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DBZ Character Bios
Description:Originaly sent to Earth to destroy the Humans and sell the Planet, but ended when he fell off a cliff and bumped his head and forgot about it and became good natured. He is the main character in all of the Series and probely the strongest of them. He marries Chi-Chi and they have 2 kids, Gohan and Goten.  

Race:Half Human/Half Saiyajin.
Description:First son of Goku and Chi-Chi, he started his training during the Saiyajin Saga with Piccolo, Goku's rival. Gohan is said to be the most powerful character, but he never uses his max. power in a fight. Gohan is the first to go Super Saiyajin 2 during the Cell Fight and is caused when Cell kills #16, and he gets really P. O. Gohan marries Videl and later on they have a daughter named Pan.   
Description:Prince of all Saiyajins, Vegeta grew up as one of Freeza's men. His father was killed and the Planet Vegeta was destroyed all by Freeza. Vegeta knew about this all along, but did not say anything. Upset that Goku is stronger then him and that he went Super Saiyajin before him, Vegeta is in constent training to be better than him. He marries Bulma, and they have 2 kids, Trunks and Bra. 
     of a device that could deactivate #18 but didn't. Later on, she and Krillin got married and had a kid named Marrin. 
Description:Broli is the chosen Saiyajin, meaning that he is the strongest of all the Saiyajins and having unbelieveble power. Broli went insane in the hospital over Goku's crying and the Saiyajins killed him and his father. (Or so they thought.) Broli survived and came to Earth, wanting to take care of Goku, but was killed by Goku, Trunks and Gohan. Videl fought him for a while, but didn't do to well. Goten and Trunks had to help.   

Description:Krillin trained at the Orange Temple to become a Monk, then left to train under Master Roshi, so the girls would notice him more. He met Goku and they became best friends and followed him on adventures. He is the Strongest Human in the world, but also dies a lot and plays a very good role in all of the Series.

Majin Buu
Description:Majin Buu was locked away under the Earth, after destroying 5 planets, until the son of the man who put him away, released him and wrecked havoc on Earth. Goku and the rest tried to defeat him, but he kept eating people and getting stronger. Finally, Vegeta blew himself up to kill him, but it didn't work. Finally, Buu was destroyed by the Spirit Bomb, with the entire Earth's energy. The good side of Buu, Mr. Buu, now lives with Mr. Satan. 
Race:Half Human/Half Saiyajin.
Description:Trunks is the son of Vegeta and Bulma. He first appeared when Freeza came to Earth. Trunks came from the future and killed him and his father, King Cold. He came to give vital information to the Z Fighters that in 3 years, Androids would appear and take over Earth and they must stop it. Trunks later on, when born, looks different, because the future changed and all the Z Fighters survived. Trunks later comes back and helps kill Cell, but is killed, then brought back with the Dragon Balls. He then goes back and kills the future #17, #18 and first stage of Cell. He plays a major part in the Z Series and a bigger part in the GT Series.


Description:Freeza was the most feared person in the Universe. He was so strong, he could destroy the Universe in a matter of seconds. Freeza was finally defeated by Goku. (Or so everyone thought.) Then destoryed by Trunks. After the battle on Namek, he survived and was made into a Cyborg. Freeza's role in the Series is really high, and poses as a threat to a lot of people. Unfortunitly, he doesn't last that long, but there is still talk about him the Series.  


Race:Half Human/Half Saiyajin.
Description:Goten is the second son of Goku and Chi-Chi. Goten loves to fight, along with his best friend, Trunks. They are always in a competition with each other and are always getting into trouble. Goten surprises everyone when going Super Saiyajin at the age of 7. He and Trunks always enter the Tenkichi Bouduki together in the Kid's Final's and are always the 2 Finalists. Goten plays a semi-important role in the Z Series, but then gets lazy in GT, and kind of disappears.

Description:The Fusion form of Goku and Vegeta. First shown in Movie 12 agaisnt the fight with Janenba. Gogita looks just like Goku, but with white pants and a vest. Gogita is strong, but this form can only be held for 30 minutes. The strongest form of Goku and Vegeta and the strongest character is Vegito.

Android #16
Description:Android #16 was made to also defeat Goku. He was also awakend by Dr. Gero after #19 was killed. #16 didn't like to fight, but loved nature a lot. He was killed after giving a moving speech to Gohan by Cell. This is what made Gohan just loose it with Cell and made him go Super Saiyajin 2. #16 did try to destroy Cell by Self-Destructing, but it didn't work.


