This section of my web page is all about interesting doxie facts.  If you have an interesting fact that you would like to send me go to contact information and send it to me.
Did You Know...
*Dachshunds are sometimes called half a dog high and a dog and a half long.
*it is considered the national dog of Germany, but its origin was in France.
*In centeral Europe it was once used for hunting Badgers.
*Dachshund means "badger dog" in German.
*the breed belongs to the hound group.
In this section of my webpage I will answer any questions you have about Dachshunds in general.  Just send them to me from contact information
Q:  I was wondering if you maybe could help me...I just got a cute lil doxie....his name is buddy (6 weeks old). Anyway, I am trying to litter train him.  I have him (when not playing, holding, or sleeping with him) in a large rubbermaid type tub..with his kennel on one side..his litterbox taking up the rest with a lil spot for his food/water on the side.  He seems to poo OK in the litterbox..but has frequent accidents when peeing....I dont know if he is too young....or..maybe just needs alot more patience....and understanding.  His main problem is now..he pokes his head and front legs out of his kennel into the box..then pees..not realizing his rear quarters are still in there...then he whines..cuz his kennel is wet.  He also  frequently pees when he is let down for any reason..except when you put him in his box..he doesnt...he just looks at you...

Well thank you in advance for reading this letter, and I am praying that someday I can get him trained so we can roam freely around the house....and not just for lil periods at a time.

Thanks again


A:  Well, congratulations on your Doxie for a first thing! I have litter trained my baby girl and how I started off was buying some spray on stuff that makes the spot smell in such a way that they want to go there! Just have patience! as often as you can be with him and watch him. If you see him sniffing around as if he might need to go pick him up right away and put him in the litter! Also, it might be nice if when he is going to say something such as "go potty" so that he will go on "command". I know that it is hard but just be patient. Also, something else that may help is to keep his food and bedding in one corner and his litter in the other corner cause dogs like to keep their food and bed away from their "potty" spot! Also, he is still young and still doesn't have that great of bladder control so maybe it will get better as he grows! Good luck

-Stepheni I.
Q:  I have 2 2-year mini doxies. They are constantly barking when they are outside. If you could please, give me some ideas so to how I stop this. It bothers me and my neighbors.

A: Well, sometimes barking is hard to stop and it is just in the nature of the dog but here are some suggestions:

Are the dogs Male? If so are they nuetered? Sometimes when males dogs are nuetered they become less territorial and agressive and bark less.

Otherwise you could take about 15 minutes everyday (Or whatever time you have) and go out side and hold them on a leash where they normally are in the backyard, and every time they bark say "no barking!" in a low disapproving voice and tug on the leash.

And if even that doesn't start to help you could take an empty soda can put some pennies in it and tape up the hole. Then do what I said previously but also when you say "no barking" and tug on the leash, shake the can. They will be disturbed by the sound and hopefully stop barking!

I hope this helps!

-Stepheni I.
Q: Hi Stepheni!!  Great website!  I found it on yahoo while looking for sites for miniature doxies.  My name is Tina and I'm a proud owner of a black and silver dapple colored  dachsund.  The pet store said he's a miniature but he's only 5 months old today and already weighs 11 pounds.  Nevertheless, I still love T.J.  I wrote because my boyfriend and I are having problems with T.J. not liking kids.  The first thing he would do is bark whenever he sees kids.  He would also growl at kids even if they're just staring at him.  Now I'm afraid to take him with me anywhere.  Why is that?  Please help me.  Thanks and lots of kisses to your doxies.


A: Hmmmmmm.... that's a hard one, I personally really do not know the answer to that question, since I have never had that problem. Some dogs are just more aggressive than others. If you had got him from a shelter it might be a bad experience with kids in his past. I know of dogs that dislike males because of bad experiences. Here are some links to webpages that have more information on this subject:

I hope that this helps!

-Stepheni I.
Q: When ever my mini-doxies get excited, they urinate. How embarrassing is this? Is this typical of this breed?


Lots of dogs will urinate when they are afraid, or excited. Sometimes they do it to get attention.  Just think about it, anytime they urinate on the floor they get lots of attention. lol. Here is a site with more information on the subject:

Hope this helps.

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