Classroom Disractions

AmaraLokiFire: :-D
sfranwil: YOu brushed today
sfranwil: ?
AmaraLokiFire: lol, yes
sfranwil: good girl
AmaraLokiFire: lol
sfranwil: < putting star next to your name one wall
AmaraLokiFire: YEA!
AmaraLokiFire: *raises hand*
sfranwil: * looks up and acknowledges*, " yes miss Lopez?"
AmaraLokiFire: Does this mean I get to go early today?
sfranwil: < shakes head
AmaraLokiFire: No?
sfranwil: Why If I let you go home early then everyone will want to go home early
AmaraLokiFire: So!?
sfranwil: We can't have anarchy now now can we , Miss Lopez?
AmaraLokiFire: WHY NOT!?
AmaraLokiFire: it can waork!
AmaraLokiFire: Well . . . .
AmaraLokiFire: *work
sfranwil: < Get's up and moves toward board woith stars
AmaraLokiFire: I'll shut up now!
sfranwil: "< places hand on newly placed star
sfranwil: < turns head toward miss lopez
AmaraLokiFire: *sitting quietly*
sfranwil: < See's she has changed her attitude
sfranwil: < Removes hand from wall
sfranwil: and walks toward desk
sfranwil: < Pauses
AmaraLokiFire: *thinks to self* This government sucks!
sfranwil: < quick glance toward room and see's miss lopez is
sfranwil: not repentant
sfranwil: < turns
AmaraLokiFire: O:-)
sfranwil: < rips star of wall
sfranwil: < crushes it in hand
AmaraLokiFire: =-O*mouth drops to floor*
AmaraLokiFire: *class snikers*
AmaraLokiFire: *Loki, glares at them*
sfranwil: < sits down at desk
AmaraLokiFire: *puts head down, defeated*
sfranwil: < thinks to self
sfranwil: " it's good to be king!"
AmaraLokiFire: *sighs and thinks to self* Man! We need to rebel!
sfranwil: < Is psychic
sfranwil: " REBEL?
AmaraLokiFire: Huh? What?
AmaraLokiFire: I didn't say anything!
sfranwil: " So, there a those who feel they are above all others here?
AmaraLokiFire: No, sir, not at all!
AmaraLokiFire: I have no reason to believe that I am above anyone
AmaraLokiFire: We are all the same
AmaraLokiFire: Struggleing against an unbeatable oprssive system
AmaraLokiFire: Trying not to be piosiond by the cafiteria food
sfranwil: " Oh miss Lopez, I OPPRESS YOU?
AmaraLokiFire: You know, the usual!
AmaraLokiFire: Oh, no, sir! Not you!
sfranwil: " dO i opresss any others?
AmaraLokiFire: *class, random no's and shaking heads*
sfranwil: "WELL DO I ?"
AmaraLokiFire: *class as a whole* No, sir
AmaraLokiFire: *mumbles* yes . . .
sfranwil: " I find that so hard to believe.............. WHAT?
sfranwil: MISS LOPEZ?
AmaraLokiFire: Huh?
AmaraLokiFire: What!?
AmaraLokiFire: *stands*
AmaraLokiFire: Yes, sir?
sfranwil: " YOu feel that your not getting the desired effect from this class?
sfranwil: " YOu feel that I"m stiffiling you?
AmaraLokiFire: I feel that I am learning all I can in this class.
sfranwil: " You feel YOU coulddo a better job?
sfranwil: STAND STRAIGHT !
AmaraLokiFire: No, sir. Within this class, i am doing the best that can be expected and allowed
AmaraLokiFire: *stands straighter*
sfranwil: " So, I'm NOT allowing you to do better?
AmaraLokiFire: I didn't mean that, sir
sfranwil: " That's what you said!
AmaraLokiFire: I mean, that the school its self is not letting students do what they like to do to their full potential
sfranwil: And what about this class Miss LOOOOPEZ?
sfranwil: Are you fullfilling your potential?
AmaraLokiFire: This class? Well, sir, it is  aclass that I like and I am doing my best to pass. it. That is just me, of course. others may not like it
sfranwil: " Let's not concern ourselves with others thoughts Miss LOOOOOpez. It seems quite apparent that
sfranwil: YOU
AmaraLokiFire: me?
sfranwil:  are speaking just fine
AmaraLokiFire: Why not let others speak as well
AmaraLokiFire: ?

sfranwil: " you mock me, miss lopez?
AmaraLokiFire: No, sir, i wouldn't dream of it
sfranwil: " you wish to rebel
sfranwil: " you wish to reform
AmaraLokiFire: Not I
sfranwil: " You desire change
sfranwil: but YET!
sfranwil:  You are afraid to stand alone
sfranwil: Why is that Miss Lopez?
AmaraLokiFire: You see, if I could even be allowed to do such a thing, others are too brain washed by society and the government to follow suit
AmaraLokiFire: I am not afraid to satand alone
AmaraLokiFire: I would gladly do it, but never underestimate a good friend in combat
sfranwil: " We are nt discussing goverment nor are we a democracy in this room
AmaraLokiFire: Then you admit ti doesnot exsist?
sfranwil: We need structure
AmaraLokiFire: That is my point of the whole thing
AmaraLokiFire: We are not being given out full rights
sfranwil: " expound for us you Rights as you see them
AmaraLokiFire: Structer comes only from one's personal experiences
AmaraLokiFire: I have the right to do all that I wish as long as it is within the
AmaraLokiFire: law
AmaraLokiFire: I donot wish to break the law
AmaraLokiFire: Only use my rights to the max
AmaraLokiFire: What? No answer to that?
sfranwil: You have the right to disprut my class?
AmaraLokiFire: No, you let me dirupt the class.
sfranwil: < glares at LOKI
AmaraLokiFire: You told me to stand and speak my mind and kept questioning me
sfranwil: " Sit down miss lopez
AmaraLokiFire: *sits*
sfranwil: *** buzzer goes off*****
sfranwil: < " ?class dismissed
AmaraLokiFire: *runs out off class*