* syn^ smiles at You as she moves to the center of the room that is cast into shadows, some candlelight flickering across her body as she curls her arms forward, hands coming up to shadow her face as well. Soft tunes seep through the darkness wrapping her in their cadence. Locks of auburn tumble about bare shoulders hiding her from view.
*DarkenRahl settles back and gazes at My love
* syn^ settles to her knees within the sandpit, body curling into a ball, showing that this is how she has felt the last few months, cocooned within herself sheltered, shadowed. Needing to break free. Moonlight streams through an open window along one wall, making the candlelight dance, flicker brighter casting the lone girl into a brighter light.
* syn^ leans, reaching with one hand towards the warmth that the fire offers, she feels it, touches the warmth feeling it shattering the coldness about her heart, slowly she crawls forward, wanting to feel the warmth, needing to feel it's presence on her face, along the curves of her body. Lithe arms lift stretching outwards as if she beckons the warmth closer.
* syn^ closes her eyes moving to the music, the beat flowing through her, on knees she crawls forward abit, feeling the warmth grow more around her, and the strength, absolute strength as it surrounds her protecting her, needing and wanting her. Arching her body forward, breasts thrust proudly outwards, her hands gliding down her body to rest upon her thighs that spread open, she looks to the Master she dances for...
* DarkenRahl gazes back, enraptured By His one
* syn^ offers a shy smile, as a sultry look apears upon the features of her face, the smile curving pouty lips, lashes fluttering across the high upturn of her cheeks. Hands skim across her nipples making them hard, longing for His touch, but taunts Him abit more as she moves forward abit more. His love for her writ across His face as He watches her...
* DarkenRahl feels His heart beating faster as His loved one is held in His gaze
* syn^ crawls forward now surrounded by His warmth, His strength... she kneels before Him, proud on her beauty, no longer wanting to hide in the shadows, His being comforting her through thick and thin.... she bows forward at the waist, hands stroking along her thighs, curling around Your feet, auburn tresses fall cascading around Your feet. Softly she whispers... Your syn loves You Master...
* syn^ looks up, pushing her hair out of her face so she can look up to You while she speaks.... You have come to mean the world to syn... You have given her love, showed her there is hope.. You have sheltered her in Your strength, given her the warmth when she needed it... You've given syn so much that she doesn't know sometimes where she begins and where You end... and so today..she comes to You as a slave.. begging to be Yours...
do display even more proudly then she already does that she is Yours for as long as You will have her... she longs to belong to You in all ways... * syn^ breathes in deeply, eyes lowering once more to the furs beneath where You sit... waiting for You to catch up with her very busy fingers.
* DarkenRahl gazes at the girl at His feet, this gorgeous creature not just any girl, but His girl, the one that lifts His heart and soul, His reason to be..... I love you My syn^
* syn^ smiles hearing Your words, feeling her heart race even more so then it was before.
* DarkenRahl smiles as He gazes into the lovely eyes of His one, His happiness soul deep
* syn^ peeks up to You wondering if she has to actually beg the words
* DarkenRahl smiles
* DarkenRahl speaks very softly
DarkenRahl~ almost a whisper
DarkenRahl~ "what is My one's desire"
DarkenRahl~ knowing the answer
* syn^ smiles up to You, her voice a warm caress as she speaks just as softly, yet shivering as she feels the strength in Your voice... to be Yours Master
* DarkenRahl smiles
syn^~ well... already Yours but..
* syn^ blushes
* DarkenRahl chuckles
* DarkenRahl says softly
DarkenRahl~ syn^, My darling, settle your sweet bottom on your heels and clasp your hands behind you, present your breasts to Me as you hold your chin up
* syn^ leans in to hear... then smiles hearing Your words, whispering yes Master
DarkenRahl~ look up into My eyes
DarkenRahl~ W/we have begun a journey syn^
* syn^ slips back on her knees, resting her rounded bottom into the cusp of her heels, her hands sliding to rest behind her back, breasts lifting in display... head proudly rising as she lets her gaze travel up from Your feet gazing into the beautiful depths of Your blue eyes
DarkenRahl~ a relationship where although may not always be smooth, but alway tempered with a love not many can understand
DarkenRahl~ you have become a part of me, heart and soul
* syn^ smiles softly whispering... and You a part of me Master.. heart, soul and mind... i am Yours
DarkenRahl~ and as W/we explore this relationship together, I will always try with all of My being to be here for you
DarkenRahl~ never be afraid to speak up if you do not understand and never fear retribution for honesty
DarkenRahl~ I will protect you and keep you safe
* syn^ trembles hearing Your words, warmth spreading through her knowing... she stalked You for a reason
DarkenRahl~ and I will always be proud that you belong to Me
syn^~ even when syn does stupid stuff like tonight Master? thinking syn jumped and let her temper get the best of her... thinking that... well... thinking syn made a big mistake
DarkenRahl~ *removing a sterling silver, intricately woven chain, from a small velvet pouch*..... wear this around your neck as a symbol of what W/we share, syn^ be Mine in a way that others may know and respect, belong to Me with the name {syn}DR
* DarkenRahl gazes at you and smiles
DarkenRahl~ leans to you and snaps My collar to your neck
* syn^ smiles up to You, blushing as she feels the cool wrap about her throat
DarkenRahl~ I love you My sweet slave
syn^~ i love You too Master
* syn^ reaches up touching the collar giggling as she realizing she's already questioning, lol
* syn^ is now known as syn{DR}
* syn{DR} beams proudly
* DarkenRahl smiles
To be His adored One, and be pleasing in ALL ways. syn{DR}