Have you ever..

have you ever wondered how your life would have been different if when chosing between two things, you would have chosen the other. for example that pair of shoes your junior year of high school. what if you had gotten the red ones instead of the brown leather. what if that caused the boy you secretly worshiped to walk up and compliment your feet. what if that started a conversation that went on for hours. then days. then years. what if you could tell your grandchildren you and their grandfather met because you chose the red shoes.

have you ever dreamed about someone so clearly that you woke up surprised you had ever been asleep. disapointed from the dream ending you try to go back to sleep but it is gone; you recreate the dream as a memory but it was a one time deal. you do not know the person of the dream. he is just someone you see. maybe have had a conversation with but there in your dream he was a friend. a lover. you knew his secrets and he knew yours.
what if someone offered you advice on how to make the dream real, would you take it?

have you ever been so scared of something so unreal that it becomes real? a worry thought about briefly become the main reason you do not walk past your front door. agoraphobic. alienating yourself from the universe gets you no where. but you just don't care.

have you ever kissed someone and felt so right. like you had not really ever lived until you kissed their lips and you cannot even imagine what the future holds but upon that kiss you know it is going to be something worth living for.

have you ever kissed someone and felt so wrong. like it made you dirty. you were to become a whore. you were a whore. how can a kiss simple action do so much? who knows.