
The moon glitters through the trees as Izabael walks down the tree lined sidewalk in the park. Barn owls hoot, crickets chirp, the night sounds surround her as she walks. The wind whips around her pulling auburn tresses then twisting them about her, her teeth catch her bottom lip as she looks over her shoulder having thought she heard the sound of someone following her. The crunch of a tree limb as her steps quicken, wondering why she was so stupid to want to take a walk so late at night but feeling this urge, this need to be outside as if something were to happen, that she needed to be where she was. Her light jacket no warmth to the chilled air, the breeze causing her skin to goosepimple, again the sound of footsteps not her own is heard, she lifts her head franticaly looking around. "Who's there?" She calls out timidly. Nothing is heard but the wind rustling through the trees, even the animals and incsects have gone quiet. Terror raises through the girl yet she continues to walk.
He watches her walk, looking around her as if she senses him there. Wondering how she feels him when he can't be seen. He watches the woman wondering why she haunts him and has haunted him for so many years, centuries it seems. Eldyr frowns as she stumbles on the sidewalk, she falls to the ground soft curses falling from her lips at her clumsiness, wishing he could step from the shadows to help her but knowing he can't, not yet. She stands back up tossing her head, in aggrivation, long dark locks falling around her shoulders, again looking around feeling eyes on her, watching her. She whispers loudly "Leave me alone whoever you are just leave me alone." She turns and hurries down the sidewalk, her head down, arms wrapped around herself to ward off the chill of the evening. Two men step from the shadows blocking her path, Eldyr watching as always, watches the two men as they step forward to attack the woman, with her head down she doesn't see them and walks straight into them, arms wrap around her uprighting her as she stumbles once more then gasps in shock seeing the two burly men. Her mouth opens and closes as she tries to form the sounds to scream, the one holding her reaches up gripping her around the throat holding her there breathing in her ear. "If you scream bitch it'll make it all the harder on you." Her dark eyes widen in fear, she nods her head in understanding as the man drops her to the ground his eyes roving her form as she quivers on the ground in a crouch. Tears stream down her face worried that they'll rape her, she carries no money only the keys to her car and her license. "If you're going to rob me, I have no money please let me go." The men look at each other and laugh evily, "Rob you? woman we're going to rape you and leave you naked on the ground to die!" Her tears fall faster now, she trembles then turns her head feeling that presense again, she looks about then screams as a shadow steps up behind the two men grabbing them to slam their heads together both fall to the ground knocked out from the blow. She looks up at the man standing above the men, clad all in black, the wind making his blonde hair billow around him. He reaches out his hand for hers his voice soothing and calm as he speaks "Come Izabael it's time and I want to get you out of here before those two wake up."

Background and some graphics by:
written when syn was izabael{E} started October 16 2001