The Shamanic Practice of Shape-shifting

by Tiamath Dracomancer

Among the many different shamanic journeys undertaken the world over, there is the way of altering one's outward shape as far as this reality is concerned with the goal of learning and assimilating the spiritual, emotional and mental traits of other beings. This, of course, is not limited to shamanism, but is something that most inhabitants of this earth do every day. As part of our daily survival struggles, we all have been known to adjust our patterns of speech, our outward appearance, (even going to such extremes as having our faces and bodies altered by plastic surgery). Societies as well as individuals undergo the evolution of awareness. The great cultural diversity that exits within many societies exerts upon its members a pressure to adjust to societal norms, which are subject to change at any given moment. As individuals, we all are constantly re- inventing ourselves. On our journey to enlightenment, we seek to experience all of the richness and glory that the universe holds. In doing so, we begin to realize just how tenuous and fragile are the walls of limitations that exist only in our minds, we begin to see that any barriers of form as perceived in physical reality are in fact, illusory and that on other levels, there is actually very little to separate us.

In the ancient times, it was an accepted practice to experience the sensations of being in another being's skin, as it were, such as assuming the form of a non-human animal, for example, in order to understand its essence better, and, in doing so, come to greater awareness of the relationship with beings that appear different from oneself. It was an important part of life in the so called "primitive" societies where having to form a rather intimate relationship with the hunted creatures was necessary for survival. There are a great many lessons to be learned in communing with other beings, of course, the ultimate goal of any spirit being the return to the Source of all life, the merging with the Universal Spirit.

As our guides may appear in any shape, we need to be able to put our prejudices aside and to be prepared to accept the outward appearance of our teachers, whatever form they may choose to assume. The limitations that our cultural backgrounds and such may have imposed upon our impressionable minds as children present obstacles on this thorn-overgrown path to awareness, yet all of the surprises we encounter along the way serve to rip the veils of illusion from our mind's eye and show us ourselves in true light. For an actual physical metamorphosis to occur, a great deal of focus, concentration, understanding of the workings of various forces at the quantum level, and the sheer personal power and awareness are required. (There are always practitioners, who, while they may not have undergone any formal studies of quantum mechanics or have not been subjected to any Western, Eurocentric-style educational methods, are in fact highly knowledgeable whether their wisdom is "intuitive" (read: retained from experiences in other Earthwalks), passed on through countless generations within their ancient cultures, or is gained through communion with spirits from other planes (as in channeling) is immaterial here. What matters is the ability of the shaman to bend the forces at work in any situation in order to achieve harmony and balance in the Universe. (Or, at least, one's little corner of the Universe.)

Therefore, it would not be wise to dismiss anyone out of hand, the latent powers at the disposal of any one being may not be apparent to the casual observer, shape-shifting, however it may be achieved, is serious matter and should not be undertaken lightly.

The mastery and the control as well as awareness of the cellular make-up are necessary, in order to alter it. Few have reached that level of personal evolution, yet it is far from impossible.

Take, for instance, transformation on the energetic level (as it is perceived in the so-called "physical" reality, since when everything is said and done, the very fabric of existence is energy, after all).

This particular aspect of the art of shifting shape is something that may be more easily attained.

A few years ago, when I was at a pretty low point in my life, and was very depressed and disenchanted with the caliber of people I kept running into, I've had an experience on the astral, (and that is just as valid as anything that can take place on this plane, perhaps, moreso), of meeting a group of people who, while they do exist in the physical form here, in this world, have reassured me that the struggle is not in vain, and there is a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. (Pardon the clichés.)

The person I thought of as the leader of the group (though there did not seem to be any hierarchy there), had invited me to follow him on a journey, we had flown once around the earth, (and, to me, such excursions are habitual by now), and he had shown me exactly where they lived. I cannot reveal the exact location, but it is a group of tiny islands to the west of Tasmania, not very far from the mainland. One of the first things he had said to me, in these exact words, was: "Our clan is scattered all over the world, and you are one of us, never forget it". Some months later, when I was feeling down, I have asked him to contact me and as I was holding him, gradually I've realized that he had shifted to a different form, though the essence of his energy felt the same to me. ROFL! These shamans do have a sense of humour. While he did become a seal for me, however briefly, his soft golden-brown skin felt the same, and it really did not matter at all what kind of body happened to contain his spiritual essence. (If you are wondering, this man is an old Australian aborigine, or at least appears to be so, though the group is composed of people of different races.)

He said that they did not wish their exact whereabouts to be known as they were engaged in very important work in trying to preserve ancient knowledge, and did want to be disturbed by anthropologists.

So, the teacher that you seek may appear to you in any form, whether here or on the astral, in human, animal or even ET form, you need to be open and receptive here, just be sure that it is someone whose presence feels right to you.

Some of us have very vivid memories of other lifetimes where we were (are) being taught this esoteric art. Personally, I can recall being a young boy somewhere in East Africa, on my hands and toes in the centre of a shallow pit dug in the sand. The circular pit is surrounded by people with spears. I am alone in the centre and I know that this is a test. I understand that I am expected to shift into a leopard, both in a "physical" sense and in terms of this creature's true essence. I feel that I am being pressured (perhaps the only person who is pressuring me is myself?), but the others seem to have faith in my abilities.

As a teenager in this lifetime, I had the privilege of being taught this lesson on the astral level by one of my guides. (Or a shape-shifting ally, as they are sometimes known.)

