Chapter 9: Recapture

“Hawkmon… Hawkmon can we stop now my feet hurt and I’m hungry.” Yolie whined stumbling through the underbrush of the thick forest.

They had been searching for the others all day and night but they still hadn’t found anyone. Yolie was tired and grumpy and she could almost strangle Hawkmon. He was the one who made her walk for so long. He said that if they stopped they’d lose the trail, or that the other guys could keep going and it would take even longer for them to find them.

Well to her these things didn’t matter anymore. Sure it worked at first when she had wanted to find her friends, but now she really couldn’t care if they’d been eaten by a giant man eating Numemon. All she wanted to do was sit down and rest her weary feet, and get something to eat while she was there, and something to drink.

Yolie slipped off into another fantasy of tables laden with food. Fried chicken over here and rice balls over there. She swore it was so real she could’ve actually eaten one of those delicious sushi rolls. And Ken was there as well; he was there with a couch. A couch she could sit on and rest, and watch her soap operas.

She was woken up from her daydream when she tripped over a large tree root and fell face first into the dirt. She pulled herself up and wiped her face with her hands. She ran the backs of her fists over her eyes, her glasser-less eyes. She grumbled some rather unladylike words and got down on her knees to search for them.  She searched for what seemed like forever in the moist forest air.

“Hawkmon!” She screamed, “Hawkmon help me find my glasses!”

“You mean these ones?” She glanced up at the fussy red blob in front of her. She snatched her glasses off Hawkmon and replaced them back on her face.

“You know if you weren’t so clumsy this wouldn’t have happened.” Hawkmon said staring into her now focused eyes.

Yolie growled at Hawkmon climbing to her feet.

“This is your fault!” She yelled at him.

“How is this my fault, you were the one daydreaming.”

“Yeah well if you didn’t make me walk all this way then I wouldn’t have tripped over that tree root.”

“How does that make sense?”

“Well I was so tired that I wasn’t watching where I was going…”

“More like you weren’t watching where you were going.” Hawkmon butted in.

“You watch it feather boy, I’m tired and hungry and thirsty. And a tired, hungry, thirsty Yolie is not a very pleasant person to be around!” Yolie sat down heavily on the tree root she had tripped over.

“Yolie we can’t stop yet.” Hawkmon pleaded, “If we stop now then we won’t have a chance at catching up with the others.”

“You know what Hawkmon,” Yolie started glaring at him with such ferocity it nearly made him fall over, “I don’t care. I couldn’t care less if we never find the others and we’re forever stuck in this death trap. I just want to sit down and eat something and go to sleep. We’ve been walking for at least twelve hours and we haven’t found a thing! What does that tell you Hawkmon?”

“Yolie calm down.” Hawkmon tried, backing away slightly.

“No I don’t wanna calm down I just wanna go to sleep!” She yelled in his face, tears of frustration falling to the ground.

“Alright, alright we’ll stop.” Hawkmon gave in backing away from Yolie’s enraged face.

“That’s better.” She said, more calmly. She sat down on the tree root again and sighed.

“Are we just going to stay here or do you want to look for a clearing?” Hawkmon asked but his questions were silenced by the glare Yolie gave him.

He sighed in defeat, he could never win with her she was stubborn as a mule. But maybe he shouldn’t have made her walk so far, he just thought she wanted to find he others a quickly as possible, because he certainly didn’t want to be stuck in the dark forest.

They were on the right trail, he could tell. Only a few meters further ahead he had found a candy wrapper, stupidly left by one of the other digidestined, probably Davis.

He had lost the trail some time back, but didn’t want to tell Yolie he had gotten them lost. Then out of the blue it just started up again. Maybe the others were more resourceful then he thought it was probably a trick to keep any enemies at bay, to throw them off.

He sat down in the dirt; he didn’t even realize how tired he was until now. He had been so determined to find the others he had forgotten all about his fatigue. Now it came rushing to him all at once, he nearly collapsed. He laid down in the dirt and was immediately asleep.

“Stupid Hawkmon.” Yolie muttered watching Hawkmon as he drifted off into sleep.

