11th insight     11th insight

I quote and/or summarize James Redfield copyrighted material because I believe this material is so important in maintaining our health and learning to focus our power in these toxic times we find ourselves.
Also, we all need to learn more about the power we have: The power of prayer / intent / desire, however you define it.. These words come from In Search of Shambhala by J. Redfield.
links below for Redfield info

Speaking to the Power of prayer: it is maintained that if our expectations, our faithful assumptions, are what makes prayer work, then each of us is beaming a force of prayer-energy out into the world all the time, whether we realize it or not. An affirmation based on our expectations, our faith, then all our expectations have a prayer effect. We have a mental and spiritual influence on what happens to us in life.
Cultivating energy: When our bodies drop in energy because of the kinds of foods we are eating it makes us susceptible to disease. When we eat foods, they are metabolized and leave a waste or ash in our bodies. This ash is either acidic in nature or alkaline, depending on the food. If it is alkaline, then it can be quickly extracted from our bodies with little energy. However, if these waste products are acid, they are very hard for the blood and lymph system to eliminate and they are stored in our organs and tissues as solids - low vibration levels of our cells. The more such acid by-products are stored the more generally acid these tissues become. Our bodies begin to decompose. The situation can be reversed if we improve our nutrition and move to an alkaline, higher energy state. Foods that leave acid wastes are heavy, overcooked, over-processed, and sweet, such as; meats, flours, pasteurized, alcohol, coffee, and the sweeter fruits. Alkaline foods are greener, fresher and more alive , such as fresh vegetables and their juices, leafy greens, sprouts and fruits like avocado, tomato, grapefruit and lemons.

Expect a dream... you don't realize the power you have!

"The degree of beauty we can see measures how much divine energy we are receiving within us. ..Everything is already majestically beautiful and present beyond anything most humans can perceive. All we do, when we open up to the divine, is raise our energy vibration and thus our perceptual ability so we can view the world the way it already is.  Your ability to perceive beauty is the primary measure that divine energy is coming into you. You will feel lighter. It lifts you  up.. feel a greater wisdom about who you are and what you are doing. You will receive intuitions and dreams about what is next on your life path."  
Become conscious of these expectations.
"It is the only way to maintain and extend the higher level of energy that you just experienced. You must learn to expect that level of energy in your life, and you must do so deliberately and consciously.  The measure of whether the energy is flowing out is the feeling of love."
"Your expectation is the key to whether you can maintain this experience. You must visualize it happening, believe that it will be there for you in all situations. This expectation must be cultivated and consciously affirmed every day."

"First extension: connecting with the energy and letting it flow through you, visualizing that it forms a field of energy that flows ahead of you wherever you go."
"The second extension is setting your field of energy so that it will enhance you life flow. You do this by staying ever alert and expectant."
"Third extension: is setting your prayer-field to go out and increase the energy and vibrational levels of others. When your prayer-field reaches other people in this way, they feel a bit of spiritual energy, clarity, intuition, and they will be more likely to give you the right information.  We must expect our prayer-field to go out in front of us and increase, other people's vibration at a distance, even before we are close enough to see their faces. Once close enough you can see or look for the god in each, the higher person."
We must get beyond our expectation dictated by our past experiences.  Whether we are feeling fear or anger, we have to realize that these emotions come from one source: those aspects of our lives we want to hold on to.  Be detached. Not to be attached to any particular outcome. What we get in life is always slightly different from what we want anyway. To be detached is to realize that there is always a higher purpose that can be found in any event, in any outcome. If we had all the knowledge that humans will eventually have, we would always be guided out of a perilous situation. We reach our greatest self when we assume this is the case already. This is the way we can stay detached and flexible and build a powerful field of expectation.
"The life Process: As we evolve spiritually, humans are destined to mate consciously in order to set up a home, or home attitude, that represents a more truthful way of life compared to the previous generation. Intuitively we know that we must build a life that adds to the wisdom we found in the world when we arrived.  That is the system, we chose our parents in part to be awakened to what is missing, to what needs to be added to human understanding, and we begin the process by being dissatisfied with what we find in our lives with them."

