
28 November 2000

My mother worries about me. She worries that I smoke too much. I drink too much. I live alone; soon I'll be creating a cat collection. I am thankful that she cares but sometimes, sometimes it borders weird. She once sent a guy into a store I was working in to meet me. Nice enough guy but totally not my type. That is when I set him up with a friend. Turned out he was an ex-con arrested six times in jail twice for murder. I do not need my mother's help to find losers. I can spot the biggest loser in the room and fall madly for him. I am still mastering the art of this whole dating thing. In the last week my mother has gotten worse with the whole Yente thing... I came home to this last night:
this guy is really nice... he is cute too. 6' 6" tall, blonde hair and blue eyes. he is moving up her from LA in a couple of weeks. he is 25. his name is {Removed to protect the innocent victim of my mother} and and his birthday is 3/6/75......

Love mom

Go for it. Attached was a picture of a guy, fishing.

And then he sent me an Instant Message.....

Him:Hi, did you want to talk?

Me: my mother is horrible isn't she?

Him: She's not bad...why do you say that?

Me: She is just rather eccentric

Him: Well at least she keeps you on your toes

Me: So she told you that I was born a boy, right?

Him: No, she didn't tell me about that

Me: I am kidding.. well you fish huh?

Him: yes, I do fish...did she tell you the story with that fish?

Me: no

Him: Well, I caught the fish in Yellowstone Lake and it was a Lake Trout (which aren't indigenous to Yellowstone Lake). Anyway, it's a federal felony to release lake trout back into the Lake because they destroy the natural Cutthroat Trout found there

Me: so you threw it back, huh?

Him: No I didn't, I gave it to someone else who ate it

Me: i would have thrown it back

Him: and become a felon?

Me: i don't eat meat

Me: What is the last book you read?

Him: Well, the last book I completed was The Power that Preserves...the book I'm reading currently is The Wounded Land

Me: What genre?

Him: They're fantasy books

Me: oh

Him: You were searching for something more substantial weren't you?

Him: So what do you like doing in your spare time?

Me: Drinking

Him: Well I should hope so...humans need a lot of water to survive ;-)

Him: But what do you do for recreation?

Me: Drinking

Him: That's it huh?

Me: pretty much. looking for something more substantial?

Him: Well, I was hopping there'd be a little something more than just one activity

Me: I actually read a lot, write even more, and chain smoke.

Me: Open spaces make me clostrophobic.. like i will choke on nature..

Him: You're a pure bread city girl huh?

Me: not really. suburbs... lawn mowing dads and all

Him: but you don't like places like Yosemite?

Me: i don't remember the last time i went there

Him: So were you kidding about the clostrophobia of open spaces or were you serious?

I do not think I need anymore proff that my mother has no clue what I look for in men. As this conversation is going on I am also talking to my mother.

Mom: did you ask him where he grew up? where he is going to work up here? what his interests are? you have give the guy something to talk about

Me: maybe he is just boring?... why? why can't he be the interesting one?

Mom: Doro, give the guy a break.. he is a sweet nice person

Mom: ask him questions.. you are such a great girl

Me: pep talk?

Mom: sure...LOL

Me: he wants to tell me about fishing mom!!! no!!!

Mom: he is telling you how he throws them back...LOL

Me: but with a hole in it's mouth... that is like a piercist grabbing people off the street piercing their tongues.. yanking it out and throwing them back!!

Me: Mom do i not have enough men problems?

Me: yeah this is going well

Mom: LOL.. you don't have to talk to him .. go to bed

Mom: just tell him that you are tired and perhaps you can talk again sometime

Me: NOTE TO MOM FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: I do not like boys who have hobbies or social activites.. I like drinkers, poets, musicians, basically fucked up individuals.. No wholesome tighty whitey wearing boys for me!

Mom: yes daughter..LOL

Me: but no more convicts

Mom: nope

Me: ok deal