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Just the FAQs...
Where I hope all your questions about my situation and how I got here will be answered.
4 I am a 47-year old single woman and I live with my two cats in a small 1-1/2 bedroom apartment in an old house.  Nothing fancy.  A roof over our heads.

4 A week after the doctor cleared me for "modified duty," (with a wheelchair), my position was "terminated" and I was without a job.  Then DOL stopped paying for the wheelchair. 

4 As far as friends outside of work ... at first they all said "anything you need, just give a call...", but it would be an inconvenient time or a bad day or "if you can't find anyone else to do it, let me know."  I gave up asking. 

4 I do have a few good friends who have helped me during the past year plus.  Most particularly, Joan, Irv, Debbie and Pete.  But they have lives and famillies of their own, and can't to take on a 47-year old "adoptee."   My family has helped all they can, but they can't support me, either.

4 I have a lawyer who will represent me in the Federal Worker's Comp case, but the Feds have a certain progression that must be followed, and at the rate they are moving, litigation in this case is YEARS away.

4 I have another attorney who is representing me in other aspects of this case, but legal cases sometimes take years to be resolved. 

4 I have applied for and been denied, Social Security benefits.  I have asked for a hearing.  No word yet.   I have also applied for help paying my utilities, but the local groups have denied my request.

4 I need help with my living expenses.  Please click here to see the details.

4 I don't live fancy and I don't need much, just the bare necessities to keep me going until my Social Security benefits kick in or this fiasco gets resolved.  Please help me "get along" a little while longer. 

     Anything you can send...
$1.00, $5.00, $10.00 ... I guarantee it will go to bona fide living expenses.

                                          Thank you. 
Nutshell stuff...
    4 Because of DOL's delays in paperwork, I went over six months with no medical attention at all, and the 5 months before that, with inferior medical attention. 

4 I broke my leg on October 22, 2002, and I wasn't "approved" by the DOL to get physical therapy until July of 2003!!!  REALLY!!!

4 I am still not able to work. My back muscles are so screwed up, I can't stand for longer than 15 minutes at a time and I can only sit up for 4 hours before my legs, arms and hands start going to sleep.  I have also been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome.  I am receiving physical therapy for the muscle problems and some progress has been made, but it is a long road. 

    I am a victim of the Federal Workers' Compensation Program. I was a Federal employee in Bangor, Maine, when I fell coming out of an elevator at work and broke my leg.  That was October 22, 2002!!

     Today, I am still unable to work.  I have not received any salary since January 10, 2003, and
NOT ONE RED CENT of compensation from the Federal government.

     In short, I am broke and have
no income whatsoever.  I wasn't able to file for any social services until I had completely depleted my savings, checking and retirement accounts.  I am on food stamps and the City is paying some of my rent, but that is the only financial aid I am receiving.  I still have to pay the part of my rent that the City doesn't pay, electric and phone bills, buy toilet paper, dish and clothes, detergent, etc.  With no income. 

       I am afraid that soon I may have to live in my Blazer.  Can
YOU help me?

       Anything you can send... $1.00, $5.00, $10.00 ... I guarantee it will go to
bona fide living expenses.

       Thank you for your time.

Because of the stress, alienation, and trying to survive with little or no help, all alone, I have been diagnosed with major depression and anxiety disorder.  I tend to suffer a  panic attack just at the thought of being with more than 3 or 4 people, so I'm not able to work because of that, either.  I am on medication for the depression and anxiety and I'm attending regular counselling sessons, but its a long road on this front, too.
Tuesday, 08.27.04
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The deal is this: I show their banners on my site and they show my banners on their sites!
08/27/04 ...Please do not send any donations.  My situation hasn't improved, its gotten worse, but because I received monetary gifts from people as a result of these pages, they've cut off all my benefits. 
front page for details. 

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