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Lesson 4

Use a table to design the content of a web page.
You can not display columns of data, text, or images on a web page as easily as you can on a word processor, unless you place the data in the cells of a table.

Sample of data not in a table (not in columns):
A very long name, a very long address, a very long phone number
Short name, short addr, short phone
A very long name, a medium address, short phone

Sample of data in a table (in columns):
A very long name, a very long address, a very long phone number
Short name, short addr, short phone
A very long name, a medium address, short phone

The same sample of data
but now showing the table (notice the 9 cells):
A very long name, a very long address, a very long phone number
Short name, short addr, short phone
A very long name, a medium address, short phone

Using a table to design a page:
We could place data, text, or images on some of the cells
and leave the other cells vacant to design the web page. This allows us to control the visitors eyes and emphasize whatever text or image we wish to emphasize. In the following example, which image is emphasized?

  This fellow is
dressed in blue.
speaker This fellow is
wearing a red coat.
This lady is
under the spotlight.

Tables need only 3 tags:
<table> </table> Covers the entire table
<tr> </tr>For each row
<td> </td>For each cell
&nbsp;For each blank cell

Sample of code for a table with one row and 2 columns:
<table> <tr> <td> TEXT ONE </td>
TEXT TWO </td> </tr> </table>

Some attributes for each tag:
<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 bgcolor=blue width=500>
This table will show a thin border (border=1); thin cell walls (cellspacing=0); 10 pixels of space between the cell content and the cell wall (cellpadding=10); a blue background (bgcolor=blue); and measure 500 pixels across.

<tr valign=top bgcolor=red>
This row will display the content at the top of the cells (valign=top); and a red background (bgcolor=red).

<td rowspan=2 colspan=3 align=right width=25%>
This cell will span 2 rows (rowspan=2); will span 3 columns (colspan=3); and show the content right justified (align=right); and will measure 25% of the entire row.

To test yourself, create a table composed or 3 rows and 2 columns. Make each row a different color. On the left hand column, align the content to the right. On the first row, align the content to the top.