Why she was blaming him she didn’t know, she just needed someone to blame. If only Davis was here he’s always an easy person to blame.

She smiled ruefully to herself. She could be so mean sometimes, but it was so funny watching Davis go crazy. Especially over Kari and TK. Even the dumbest of people could tell there was something between them, except for Davis. He had no idea, he still thought Kari was ‘his girl’, what an idiot.

It was really pathetic though. She really felt sorry for Kari, if she had someone like Davis after her she’d puke. But he wasn’t all that bad, sure he could be a total jerk sometimes, but then again he could be very selfless. Like that time when Ken was the digimon emperor and he got those Bakemon to pretend they were them, and then feed them to the Deltamon. He was willing to sacrifice himself for them, which was pretty noble for Davis. Good thing the real group had gotten there in time or he would’ve been Deltamon’s lunch.          

Yolie was broken suddenly from her thoughts as her eyes locked onto a white shadow that floated only meters away from their campsite. Her heartbeat quickened until she could hear it thumping in her ears. She could feel the goose bumps crawl up her legs and arms as a cold shiver ran down her spine. She sat frozen with fear watching as the ghastly apparatus floated behind some trees and disappeared.

She could have sworn it looked like a woman, a woman ghost. A woman that had died in this forest and now her ghost was here to eat her soul. Yolie sat rigidly on the tree root; unable to move any of her limbs in fear the ghost would come and get her. She glanced at the sleeping Hawkmon, her hands now shaking with fear.

“Hawkmon…” She whispered carefully. No response, “Hawkmon help...” She stared down at Hawkmon willing him to wake up. But it didn’t work; he just lay there sleeping like a log.

“Hawkmon.” She said a little louder, her eyes instantly darting around the surrounding trees, trying to spot the ghost.

She glared down at Hawkmon, now thoroughly annoyed at the sleeping bird.

“Hawkmon!” She yelled kicking him in the ribs with one of her stiff legs.

This got a response. Hawkmon yelped as her boot impacted with the side of his body. He jumped up and glared angrily at Yolie.

“What was that for?” He yelled up at her.

“Shut up Hawkmon do you want the ghost to come and eat your soul?” Yolie yelled back searching the forest for her supposed ‘ghost.’

“Ghost?” Hawkmon questioned his body relaxing from its battle stance as he placed his claws on his hips and stared up at Yolie, a sardonic smile plastered on his face, “Yolie I think you need to get some sleep, there are no ghosts around here.”

“Of course there are, I just saw one.” She said gripping at her shirt for comfort, “Look at this place I bet it’s crawling with ghosts.”

“Yolie look around you, do you see any ghosts?” He asked motioning to the thick layers of trees that enclosed them, “I certainly don’t.”

“That’s because she’s hiding, waiting for the perfect time when we’re not suspecting.” Yolie said her wide, fearful eyes insanely darting from tree to tree, “Then she’ll jump out and eat your soul.”

Hawkmon couldn’t reply to this. He stared at her with a mixture of humor and pity.

“Look Yolie I think you just need to get some sleep, your tired remember your hallucinating.” Hawkmon tried to comfort her patting her led with his claw.

“No I’m not crazy!” She yelled down at him causing him to jump back in surprise, “It saw something, and I wasn’t hallucinating! There was really something there!”

“Okay Yolie, “Hawkmon agreed with her, “Okay I still think you need to get some rest so I’ll stay here and guard you while you sleep, make sure the ghosts don’t come to get you.”

“No! I know you Hawkmon you’ll just go to sleep! You don’t ever believe me

“Of course I believe you.” Hawkmon said in a non-convincing tone, “Now just lay down and get some rest.

He pulled on the leg of her pants like a small child. She reluctantly gave in sinking to her knees, gripping the front of her shirt so hard her knuckles had gone white.

“That’s right Yolie, you get some rest. I’ll stand guard for any ghosts lurking in the scary forest.” He said, patting her hair trying to get her to sleep. But she just lay ridged on the ground her eyes wide open.

“Hawkmon…” she whispered, “Will you really protect me?”

