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Samples of my art- Sorted by medium. Please enjoy!

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B & W (pencil)

black and white and every shade in between. sorted oldest to newest (approximately...)

a figment of boredom in English class ready for raving- i still like this one muchly either a very feminine guy or very masculine girl.  survey says: guy goth guy- VERY Angel Sanctuary inspired A random samurai, wounded surrealism attempt- it has incredible meaning to it.  I just don't know what that is yet.
related: see this.
yes, I saw 'Moulin Rouge' symbolism, and stuff.  y'know- stuff.
a little fanart of legolas lone elf warrior among some castle ruins a matador's costume (I do not condone bull-fighting at all but you got to respect a guy going into the ring wearing that) snuggly romance at its fluffiest a fantasy-style archer (and assistant) a fantasy-style swordmaster. I'm not entirely pleased with how this turned out, but people think otherwise... visual kei rock bands have style girl in an oversized robe.  There is an outline of a chair I was going to draw from real life but NEVER got around to it
She-pirates! arrr a parody of 'cyber geishas' drawing of my kitty (from photo) my samurai my ninja an eastern-inspired goddess a picture that is disturbing to look at. upon rejection from a BFA program, i am in defiance of my own style of art. bastards.
samurai wanderer! dress of original design a concept of 'chess pieces' costumes clothing fold and shading practice. one with nature.

B & W (Ink)

stark black and white. I don't like this medium too much.
the fairly gory aftermath of a dragon-slaying a 'comic book character' assignment lolita.  this is also the layout for my cosplay page


colored pencil, marker, paint? whatever- just full and livin' color.
a jester... doing a difficult stretch *_* too many colours...*faint* my assassin character- Slayer
in attempt to understand my Prismacolors.  I still don't first attempt at cel-type coloring, also at designing typical anime Girl-With-Gun (tm) a simple pretty graphic design inspired by the pillows' song: Little Busters from FLCL anime soundtrack! one concept.  two completely different designs.

Photoshop Art

it's Jo (my sis) again in her snazzy superhero jumpsuit! cute fighting girl- drawn by Jenn, colored by me

(Tweaked) Pictures...

um... it's the characters of Daria made up as anime characters. I have nothing more to say.

Trent as GW's Heero Yuy There's a new spandex boy in town!

Daria as Urusei Yatsura's Lum ok, this one's pretty bad.
Daria as Mononoke Hime

Quinn as Asuka, Eva pilot 02

Brittany as Tenchi Muyo's Pretty Girl Sammy they are so alike it's uncanny.

Sandi & Tiffany as Sailor Jupiter & Sailor Mars this is a weird-shaped pic. Tried to do the whole Fashion Club but only these turned out well.

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