Most imperative is the situation of government power and surveillance, even in the democratic countries. Citing a need to combat drug dealers or terrorists, the government has infringed more and more on the privacy of the common man. Already cash transactions are being restricted and the Internet fully monitored. The next step will be forcing the move to a cashless society controlled by a central authority.
Fear and anger:  you have to master this problem, but don't get down on yourself too much. That sends out a negative prayer that keeps you where you are. On the other hand, you can't just ignore your anger. You must keep the problem in mind, remind yourself, stay conscious, and at the same time set your prayer-field that you will break through and discard that old pattern.  The golden rule sounds as though it should be kept because it creates a good society. Right? As an ethical stance. But the fact is there is a real spiritual , energetic, karmic reason that goes beyond the notion that this is a good idea. It is important to keep this rule because you are affected personally. The prayer that you send out with your feeling or action tends to bring out in them exactly what you expect.
Shift from what is to what could be.
If we make self-defeating comments such as "I can't overcome this problem" or "I'll always be this way", then we are in fact praying to stay the way we are. We have to hold a vision that we will find a higher energy and overcome our patterns. We have to uplift ourselves with our own prayer-energy.
Once you see past egos and socialization, you can finally learn not to add to the energy of evil with negative assumptions. And, finally hold a higher vision for them and myself. Perhaps because I have learned this I can also hold a higher vision that you will learn it also.
We are free, but we also belong to a design that comes from a greater part of ourselves that we can confer with. Our true self is much larger that we thought.
It all begins with the realization that our prayer-energy is real, that it flows out from us and affects the world.
Once we have that realization, we can grasp that this field, this effect we have on the world, can be expanded, but we have to begin with the first extension. We have to first improve the quality of energy we take in physically. Heavy and processed foods build up acid solids in our molecular structures, lowering our vibration and eventually causing disease. Alive foods have an alkaline effect and enhance our vibration. The purer we vibrate, the easier it is to then connect with the more subtle energies available with in us. The legions say we will learn to consistently breathe in this higher level of energy using our increased perception of beauty as a measure. The higher our level of energy, the more beauty we see. We can learn to visualize this higher level of energy flowing out from us into the world. likewise using the emotional state of love as a measure that this is occurring.
Thus we connected within .. and learned that by visualizing that energy is a field that goes out ahead of us wherever we go, we can stay consistently stronger.
The second extension begins when we set this extended prayer-field  to enhance the synchronistic flow of our lives. We do this by staying in a state of conscious alertness and expectation for the next intuition or coincidence that moves our lives further along. This expectation sends our energy out even further and makes it stronger, because we are now aligning our intentions with the intended process of growth and evolution structured into the universe itself.
The third extension involves another expectation: that our prayer-field goes out and boost the level of energy in others, lifting them into their own connection with the divine within and into their own higher-self intuition. This, of course, increases the likelihood of them giving us intuitive information that can further enhance our own level of synchronicity. It is the interpersonal ethic we learned ..only now we know how to use the prayer-field to make it stronger.
The fourth extension begins when we learn the importance of anchoring and maintaining the outflow of our energy, in spite of fearful or angry situations. We do this by always maintaining a particular posture of detachment toward events as they occur, even as we expect the process itself to carry on. We must always seek a positive meaning, and always, always expect the process to save us, no matter what is happening. Such a mental posture helps us to stay focused on the flow and keeps us from dwelling on negative images of what might occur if we fail.
In general, if we find a negative image coming to mind, we must consider whether it is an intuitive warning, and if so, we need to take appropriate actions, but we must always return to the expectation that a higher synchronicity will guide us past this problem. This anchors our field, our outflow of energy, with a powerful expectation that has always been called faith.
In sum, the first part of the fourth extension is about keeping our energy strong at all times. Once we master that, we can move forward and extend our energy even farther.
The next step, the fourth extension begins when we fully expect that the human world can move toward the ideal expressed in The Tenth Insight and modeled by Shambhala. Moving your energy our farther and stronger in this way takes true belief. That's why understanding shambhala is so important. Knowing that it has been done extends our expectation that the rest of human culture can do it too. We can readily see how humans everywhere can master our technology and use it in the service of our spiritual development, and then begin to focus on the life process itself, on the real reason we are here on this planet: to create a culture on Earth that is conscious of our role in spiritual evolution and to teach that understanding to our children.
Now it comes to the most difficult part, to expand even farther, we must do more than just remain positive in general, and avoid images of negative events occurring. We must also keep all negative thoughts out of our heads concerning other people. If our fear ever turns to anger and we lapse into thinking the worst of others, a negative prayer goes out and tends to create in them exactly the behavior we expect. Most people believe it is a bad thing to say something negative about others but that it is alright to think it. We now know it's not okay; thoughts matter.
Kids everywhere are more powerful than ever and the typical cliques and put-downs that have always occurred in schools can't be ignored by teachers any longer. When certain kids are looked down on and made fun of and scapegoated, they are affected by this negative prayer more than ever before. They now sometimes strike back explosively. Only by understanding the effect of prayer-fields can we grasp what is happening. We all are gradually growing more powerful, and if we don't become completely mindful of our expectations, we can inadvertently cause great harm to others.
The legends say that we can't expand our fields farther until we fully acknowledge the dakini..or angels. Whenever we experience a luminous object or a pathway that seems brighter and more attractive or a book that jumps out at us and draws our attention to it, it is the work of these beings. They have aided humans since the beginning of time, and they are spoken of in the mystical literature of every religion. Each of us will begin to perceive them more readily. If we really acknowledge them the dakini will make themselves more known. The hard part is training ourselves to look for the subtle changes in the light around us. But if we do, we can detect it more.
We acknowledge the reality of angels in our lives and then ask them to intervene to help us. Expand the energy, the prayer field, to include them and ask, rather, expect their help.
In Higher energy states, parents could investigate their hunches about what their children were doing and find more time to model a different reality.

Much of this is copyrighted material by James Redfield.
The portions I have quoted may not be in the order of the book but do come from James Redfield's fine book, The Secrets of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight, published by Warner books. For more info go here
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