What is drag? Why a fanlisting for drag? And for that matter, what the heck IS a fanlisting? All these questions will be answered on this page:

What is drag?
Well, Webster's dictionary defines drag as...okay, okay, just kidding. In the eyes of this fanlisting, drag is when someone of one gender dresses up as someone from the other gender for the purpose to appear as the other gender. ie: men dress as women, women dress as men. It can be for fun, for purpose (ie: the Kids In the Hall dress in drag because they have no women in their comedy troupe), or for other reasons.

Why a fanlisting for drag?
Since getting hooked on the TV show "The Kids In The Hall" (see above for more info), I've been a big fan of drag. I can't explain it, and I don't really know anyone who can. It's just something I like. I personally don't dress in drag, but I love seeing others in drag. Call me weird (actually don't please, it will hurt my feelings).

What the heck IS a fanlisting?
A fanlisting is a list of fans (gasp!). TheFanlistings.org describes fanlistings as a place for all fans of a particular thing to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject. So basically, if you're a fan of drag, in any form, you're just the kind of person to join this list!