Hawkmon’s face turned serious as her looked into Yolie’s eyes. She really was scared of the ghost, even though she was just hallucinating.

“Of course I’ll protect you Yolie, that what I’m here for.” He said jumping up onto her stomach, “Now you get some rest okay.”

She gave him a weak smile before her eyes drifted shut she instantly fell asleep.



“Now Gatomon give the order, they’re in chaos.” Witchmon stared in anticipation at a large projection on the far wall. It was the digidestined, they were locked in battle with Mojyamon, and they seemed to be losing, almost.

Why won’t Gatomon give the order? Witchmon thought to herself. What's wrong with her, they’re at their weakest point. They didn’t have any way of defending themselves; she could just send in the Airdramons’ and grab one or two of them. Hopefully they would have more luck than last time.

“Come on Gatomon, give the order, they can’t defend themselves!”

Gatomon stood unwavering facing the hologram plastered on the wall. She didn’t even seem to hear Witchmon. She just ignored her. After a moment she waved her paw at Witchmon.

“Not yet, wait…” She whispered, completely focused on the projection.

“Wait?” Witchmon hollered, tempted to reach over and strangle the smaller digimon, “What could you possibly be waiting for? If we don’t give the order now it’ll be too late!”

“No, not yet.” She mumbled.

Witchmon growled at her, her eyes lighting up with fury. Gatomon didn’t even notice, her focus completely locked on the moving picture. Witchmon grunted and folded her arms across her chest, her left eye twitching slightly. She reluctantly accepted Gatomon’s lack of interest in her and settled with watching the projection.

Two more of their digimon had digivolved and they were now thoroughly beating the Mojyamon. Witchmon wanted to scream at Gatomon, who of course didn’t even take notice of the face that their ‘diversion’ was about to be annihilated. She managed to restrain herself though Gatomon was her top strategist and she must know what she’s doing.

She concentrated once again on the projection. Now one of the children was kneeling down next to the Mojyamon. It was obviously going to die as its eyes had changed back to their original color. The girl seemed to be crying, crying because the Mojyamon was dying. This amused Witchmon seeing the girl spill her tears over some stupid Mojyamon was hilarious.

“Now!” Gatomon yelled, “Now send them now!”

A nearby Gazimon bowed low and ran off to relay the message to the Airdramon. Witchmon cackled to herself, her hand covering her mouth. The stupid digidestined won’t know what hit them. They’ll all be sad because that worthless Mojyamon died, and then they can join it.

Gatomon turned to face Witchmon, her face expressionless, to match her blood red eyes. Why was she so depressed? They would finally be able to destroy the digidestined and then take over the digiworld. Nothing could stop them. She was too smart for them; she knew exactly what their weak points were. And they had eliminated all of their strong points, so they were helpless.

Gatomon looked her in the eyes, her own were partly glazed over as if she were asleep or in deep thought.

“Why the long face, we finally have our chance to destroy them!” Witchmon said excitedly slapping Gatomon on the back.

Gatomon looked up at her and gave her a weak pathetic smile. She immediately gazed back at the ground. Taking on a thoughtful position. She walked slowly out the door, her eyes locked on the ground, leaving Witchmon alone with the projection of the digidestined.

She turned to it; the Airdramon hadn’t reached their location yet, so they were just standing around talking. She couldn’t hear what they were saying but one of them seemed to be yelling at the one who had started crying.

She liked this girl. She had to remember the one with the blue hair. She seemed to have a very short temper that made her an eager candidate for her hypnotism. It was easy to manipulate those that have a short temper; they usually crack as soon as she started.

She sighed and turned her throne around. How long would it take? Her patience was wearing. She’d wanted to take over the digiworld ever since she hatched. Then she had met Gatomon who had the same goals she had; she had enlightened her to the strategy needed to carry out such a task. Together they had made an invincible team.

They watched as the dark lords battled the digidestined. They took in the mistakes they had made and fixed them. After they had fallen they watched as the Digimon emperor tried to take over the digiworld, and failed. His mistake was he had emotions so that was pretty easy to fix.

