Australia is fortunate in having many wild birds as visitors to backyards.  Magpies, which are found all over Australia , are one of our larger birds. The adult birds are
black and white while the young are grey and white.

Years ago, I just can't remember when, a baby magpie turned up in our yard.  He was hopping along on the stump of his leg as his foot was turned back, facing the wrong direction.   We started feeding him bits of bread and meat and called him 'Hoppy'.  We wondered if he'd survive in the wild, with only one foot.  He hung around for a while and then went and we forgot about him.  

Imagine our surprise and delight when months later he returned with his mate.  Hoppy became quite tame, even walking inside and perching himself on the arm of a chair.  He'd look at me, and just keep on looking until I'd give him his tucker.  His mate  remained  cautious and never became as quiet as Hoppy.

Every year in the spring, Hoppy and his mate were regular visitors, sometimes coming for food three or more times in the one day.  We then knew that they were feeding young. Magpies are territorial and very protective of their young.  They will swoop down and attack any unsuspecting person who may be near their nest.  Its quite a shock when this happens, I don't know where Hoppy had his nest, we have never come under attack from any magpie in our yard.

Sometimes they'd bring two babies, other times only one.  The babies sometimes became as bold as Hoppy and I'd often have two pairs of eyes looking at me.   Its quite amusing watching the babies being fed, especially when they are big babies and quite capable of feeding themselves. They will  squark and open their beaks for the poor parent birds to shovel in the food.  Magpies are very good parents, and very hard workers.  Of course we Aussies often call them 'maggies'.

Sadly something must have happened to Hoppy, as one year he never returned.
The male magpies are much bolder than the females and are a protected species.
They are not allowed to be kept in avairys. We aren't even supposed to feed wild
birds, but Hoppy thought that was a ridiculous law.

Click on the above photo to hear their happy warbling.

The birds of the air nest by the waters;
and sing amoung the banches.