Rules of the Weyr


In the 10th Pass...

In the 10th Pass where Dragon's Moon is baised, almost all of the mainland Weyrs have been abandoned. Only High Reaches and Fort remain. Contact is extremely limited due to the location of the Weyr. (For more details on why, visit the History Page). Thread does fall and as the pass increases the frequency and severity of threadfall seems to increase.

Many riders have left the Weyr in the past to escape bad leadership. Some dragonriders have returned, some may never but relations between Hall/Hold and Weyr are still rocky under the new/younger leadership.

Golden Queens and their Riders
Gold Dragons are very rare at Dragon's Moon. Since our timeline is played with many of the Weyrs abandoned, queens are very valuable. Transfer goldriders are not accepted. They are only earned and hatched at Dragon's Moon. Golds are rewards for those members who have been with the Weyr for years and have shown their dedication through posting and helping in serious decision making. If you really have your heart set on impressing a Gold Dragon you've got to be in for the long haul. Post frequently, volunteer to help plan a gather/hatching/event, help newbies start posting. Be a dedicated and valuable member and you will be rewarded.



Firelizards are only Gold, Bronze, Brown, Blue and Green in color. No one persona can own both a Gold and Bronze firelizard. Gold flits are only awarded.

Golds and greens can both have mating flights and clutches.
Gold clutches can result in all 5 colors of firelizards.
Green clutches depend on the fathering flit. They do not clutch golds.
Bronze = few Bronze, Brown, Blue and mostly Green
Brown = few Brown, Blue and mostly Green
Blue = few Blue and mostly Green

Firelizards are requested by giving a description of the flit's appearance and personality. You then must write a story about geting or finding the egg. Send these into the Weyrwoman and she'll approve the request.

No persona can have any more then 3 firelizards. They all must be actively mentioned in role-playing at least few times a month.


A Liberal Weyr

Expanding on the Theory that the dragons in the 9th pass were bigger then any previously, the current dragons have continued the pattern of being bigger then their ancestors. Many greens grow large and strong enough to fly full threadfalls. Though it is still more common for green dragons to only fly half a fall.

Blues are the only male dragons that female personas can impress, but they can be straight, bisexual or homosexual.

Ranks are more of an equal oportunity. Blues and Greens can be Weyrling Masters, Wingleaders and many other ranks if that persona has proven to be worthy of the position. Brown Weyrleaders have occured in the past and could happen again. Blue Weyrseconds are also a possibility that we have not yet explored.


Anne McCaffery's Official Rules

Even after Anne's release of the rules, we at Dragon's Moon will still follow them and remain a mainly cannon Weyr .

No characters created by Anne McCaffrey can be used, in any way.
No religion, magic, or war on Pern.
Other universes, whether created by Anne McCaffrey or other people, will never be involved with Pern.
There are only five dragon colors: gold, bronze, brown, blue, and green. There are no other colors, and there are no sport dragons.
Golds will only Impress to women. Bronzes will only Impress to men.
Benden Weyr and Ruatha Hold are off limits.

Rules Gathered From:

Pern is Anne McCaffery's creation

We only have permission to use it. We must adhere to all of her rules. Problems in our Weyr stay in our Weyr though. Never go to her with arguments, she doesn't need to hear anyone's squabbling. Bring all problems to Weyrwoman Talinta.

A basic knowledge of Pern is key to joining

Reading a book or two from Anne McCaffery is a great help. We discourage members who have no knowledge of Pern from joining but, if you insist we will help you in any way we can. By reading through the whole joining process, even a "Pern Virgin" can join in the fun and catch up to everyone else. Here is a recommended list for reading "The Dragonriders of Pern" .

The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern & Nerilka's Story
The White Dragon (1st three chapters)
The White Dragon (The remainder)
The Renegades of Pern
All the Weyrs of Pern
The Dolphins of Pern
"The Atlas of Pern", "The People of Pern", and "The Dragonlover's Guide To Pern" are reference books available.