Then there was that pushover Arukenimon and her stupid bumbling sidekick Mummymon. They were just very bad at strategy. They were sloppy, and didn’t even try to attack them head on. They always sent other digimon to do their dirty work. That was what led them to their destruction.

Black wargreymon, he too had had too many emotional problems. He thought too much, that was his problem. And the list went on. The thing is they had the upper hand, they took note of all these flaws and acted on them. They had the perfect foolproof plan. Comprised of all the best ideas the other megalomaniacs had tried, add some hypnotizing skills and you got the digidestineds heads on a platter.

The only thing that worried Witchmon now was Gatomon. She was losing her enthusiasm, which meant she might perhaps have some form of emotions. That was bad, if she let those stupid emotions get the better of her everything they had worked for would fall. Everything they had done in their whole lives together would be in vain.

She had to snap Gatomon out of her thoughts. Because that was what made black wargreymon fail and she certainly didn’t want to meet that same fate. And she didn’t want her ingenious plan to fail just because of that little runt. She had to do something and she had to do it now.

Witchmon jumped out of her throne and stalked out the door after Gatomon. She did not want to fall victim to that bunch of incompetent children.


Melodye lay on the hard dirt floor. The fire had long burned itself out and only a few embers could still been seen. The forest was pitch black, she couldn’t even see her hand in front of her face. She looked up and couldn’t see anything, no stars not even the moon, which she knew was full.

She hadn’t been able to sleep all she had tried so many times but had never succeeded. She couldn’t stop thinking about all that had past in the last day. In only one day she had been sucked into this strange world, as soon as they got in there they had been attacked. Then she’d been captured by a big ugly bird and dropped into a forest. That was definitely not everyday happenings, but from what Cody had told her she had to get used to these sort of things happening they were everyday occurrence’s.

She rolled over onto her side, ignoring the stabbing pain in her ribs. She stared at the small ball of feathers that she called her digimon. She didn’t really understand the whole digivolving concept; no matter how well Cody explained it to her.

Why was it that Flamon could only digivolve into what they called a rookie when everybody else was digivolving into champions? What was it that made her so different, was it something to do with her? Cody had told her their digivolving was linked to their human partner, whenever they were in trouble or anything that would want the digimon to protect the human.

Did she not have a strong enough bond with Flamon? Did Flamon not care if she was in trouble? All the others, even Clive who didn’t even like his digimon or the digiworld could digivolve yet Flamon couldn’t. Well she could but only into rookie. What did it mean? She had known Flamon ever since she fell out of the computer when she was eleven, they had been best friends ever since. So you can’t say they didn’t have a close relationship. What else could it be then?

She let her eyes wander about herself still deep in thought. There wasn’t much she could look at so she stared deeply into the embers. There was something about fire that made her think. She looked up to where she guessed Gatomon was as she let out a mournful groan. She was obviously dreaming about Wizardmon or whoever she had been talking to before.

Her gaze drifted again to the forest behind her. She stared intently into the darkness, hoping to see light, or life, or anything out there. She knew nothing lived in this forest though, because of the silence. It scared her but at the same time it calmed her. She had never heard nothing before that is if you could hear nothing. There was always some sort of humming or creaking to disturb the nothingness at home.

She caught a glimpse of a white light deep in the forest; it was very faint but still there. She sat up and stared into the forest again, her body ridged and her senses alert. She stared at the trees, hoping to see whatever it was again. Maybe it was one of the others with a flashlight or something.

There it was again. From behind a tree far out in the forest a white figure floated. Melodye’s whole body tensed as she recognized what it was. A woman, maybe a few years older then she was, hovered centimeters from the ground. Upon her slender body she wore pure white robes that flowed around her, blown by a wind that only existed in her. Long golden, white hair fell down around her beautiful face and reached down to her feet. But upon her back two huge white wings sat, soft white feathers blew about her like a whirlwind.

She stared at Melodye with her golden eyes her face calm and soft. She opened her mouth as to speak but no words were uttered. And within an instant she was gone, as if she had never been standing there at all. But where she had stood a small ray of golden light shone announcing the suns rising.

