Ten Deadly Errors in Judgment

  We all make mistakes that impact our personal security. Analyzing our mistakes as well as others may help us avoid making the same mistakes in the future. As you read these ten errors in judgment, visualize how these errors could affect your personal security.

1. Failure in breathing deeply to control your emotions, when needed
  How many times have you let your temper flair, when it could have put you in needless danger?

2. Talking instead of stopping to look, listen and read body language.
  When talking you are not as alert as you should be. This could be dangerous. You could fail to pick up a danger signal.

3. Believing things on insufficient evidence.
  Having pre-conceived notions and jumping to conclusions on skimpy information can lead to great danger.

4. Falling for bullshit, flattery and pretty faces.
  All of us can be influenced through our own greed, lust and pride. We can fall into traps of great danger.

5. Being complacent and without plans.
  We can be lead into a false sense of security. We can be lead to believe that nothing bad will ever happen to us. But there are hundreds of trap falls waiting for the unwary. We all must plan for hard times and dangerous times.

6. Assuming rather than determining and double-checking.
  It has been said that, “an assumption is the first step toward a screw-up.” Never, ever assume. Don’t trust someone else to do what you should do to protect your life and welfare.

7. Failure to expect and plan for the unexpected.
  When making plans, always have a fallback plan if things go wrong. There are a number of disasters waiting around the corner. There are situations of violence, treachery, seduction, financial disaster, accidents and sickness. We cannot be complacent. Plan the best you can. Be prepared!

8. Failure to recognize treacherous dogs.
  We can all be tricked and conned by treacherous people. Many times our greed blinds us to treacherous people. There are always little warning signs that tell us that something is not right when dealing with treachery. Heed those warnings and watch out for the treacherous dogs.

9. Trusting in fools.
  The world is full of fools who claim to be experts in handling the affairs of our lives. It has been said that, “ People rise to positions one level past there competence.” He was good at his old job but he doesn’t know scrap about his present job! It is up to you to handle the important affairs of your life.

10. Understanding your opponent.
  A man who appeared to be weak and small has knocked many a man on his butt. You put yourself at a disadvantage when you underestimate your opponent.

About the Author / Axioms of the Warrior / Common Items Used as Deadly Personal Weapons / Eight Deadly Mistakes in Hand-to-hand Combat / Elements of Personal Sceurity / Single Strike Deathblows / Ten Exercises For Martial Arts Toughness / Use of Handguns / Final Thoughts / Email / Index