My Artwork
Last Updated 2/11/2004

Doubleofox - My very first picture (Don't laugh!)

Doubleofox1 - Myself thinking hard.


Randomfox1 - A Random Fox drawn my
                           me, requested by a friend on Fluffmuck.


Bored - I drew this while I was bored at an
                          ASB meeting kinda like how it turned out.

NewDOF - This is a idea for
                           Doubleofox's makeover, Let me know what you think!

Headsketch - This is a sketch of what might
                           be Doubleofox's new head. 

Studing - I was bored so I drew this picture.

Quicksketch - I did this during free time in a class

Double "O" fox - A picture done by Hyenablu ^_^

Double "O" fox2 - Another picture by Hyenablu

Horn Fox - A picture drawn of me with my
                                French Horn by Puppie.

SpicyLemur - A gift I did for an old friend.
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    Some Art I Actuallly Drew! Please Don't Laugh At My Skills.