Melodye couldn’t move. Her limbs were frozen in place; her eyes stuck on the golden ray of light that dare penetrate the thick canopy of trees. Her mouth hung open ready to utter words of horror but her voice box would not respond.

Was that just some bizarre hallucination? Lack of sleep did that to people, and she hadn’t slept all night. But it looked so real, and that ray of sunlight couldn’t just be a coincidence could it? Or maybe that was a figure of her imagination as well.

She closed her eyes tight and shook her head roughly. She opened them again to reveal the same patch of pure golden light shining through the darkness. It definitely was real; there was no arguing here.

She glanced over to Cody; he still slept soundly where he lay. Without another thought she crawled over to him and shook his shoulder lightly in an attempt to wake him. He stirred slightly but stayed asleep.

“Cody…” She whispered nudging his shoulder harder than before.

She got a response this time. He groaned and rolled over to face away from her.

“Go away I’m trying to sleep.” He mumbled

“Cody I think I saw an angel.” She whispered frantically, shaking his shoulder roughly.

He sat up in response pushing Melodye away as he did. He looked around in a daze; his eyes still half glazed over.

“What?” He asked staring at her with his sleepy eyes, “An angel?”

“Yeah, I saw it over there.” She pointed behind her without taking her eyes off his, “It was an angel.”

“Melodye I think you need to get some more sleep.” He mumbled rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, “You’re probably just tired.”

“No I’m not crazy, it was where that ray of sunshine is.” She turned around to locate the fountain of light, but it had disappeared.

Cody looked over her shoulder and studied the blackness for any signs of light. The forest had lightened some from the coming of dawn but there was no sign of any single rays of light.

“It was right there.” She mumbled looking around trying to spot it, “there was an angel.”

“Melodye you’re just tired we did have a very exhausting day, you look like you need some rest.”

“You’re right…” She admitted, “I haven’t slept al night, maybe I just drifted off and dreamt I saw an angel.”

Cody nodded his head and layback down.

“Get some rest you’ll need it if we ant to find the others.”

Melodye nodded her head lightly in reply still studying the forest for her ray of light, but it was gone now. She shook her head in defeat and lay down in the dirt, immediately drifting off to sleep as she did.



‘God everyone looks so depressed, I need to cheer them up but every time I say something I seem to make it worse.’ The Digidestined group sat around a small yellow campfire. Though they had stopped to sleep it seemed the only person who could sleep was Clive and their digimon, but that was a different story. He was the one who made them stop, if it wasn’t for him they’d probably be on their way to finding the others.

Davis glared scornfully at Clive. He didn’t even move, just lay there snoring softly. He turned away and ran his eyes over the group. Kari was staring deeply into the fire, while TK had his arm wrapped over her shoulder. Ken sat hunched over, staring into the fire hugging a sleeping Wormmon tightly, Iris sat beside him, her eyes too stuck on the fire.

He nudged her lightly catching her attention.

“You okay?” He asked her, moving slightly closer.

She mumbled something in reply and stared past him.

“You don’t seem like the kind of person who’d go rankers like that.” He grinned at her, but her eyes were still unfocused staring right past his head.

She blinked her eyes back into focus, now staring deep into Davis’ eyes.

“Yeah…” She mumbled.

“What was that all about anyway?” He continued, trying his best to hold a conversation with her.

She almost seemed to wake up at this. She shook her head vigorously and rubbed her eyes with the backs of her fists. She sighed, looking down at the fire again.

“I just can’t stand the way people wont fight for themselves. I mean I know where you’re coming from, but I grew up having to defend myself and it’s just alien to me.”

“Yeah I know what you mean. They all call me a hot head for wanting to fight but in he end I’m always right.” This got a small smile from Iris. She lifted her blue eyes from the fire and stared at him.

“Always?” She asked now grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Well not always, but most of the time. They always end up fighting so why bother waiting?”

“Yeah you’re right, some people have no logic whatsoever.” She nodded her head a few times, her pigtails following her movements, bobbing up and down beside her ears.

