1) You can NOT post something that is grossly offensive to the public. This IS a listed club.
2) Made up characters must have their biographies submitted to dragoonsdungeon(AT)yahoo.com and/or kainnero(AT)yahoo.com for approval and posting at the club website so that the club members know of the character and how they fit into the story. Once ryuukishi_kain or kainnero approves your biography please post it at the club for other members to see.
3) Post ONLY as your own character. If you must use another character in actual speech try not to make it excessive and keep it within their character and try not to make decisions for them (you should ask them first to be on the safe side). This does not apply for "non taken" characters or ones made up just for that situation. If a "non taken" character is later taken, then you can no longer post as/for them as of the date they join.
4) Be courteous to other members. If you have a problem with anyone please take it up with that member and if necessary contact ryuukishi_kain or kainnero. DO NOT spam the board with your conflicts.
5) Read all posts before posting a reply especially if you are playing mulitple characters. You DO NOT need to reply to every post with another post for each of your characters especially if they are in the same party. Keep it all in one post for all the latest ones you have read. Seperate scenes for each of your characters in different parties with something like *** if you have to. ***NOTE*** Yahoo takes forever to post a post if it is too long. If you think your post is going to be a long one then you may use multiple posts. Preview your posts before posting so you have a better chance of Yahoo not losing your post.
6) Each member of the DD may have 2 characters from FF4  including their made up ones. Members must ask ryuukishi_kain or kainnero for permission to have more then 2 characters.
7) If you do not post for your character for a period of one month without first telling anyone of a reason as to why then you leave your character to be killed in the RPG. Simple as that. No one will drag around a character for someone who wasn't polite enough to give warning of their leave!
8) If you are copying a part of someone else's post to set a time frame for yours, please surround the copied part with ---

These rules will be STRICTLY ENFORCED. Members found in violation will be deleted from the DD. This page is maintained by Ryuukishi_Kain / Kainnero For ?s, concerns and other things dealing with the information on this site or of the Y! Club Dragoons' Dungeon, please send e-mail to: dragoonsdungeon(AT)yahoo.com and kainnero(AT)yahoo.com