Fast Food Sex Vs Love

23 November 2000

The phone is ringing. She is lost somewhere in sleep, dreaming that she has already answered it. The clock next to her bed reads 3:36.

"Hello," tired and groggy, Renee answers the phone.

"Real quick... There are two choices out before you; fast food sex or love. But the love is a Denny's kind of love. Which do you chose"

"Dori, do you know what time it is?!?"

"Like 3-something, right?," but I continue "fast food sex or love? Answer and I'll give you a prize"

"What prize," She says stifling a yawn.

"You get to go back to sleep!!"

"Ok what was the question?"

"You have 2 choices; fast food sex, you know like fast and anonymous... or love."

"What was this about Denny's?"

"Denny's is like love... Comfortable. Open all night. Scary woman serving your fries treats you like an in-law."

"And the coffee is always refillable"

"But sometimes it takes a while to have it refilled"

"So you wait..."

"Yeah, and then you feel so much better when the mug is full.. You take a sip immediately, burning your tongue" I then realized how depressing this analogy is becoming.

"Impatience causes burnt tongues," Renee said with a laugh.

"So what would it be? Taco Bell or Denny's?"

"Denny's... I'll order iced tea"

"Even if you really wanted coffee?"

"Yeah, even if I really wanted coffee. Good night, Dori"

"Good Night Renee"

And with that Renee went back to sleep.