Here is the story of that journeying:

I find myself standing on a field of ice, wearing a long red dress, with my bare feet up to the ankles in water that covers the ice layer. The sun appears to be setting. There is a brilliant red glow spreading over the ice. Otherwise, the landscape is featureless and completely flat. I seem to be able to see for miles in all directions. Patiently, I am waiting for something to happen.

In a while, though the concept of linear time does not make sense here, I see a movement in the distance. (For the sake of convenience, I am using time-bound terminology here, but please be advised that all of these "tenses' are purely arbitrary.) The dark cloud on the horizon resolves itself into a small group of wolves, perhaps seven or so.

One of them detaches himself from the pack, and approaches me. (Somehow, I know instantly that it is a mature male, and that he is familiar to me in some ways.)

The wolf looks me in the eye, and an understanding passes between us. I stretch out my right arm to him and with the wolf being quite tall, I can do this without bending. The wolf, whom I now recognize, without knowing it consciously, as an old friend, gently bites my arm on the inside of the elbow, just breaking the skin. I have absolute trust in him by now, and this action does not disturb me in the least.

As a thin trickle of blood appears, I find my that my body is changing somehow, imperceptibly yet suddenly. I am much closer to the ground now, I feel that I have a tail, all of my senses are enhanced. My visual perceptions have been altered, yet all of it seems to be very natural, I feel very comfortable with the whole experience. The rest of the pack who have been waiting patiently, approach now, and the wolf (whom I see as my protector) and I join them.

I must admit that while the sensations of running free on four legs, of hearing the clouds move in the sky, of feeling your sleek muscles move underneath your skin are all wonderful, the best part of this journey was the feeling of being completely, and without question, accepted by others, no longer feeling like an outsider.

One more note: curiously, the only colours that I remember from this adventure were the slightly varying shades of red, those of the sunset, of my dress and my blood. Otherwise, for the most part the monochromatic scheme prevailed. From what I understand, wolves are capable of seeing both into the ultraviolet and the infrared parts of the spectrum. Perhaps my human brain that was processing the information as it was coming in from the astral level, was unable to interpret this incoming data fully. Though, even when I am inhabiting a human body, I am able to see auras occasionally, which pertains to the ultraviolet segments of the spectrum, and the infrared beams of my television remote, among other objects. (If anyone out there in cyberspace could venture an opinion on this matter, your input would be greatly appreciated).


In a journal, record inner and outer experiences that reflect your courtship of a shape-shifter ally. The ally can take any natural form, such as animal, element, plant, star, ancestor, extraterrestrial, or deity, and it will make itself known by appearing repeatedly in your dreams. Show your guardian initial respect by validating its authenticity. Only if you honor its presence will the ally work through you.

One of my guides, who generally appears as a Native American man, sometimes likes to assume other forms, in order to test me. Once, whilst on the astral, I was walking and then felt someone's presence behind me. I turned around, and it was a honey-hued bear, following me closely. I immediately recognised my guide, at which point he shifted to his human form and and gave a throaty laugh. He is a bit a joker, but the tests he devises for me are becoming more complex and the lessons more profound. Not all guides are likely to do this, of course, it all depends on what it is that one needs to learn at any particular time. For certain kinds of beings, particularly those who inhabit very highly evolved planes of existence, for instance, it may require a great deal of energy to slow their vibrations down to the level where they can be perceived by untrained eye. It is particularly true of the so-called "angelic" beings. Sometimes, usually early in one's relationship, they will assume a humanoid appearance, just to make themselves easier to be accepted by an acolyte. As the relationship progresses, they may be perceived as spheres of light, for example, the form which is probably closer to their true appearance. (Though, who knows what it really is? Are we even capable of comprehending it?) Allies may change over time according to the work we need to do in our lives, both for ourselves and others. There are also different energies that need to be activated and integrated at varying points in our lives. The ally may be a manifestation of a characteristic we are trying to cultivate. When our issues and focus shift, a new guardian may come into our aura and consciousness to help us bring forth those attributes we need. One aspect of the feline, for example, is that the wild cat is in touch with its sensuality and psychic potential. When sexual energy is expressed and has fluidity, then the current of life will move more freely in the psychic realms. At another phase of your Earthwalk you may have spiritual work to do that involves soul travel in the dream state or astral projection in the waking. The bird ally teaches that medicine. By interchanging shapes with the bird, the winged one will teach you its mysteries.

It is possible to work with more than one ally during a certain time period, but most people can only focus on so much effectively. The ally is a real spirit with a will and characteristics of its own.

The ally relationship is to be cultivated for the use of personal guidance and for serious shamanic work. But while employing trance induction and active imagination we can also choose to work with the archetypal energies that a selected guardian form represents for the purpose of activating those energies within ourselves. The exercise provided here will help you awaken creative imagery, deepening your intuitive awareness. Document all aspects of your shapeshifter archetype, both the positive and negative qualities of the wild unconscious.


If you could undergo metamorphosis this moment, what would you become? Take the time to select a form you would like to embody according to the attributes and powers it will give you. Describe the physical and spiritual qualities of your spirit guide, and in your meditation become that guide. Good Luck!

About the artwork: This painting, entitled "The Swan Princess" by the Russian artist Mikhail Vrubel in 1900 was based upon the Russian fairytale of the same name, which was also the source of inspiration for the opera by Rimsky-Korsakov. Vrubel's model for the painting, his wife the singer Nadezhda Zabela, had the title role in the original production.