One downs three to go. Davis thought to himself. He was pretty good at this stuff; he could be a motivational speaker or something like that.

Iris had proceeded to stare at the fire, but now a small smile graced her lips. If only he could get Kari to smile like that, he hated seeing her sad. It made everything seem so dark. He lifted his eyes to look at her and TK. He looked so smug, Kari wrapped in his arms, how did he do it?

Davis shook his head, determined not to go down that train of thought again. He instead looked over to Ken. Even though Davis knew Ken would never forget about what he did, he always tried to cheer up his friend. He knew for a fact that he was thinking about it now, he had that look in his eyes. That guilty look, as if he’d just been blamed for something he’d done but wasn’t going to own up to it.

Davis moved closer to Ken nudging him as he did.

“Hey buddy whatcha thinking about?” Ken glanced up at him with his sad eyes. Davis’ hated seeing people look sad like that, it made him feel sad. And he didn’t like feeling sad because it made him think about sad things. And well it doesn’t matter.

“Nothin’” Ken replied.

“Oh come on I can tell when people are thinking, they have that serious look on their face and they never want to talk.”

Davis scrunched up his face and set his chin on the back of his fist, taking on a thinking posture. He was rewarded with a small smile tugging at Ken’s lips but it soon faded.

“You wouldn’t understand…” He mumbled hugging Wormmon tighter.

“What do you mean I wont understand are you calling me dumb?” Davis yelled in mock anger.

“No I-I don’t mean that, it’s just… oh never mind.”

“No I’m gonna keep bugging you about this, I’m not as dumb as you think I am. I’ll try to understand, or at least pretend.”


“You’re thinking about when you were the digimon emperor aren’t you?”

Ken stared at him in shock for a moment before softly replying,

“Yeah… it’s just about what Iris said…” He confessed.

“What you mean about that ‘light’ or whatever it was, I think that was just a metaphor.”

“You’re right but I know that I don’t have it. I don’t have it because I’ve killed so many. And it wasn’t like her how she killed for survival; I killed just for the fun of it. I took pleasure in watching digimon suffer.”

He only just held back the oncoming tears. He’d promised himself he wouldn’t cry over this anymore but he couldn’t seem to forget. It wasn’t something he could just remove like that. It wasn’t like he’d just broken a vase and then hid the pieces it was much more. The things he did could never be forgiven.

“No Ken.” Davis said roughly shaking him out of his thoughts, “I’m not gonna let you start thinking about how you can’t be forgiven for your sins, you always get so depressed when you do.”

“Thanks buddy.” Ken replied gratefully.

It wasn’t often you could find a friend like Davis. Sure he could be a little crude at times but his intentions were always good. He could never get any of the others to tell him what they really thought, but for Davis you couldn’t get him to lie about something like that. He’d always just come right out and say what’s on his mind. That wasn’t always a good thing but in times like this he needed someone to bring him back to reality.

“No prob, now I got some advice for you. If you ever find yourself thinking about things that you know are way over your head you should just start thinking about the person that you like.” Davis nudged him softly in the ribs to emphasize his point.


“What do you mean?” Ken asked innocently.

He’d never really had time for girls; he’d always be too involved in his studies to worry about trivial things like that. He’d always pretend to be interested whenever one of his fans come running up but he knew it wasn’t the same. He knew Yolie liked him, it was obvious to him. He’d always catch her staring at him, and she’d always come and watch him play soccer. But he still didn’t feel any special bond with her.

“Well you know…” Davis started nudging him again, “That special lady that you’ve got your eyes on. You know I think Yolie really likes you how do you feel about her?”

“I don’t know…” He trailed off still half trapped in his thoughts, “I’ve never really thought about it.”

“What?” Davis stared at him in shock, “You mean you’ve never had a crush on anybody?”

“Well no…” Kan replied his cheeks blushing a light pink, “I never really had time, you know with all my study.”

“No Ken you don’t see there’s always time to like someone, it doesn’t take up any time. I study all the time and I like people.”

“Your grades don’t say otherwise.” Ken smirked.

