Phaze is . . .
A dignified Siamese with huge blue eyes and an even bigger personality.  He is also known as "Boo" and  understands the human language ( although he seldom deigns to speak it).
Feline Facts:
This "Attitude with a Tail"  is the star of the short story published in GRIT magazine  in September 2001.
Phaze doesn't like most "people" food -  not even raw steak - but he does consider the juice from a can of tuna (in water - no oil) to be a special treat!
More about Phaze:
Phaze just turned the big 1-0.  He is now a double-digit kitty, but still happily ensconced in his kittenhood.
Cool Links:
Fun for Pets
Pet of the Day
Email Phaze !

- playing "get the kitty" - a game where his mama chases him through the house

- sleeping on his very own pillow

- long naps

- fresh water right from the tap

- wrestling

- going to the vet

- people food

- showers

- dogs

- loud noises

- strangers

- anything that disrupts his daily routine