The Promise

after much browsing of the net, syn wanted to give to her Master something different, for Him. Your beast prays You find enjoyment in The Promise, a girls promise to You.

When syn met Master, she was Free, and never really thought about life beyond being Free. Having known Master for a long while online as His friend, it really isn't surprising that when both were "Free'd" so to speak from other people that they saught each other out and became better friends, and in the end, syn found freedom at His feet, and in His steel. So syn promises to always remember that their relationship is based on the foundation of a deep friendship, where respect, trust and honesty is always foremost.

syn will always remember her place, even if she doesn't like it, she will ALWAYS remember that she is slave, and Master IS Master. His word is final. And though He may listen to her, and He may speak to her about it, in the end, His wish is her command.

Always will syn PROMISE to be respectful of Masters real life, she may not always get to spend time with Him, but she will ALWAYS promise to Him and to meena that she knows that they are FIRST and she takes pride in the fact that she is His, and that He has collared her, and shares bits and pieces of their world with syn.

Above all of that, a girl will remember that in order to have a successful relationship she must communicate with Master on all levels. syn will trust in Him, and have faith in Him, His decisions are really in her best interest, and He only looks out for her well being.

syn remembers that she is slave, her place is at His feet, and to serve and to be pleasing. If she is grumpy she needs to remember her place, and perhaps warn Master of her mood *winks*, but she will never enter their home angry nor serve any Free if she is in a bad mood unless He orders her to do so. An unhappy slave is not a pleasing slave, and she will mend her attitude swiftly and promptly to be more pleasing.

In being pleasing that flows to her sister, the slaves of the home, she will be courteous and respectful, knowing that she will not stoop to petty bickering as it's beneath her as a person, a woman, an adult and as Masters Property. she will try to always be kind, helpful and caring and if she can't help a fellow slave she will ask Master what needs to be done or seek someone who is more qualified to help.

a girl promises to try to always be open and giving in her thoughts, syn knows he can't read her mind and if something is bugging her, it will reflect in her actions. That also goes to happiness and joy, she always promises to share the good times and the bad as they go hand in hand.

a girl promises to always remember that she is slave, she is not better or more knowledgeable then another, she may do things better then one, but then the other may do other things better then syn. she is not above anyone (Unless Master puts her there *winks*)

this one promises with all that she is, every fiber, every moment every breath she takes, that she will wear her collar of Master Law with pride and honor. A girl promises to always be pleasing, always serve with love and devotion to You, Master, and that wearing Your steel is a privledge and one that can be taken if she is ever disrespectful or hateful.

syn loves You Master and promises to give all that she is ALWAYS.

Thank You for choosing her to be Yours.. she is.. awed.

In loving dedication syn{Law}

Copyright by syn{Law} November 9th 2004, written for the sole purpose of her pleasure for Law!.