“Hey you leave my grades out of this.” He warned him holding his fist up in front of his face, “What I’m trying to say is if you wanna let go of the past you need to get yourself a girlfriend. That shouldn’t be too hard for you with the amount of girls you got hanging off you.”

“But I don’t like any of them…”

“That doesn’t matter, if you’ve got something to think about then you wont have time to think about the past.”

“I guess your right, I’ll ponder your advice.” Ken said a cynical smile defying his words.

“Alright.” Davis said slapping him on the back, “that’s the spirit you know I’m right hey.”

Ken nodded his head smiling to himself. Davis was definitely one of a kind.

Bingo, Davis thought to himself, two down one to go. Not counting TK or that idiot Clive they can cheer themselves up he didn’t owe them anything, but now for Kari. He stood up and walked over to the other side of the fire. TK looked up at him as he did, his eyes warning him to back off. Davis glared back at him as he sat down next to Kari; she didn’t even notice his presence. But that didn’t hinder him.

“Hey Kari…” He started, but his words were cut off by a huge bang not far from where they were.

“Uh oh” Iris said instantly on her feet, “Everybody get ready!” She shouted.

She held out her digivice signaling Polarmon to digivolve.

“Polarmon digivolve too,” Light burst from her digivice and surrounded Polarmon as she digivolved, “Megapolarmon!”

Iris jumped up onto Megapolarmon’s back. They took off into the forest, Iris riding on Megapolarmon’s back like a surfboard.


“What the…” Davis watched as Megapolarmon leaped through some trees and disappeared. Why did this have to happen now? He was just about to start talking to Kari when… boom! It all gets ruined. He looked angrily down at Veemon who was tugging on the bottom of his pants.

“Davis come on I gotta help them.” He pleaded occasionally glancing over to the trees where Megapolarmon had disappeared.

“Alright.” He mumbled as he pulled his D3 out.

“Veemon digivolve too… Exveemon!” Davis stared up at Exveemon expectantly.

“What are you waiting for?” He asked a huge grin plastered on his face. Exveemon shrugged and picked him up, setting him on his shoulder.

Davis looked back at the others; Wormmon had digivolved and was carrying Ken off into the forest. Patamon had also digivolved and was waiting for TK to give the orders. TK on the other hand was helping Kari up; barely aware of anything else that was happening.

Davis snarled at TK watching as Kari fawned over him and how considerate he was. He could be considerate he’d show her that.

Without warning Exveemon jolted into motion almost throwing Davis right off his shoulder. Davis grabbed onto his neck and steadied himself for the trip.

“What was that for?” He asked flicking Exveemons’ neck.

“I couldn’t wait any longer.” He said swiftly running through the underbrush only barely dodging tree branches and other projectiles.

Davis ducked his head down dodging a huge tree limb that came flying at his head at an amazing speed. He looked behind him in shock at the disappearing branch; his head could have been embedded in that piece of wood if ha had been only a second slower.

“Hey,” Davis called to Exveemon, “Watch where you’re going I was almost hit.”

“Sorry Davis.” Exveemon replied halfheartedly.

Fortunately for Exveemon Davis didn’t have enough time to start yelling at him as they reached their destination. The trees suddenly dropped away reveling a not too welcoming cliff over looking a dead mountain range. On the edge of the cliff Megapolarmon was locked in deadly battle with three Airdramons’.

Exveemon stopped and watched as Megapolarmon shot her attack at one of the Airdramons’ and dodged as one shot an attack at her.

“Well what are you waiting for?” Davis yelled into his ear, “Help her!”

Exveemon set Davis on the ground and was instantly at Megapolarmon’s side.

Ex-vee laser!” He yelled red beams shooting from his chest and hitting one of the Airdramons’ causing it to lose its balance and drop from sight.

“Watch out!” He heard Stingmon’s familiar voice call him.

He turned around only to find a huge ball of energy bearing down on him. He jumped out of the way just in time as it slammed into the ground causing part of the cliff to break off and fall out of sight.

“That was a close one.” He thanked his luck and flew over to the fighting pair.

