The room was filled with people yet she did not see them or hear them.
Her attention was focused on the One she was with.
She longed for His touch,the kiss of what was to come, a soft quiver of her flesh as His voice sounded near her ear.. "Strip".
Naked before Him, feeling excited, nervous and totally vulnerable.
His touch came softly, a finger down the spine, then air as the first kiss of the floggers leathers danced across her flesh, again and again the air caressed her along with the dance.
Her body sizzled.. she moaned.. she longed yet for more.. she spiraled into somewhere, somewhere beautiful, somewhere safe, somewhere quiet.
Harder and more intense her body redened beneath His care, the art of His whip.. she longed for His touch.. it was there, a finger to the spine, a grasp behind the neck, fingers in her hair.
The kiss of His lips soothing the sting of His whip.. she purrs in desire..
Each kiss bringing her closer to the brink of something new, something exciting.
She closes her eyes, taking in the pain, taking it into her mind, mixing it with the pleasure, her body singing with joy to be released to the dance of the whip...
Again and again the trendils meet her bare skin, taking her higher, taking her deeper.
Then His touch again, taking her beyond her wildest dreams, her wildest fantasy, easing her off into the bliss...
Leading her to Longing.. longing to feel His kiss again, longing to feel His touch again, longing to feel the safety within His arms....
Longing to feel once more complete.. at His touch..

copyright: syn^ March 31 2004

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