You must be at least 14 to join

If is preferred that members are over the age of 14. The use of characters is not strictly PG. There is a limit on the actions of characters but I prefer not to limit someone's creative writing because it isn't appropriate for younger children. Mating Flights are the main reason for this rule.

Never use the names of Anne's Characters (Dragons, Firelizards or People)

No characters can be related to any of Anne McCaffery's characters. We prefer that they aren't even referred to. No names from any books she has written can be used as well as places. All of the Major Weyrs on Pern are copy written by her which means we can't use them. When referring to where your character is from and you're not using the Weyrs of Dragon's Moon's territory, use the holds as a reference, but never a Weyr. I prefer not to take any chances
(ex. "I'm from north of Half-Circle Sea Hold)

This is the 10th pass

AIVAS was found but didn't do anything to cure the threat of thread. There is no solution for the total destruction of thread and there never will be.


Characters are not gender specific. Girls don't have to play girls and boys don't have to play boys. The same goes for a character's sexual orientation You can also own as many characters as you wish as long as all are approved and are active in writing.

There is no "Only Child". There is no birthcontrol on Pern and therefore no way of preventing births. There are always at least one or two siblings.

Hearing another's dragon is very rare and will not be abused by members of the Weyr. You need the Weyrwoman's permission to have this characteristic.

There is no "Perfect" Character. Everyone has flaws and quirks about them.

There are no Orphans! Children are raised by the community in the absence of parents or by foster parents.

You must be approved to play

You may not start playing until you have been approved by the Weyrwoman. We will help you fix problems in your persona sheet before you start playing. You will then be added to a mailing list for Role Playing. Only the Weyrwoman can add people to the mailing list.


Everyone is required 1 post per persona a week. If you can't handle it you shouldn't have so many personas. Only personas with sheets are required this. NPCs or just casually mentioned characters are not required to be posted for but using them is always a plus. Candidates, Weyrlings and queen riders must have 2 a week. Let me know about LOA. Most writing happens at Dragon's Moon, the immediate area and the dolphin hall, then branches out.

Writing is what keeps the Weyr going

At the end of each Pern year (Dec. and June) All role playing is combined and split into separate stories. It is advised that besides RPGing that you write out a story or two. This is how you earn the dragons you are riding. People who contribute more get more privileges.

Write about anything. Here's some ideas:
Mating Flights, Being Searched, Candidate Training, Impression, Weyrling Training, Making Friends, A Bad Day, A Day in the life of..., Thread Fall Training

Never use anyone else's characters without their permission

You can't possibly understand a character unless you created them yourself. No harm can be done to anyone else's character without the owner's permission. If your not sure, Always Ask First!!

Who a dragon will impress...

Golds are only impressed by straight Females.
Bronzes and Browns are impressed by straight Males.
Blues can be impressed by straight, bi, and homosexual Males and once in a while Females.
Greens are impressed by straight, bi, and homosexual Males and Females.

Gold candidates must be 14 turns to stand on the sands. Gold candidates if not impressed can be impressed by blues and greens too. Any other candidate must be at least 12. The oldest age for impression is typically 20, but exceptions can be made.
Impression is made according to how active you are in the Weyr. The more active, the higher ranked your dragon.


Firelizards can be impressed from the Weyr's clutches or wild. Golds and Bronzes are earned much like dragons. You may only own one Bronze or Gold, not both! New impressions of firelizards must be accompanied by a post. Flit eggs don't just pop out of nowhere and are found. You may not own any more then 4 firelizards.

A final note...

For proof of your reading the rules, type the following into the comments box of the persona form, 'Green rider Draken's bronze firelizard is Keylian'. If this sentence is not in the persona form you will not even be considered for playing. The rules must be read before playing!

You must agree to uphold these rules before you can continue on with joining the Weyr.
Then continue on to the Character Forms. For the benefit of Pern Virgins I have made a Form for Dumbies.