Welcome to my Art Gallery

As you will probably not, most of the pics on this page relater to fantasy stories and characters, but bear with me, it's what I'm into. :)

Each one of these pics will have a little description with it, just in case you are wondering what it is you're looking at. ;) (Click on the pic to see a larger version...MUCH LARGER!)

This is of a sort of dragon creature. I drew it in Chem class one day when I was bored. *g*

This pic is of a moutain-lion cub, running through the snow. I sketched in in art class when I we had a sub.

This is a pic I drew for my webring . There is no bigger version of this pic, this is the size it came in...

This pic was made for my Adopt a Dragon webpage. There is no larger version of this pic either.

This pic is for a story I'm writing, I never bothered to shade it. It looks much better in the large version, but it's too darn big!

This is Rhia, isn't she awesome! She's a character I've thought up...

This goes with that first pic up at the top...