The other Airdramon had returned and was now attacking Megapolarmon along with one other. Exveemon jumped in taking the hero role and saving Megapolarmon. He grabbed one of the Airdramons by the tail and swung it around with all his might. He let it go sending the Airdramon hurtling through the air.

“Good save.” Megapolarmon said jumping out of the way of an Airdramon tail.

“Hey guys!” Iris turned her attention to the voice.

TK and Kari were riding on the back of Pegasusmon. They jumped down and ran over to the other children.

“Guys what's going on here?” TK yelled over the sounds of battle.

“They were coming to attack us!” Iris yelled back.

“Not again.” Kari said staring over at the Airdramon, “Don’t hurt them!” She yelled up at the battling digimon, “It’s not their fault!”

Kari ran heedlessly into the middle of the fight, ignoring the danger she was putting herself in.

“Kari!” Iris yelled following her into the midst of the raging battle, “Kari what are you doing?”

Kari ran over to Megapolarmon and tugged at her fur to stop her from attacking the Airdramon. Megapolarmon glanced down at the girl at her feet opening herself to an attack. The nearby Airdramon took this chance and swung its tail, full force at Megapolarmon. Her ribs took the brute of the attack and she was sent flying back away from the cliff, de-digivolving back into Polarmon.

Kari stared in shock as Megapolarmon was slammed by the Airdramon and sent flying back into her group of friends. She was so shocked that she didn’t notice the same Airdramon soaring down straight at her preparing to snatch her off the ground. It grabbed her by the back of her shirt with its mouth and started carrying her off.

“Kari!” Davis yelled noticing the Airdramon and her.

He ran over to Exveemon who was currently locked in battle with the other Airdramon.

“Exveemon follow that Airdramon!” He yelled.

Exveemon glanced over at Davis allowing the Airdramon to slam his back. He grunted in pain and fell limply to the ground, de-digivolving back into Veemon.


“Veemon!” Davis yelled running over to the small dragon and kneeling down next to him, “Veemon what happened?”

“It got my spine.” He whispered quivering in pain.

“No veemon…”

“Kari!” TK yelled in unison with Davis.

That stupid Airdramon was not going to get away with this. He ran over to where Pegasusmon was fighting with the other Airdramon along with Stingmon and Exveemon.

“Pegasusmon!” He called.

At the same time Davis called out to Exveemon distracting him from the fight allowing the Airdramon a clear shot. It hit him straight in the spine and he fell to the ground. TK stared in shock, not even noticing Pegasusmon fly to his side.

“TK.” Pegasusmon said startling him out of his shock.

TK nodded his head and jumped on his back; ready to follow the Airdramon that had Kari.  

He heard a scream from back on the cliff. He looked over to find another Airdramon grab Iris from behind and start carrying her off.

“Not again.” He mumbled ordering Pegasusmon over to the new Airdramon.

“Star sho…” Pegasusmon started readying himself to attack.

“No stop Pegasusmon.” TK cut him off pulling on his mane; “You’ll hit Iris as well.”

Pegasusmon reared up in frustration. How was he ever supposed to save her if he couldn’t attack the Airdramon? He flew in closer so he was flying parallel to the Airdramon. It glanced at them careful not to drop Iris as it did.

“Drop her now.” TK ordered.

“No don’t!” Iris yelled clinging onto its mouth.

She glanced down at the swiftly moving terrain below them. A cold shiver ran down her spine as she clutched the Airdramons’ mouth. She would rather be flying here with this Airdramon then smashed all over those rocks.

The Airdramon jolted to one side nearly dropping her as it did. She could feel the impact as it’s tailed slammed onto Pegasusmon. She glanced over to where TK had been riding Pegasusmon only a few moments ago, now it was just nothing. She glanced behind them, but she still couldn’t see them. 

“No help someone!” She screamed to no avail. She was way out of earshot plus the only one that could save her now was Stingmon and he was probably caught up with those other Airdramon. She sighed in defeat closing her eyes to the harsh reality. There was no one who could save her now; she’d just have to be strong.