Description:A weak Race that is only seen in the Saiyajin Saga being used agaisnt the Earth's Special Forces. They only have a Power Level of 1,200. But they are pretty fast and are deadly. But, they are quickly desposed of thanks to Krillin.
Captain Ginyu
Description:Captain Ginyu is Captain of the Ginyu Force. The Ginyu Force is Freeza's most powerful group of soldiers. The Ginyu Force is killed by Vegeta, but Ginyu survives, but is trapped in a frogs body now on Earth. This happened when he changed bodies with Goku, then changed back and tried to do it with Vegeta, but Goku tossed a frog into the beams way, and Ginyu was trapped there. Ginyu and his gang went and destroyed Planets and sold them, but Freeza only uses them when there is trouble.

Description:Cell was created by Dr. Gero out of Goku, Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, Freeza, Vegeta and King Cold's DNA. He is supposed to be a perfect fighting machine, but in order to become, "Perfect." he must absorb #17 and #18. He does this and then has the Cell Game, where all the fighters of the world can TRY to beat him, but they fail miserbly. The Z Fighters stand up to him, but they can't handle the Cell Jr.'s and are beaten. Goku is tired and Gohan is just standing there in anger. Gohan goes Super Saiyajin 2 and kills Cell, with the help of Goku.

Mr. Popo

Description:Mr. Popo is the servent of God. (Known as Kami.) Mr. Popo's job is to take care of the Sky Palace, Kami's place, with taking care of the garden and cleaning. He is the one that wished for all the Nameks to be brought back to life. (Along with Vegeta.) He helped Kami spread the White Water Mist that turned everyone back to normal when infected by Garlic Jr.'s Black Water Mist. He plays a tiny role in the series, but plays a more larger role in the Dragon Ball Series. 
Description:Piccolo was born when Goku killed Kami's other half, but before he dying, fired a egg out which was Piccolo. Piccolo grew up and wanted only one thing. To kill Goku. He has always trained to beat him but never did it. Finally he killed him during the Radditz fight, but was not happy that he killed someone that was doing a noble sacarfice. Piccolo took Gohan into training and trained him well. Piccolo is strong, but nothing compared to any of the Saiyajins.


Description:Chi-Chi is first seen in the Dragon Ball Series being chased by a dinosaur. She fires a sharp blade from here helmet and kills the dinosaur instantly. When Chi-Chi first meets Goku, see instantly falls in love with him and asks to go on a date with him. Goku, as always thinks it's food. She says that a date is the most fun a boy and girl can have. (Um, not really if you know what I mean......) Goku thinking of "Fun" as fighting, punches her, but dodges and she kicks, he blocks and laughs and they fight.

King Kai
Description:King Kai is known for his famous Marital Arts and teaching it to people who can make it to him. King Kai trained Goku during the Saiyajin Saga to get stronger and to learn the Kaioken and the Spirit Bomb. Later, he teaches Yamcha, Tien, Chaou-zu and Piccolo. He is later killed by Cell, when Goku teleports him there and he explodes.

Description:She was the Main Character to start the entire Series. Without her quest to find the Dragon Balls, none of the Series would have happend. She is a Main Character through all the Series. Her biggest role is the Dragon Ball Series. Later on, she marries Vegeta and they have 2 kids, Trunks and Bra. 
Description:Not much about this little guy. He is King Kai's pet Monkey and is used for training people for King Kai. He is very fast and took Goku 3 weeks to catch him. He is later killed when Cell blows the Planet up.

Description:Goku's older brother and first enemy to appear in the Dragon Ball Z Series. When he demands Goku kill 100 people or his son dies, Goku and Piccolo team up to take Radditz out. With Goku's PL at 416, Piccolo's PL at 408 and Radditz's PL at 1,200, victory seems far away. He is killed though when Goku holds him tight after he is weakend by Gohan after his anger strike. Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon goes through him, killing Goku. Radditz is never seen again.

Race:Pure Evil?
Description:Janenba is created when the Spritz Cleaner, a device that all evil goes through and the person comes out good, goes out of control and the evil takes over the guard of the Spritz Cleaners body, turning him into Janenba. He then releases all evil in Hell, Including Freeza, Zarbon, Ginyu Force, Hitler, etc. Goku, who's dead, stops fighting in Heaven's Tournament and goes after Janenba. After getting hurt bad and about to be finished off, Vegeta steps in and fights. Goku then Fuses with Vegeta, but they fuse wrong and fuse into Fat Gogita. On Earth, Goten and Trunks go off to find the Dragon Balls to stop this. The Dragon tells he can't make the wish, for he has no control over the dead. So, that leaves Gohan and Videl to fight of Hitler's Army. Goku deafeats Janenba, Gohan defeats all of Hell's Army and all is turned back to normal. At the end of Movie 12, Shenlong is standing there waiting for someone to make a wish.

Description:Goku and Vegeta's Ultimate Fusion form. He is only seen in the Majin Buu Saga, then is never Fused again for Vegeta, when in Majin Buu's stomach, destroys his earring. Vegito is the strongest character, but is not around for very long.
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