Dr. Nad AwardDr. Nad's Web Site Award

The criterian for winning Dr. Nad's Web Site Award (see other versions below) are simple. The layout of the site must be well organized and somewhat unique. The site should be viewable for both Netscape 4+ and Internet Explorer 4+, and it should contain something of interest to at least some small segment of the internet populace.
Gaudy backgrounds, too many animated GIFs, pages that take forever to load and dead links will not help your cause.
If you still think the site you have in mind qualifies, please click on the button (which sends you to Dr. Nad's guest book) and enter the URL and a short comment letting me know that you want the award, and a little description of your site.

This button sends you to Dr. Nad's guest book
If for some reason the guest book is down, please send an E-mail message!

Dr. Nad's Web Site Animated Gem Award Dr. Nad's Web Site Quartz Award Dr. Nad's Web Site Egg Award