
There are many outfits that a Master may put His girl into. Anything from slave rags, to slave silks. Depending on the richness of a Master, and His desire of His girl too that is. Sometimes Masters or Free enjoy seeing their girls naked so that they can watch the lust of other men watch their property, being proud that They own such a girl. Or simply because it allows the Master to watch His naked girl as she serves Him, knowing she is ready for whenever His desire hits and He wishes to use the beast. Others like to see their property clothed. Through the years of traveling Gor, faith has either been naked or clothed in various colors of silks. Each silk depending on the Owner or channel she was in. One of the more glamorous garments faith can remember is that of the Sirik, a chained garment meant to show the slave that she is Owned, that every movement is bound by not only the chain, but a link to her Owner, marking her Owned. Below is that description.
Then, when I was absolutely naked, a golden collar, to which a chain was attached, with wrist rings and ankle rings, was brought. It was a chaining system of that sort called a sirik. My chin was thrust up and I felt the golden collar locked about my throat. Almost as the same time my wrists, held closely together before me, were locked helplessly in the wrist rings. In another instant, my ankles, held, were helplessly in the ankle rings. A chain then ran from my collar to the chain on my wrist rings and from thence, the same chain, to the chain on my ankle rings. My ankle rings chain was about twelve inches in length, and my wrist chain was about six inches in length. The central chain, where it dangled down from the wrist rings, lay on the floor before the throne, before it looped up to where it was closed about the central link of the ankle ring chain. Kajira of Gor, pages 185-186

For faith, she thinks a sirik as sexy, challenging as the sirik not only binds the slaves hands, but her ankles as well. The slave is reminded with each movement, and each thought, that she is a slave, and that she is owned. Chains often remind faith of bells, as they ring almost as sweetlie, they can also be a cold reminder if a slave does something wrong, as chain is cold and can be unrelenting.
Writen with joy and love at His command,