as the local community college has very inexpensive classes.
Beginning her new craft hobby idea *giggles softly* something new her mother has pimped off on her to try, she wants to learn to do polymere clay and her first attempt was rather good, now just needs some books with designs for what she's really wanting to do. Found insense burners at a new age store, with the idea she has in her head and they were charging 15.00 and up for them, and she knows it only cost about 5 bucks to make and not much time at all. This one is always eager to be crafty so her mom can earn money at her craft shows, who knows it might sell, lol.
With thoughts of moving in the near future again, a girl really needs to prioritize her life (her junk) and figure out what's important and not important.
Working on dances, and serves that will make Master sizzle when He watches her, that His attention will be totally focused on His beast, and that His chest will swell with pride that she is HIS! *winks*... and perhaps as He sizzles, He'll drag His beast to the furs often.
After the last weekend that i spent with my kiddos, i realized i was failing as a parent, a hard thing to admit to, so another thing in the next week that i will be working on to fill my time when i'm able to, will be making a *chore/point* chart where the kids will earn things, from small things such as goody coupons for 1 hour of reading time with me to big things like a trip to Worlds of Fun or Oceans of Fun which is our mini amusement parks. Needing to spend alot of thought on this, as it's fair to all the kids.
Finding ways to pamper herself (Okay so that's a very selfish task, but if one does not pamper herself, then how can her body be pleasing to the one she serves? both online and in real life, as if she's tired, she can't serve fully and says things that come out wrong.)
Writing that book list that Master and she had discussed not to long ago of books she thought He should get for Him and His real life girl to read either together or seperately.
Something i've been wanting to do is give my daughter my portable cd player with headsets. Once i get my computer up and running and i have a cd/burner, i want to burn off different CD's she likes, so she can start learning responbility for things. The boys have their gba's, and she doesn't really have anything other then her toys. She so loves music, so i thought that would be a good thing for her to have.
Along with priortizing my junk, i need to find out how much i owe everyone and begin getting out of debt. Making a budget and sticking to it.. what's a budget? *giggles*
Once she moves, painting the apartment all pretty and nice, making it warm happy place to come home too. Decorating it so the kids can enjoy their space too.
slave{Law} Started on March 11th, 2005