The art is not the simple transferring of visible, but it makes seeing the invisible things.

                                                                                           Paul Klee





My painting is the deep impression from my esoteric journey in the ancient past and searching

through the transcendental sphere of my own being!


The essence of my paintings is the light and energy! It is not the something simple and visible in  form. But very apstract, esotheric and invisible.

When the dark has became so deep...that you can not see your own appearance, wait for a

while...try to hear the beat of the life. Rhythm of your own existance! Than, open very slowly

the suitcase from your mental and spiritual searching trough transcendental Sphere of Cosmos.

And you will feel the vibrations of the light and energy of your finding out..., make your spirit...

So might! You will feel that you have the great power to conquer the Absurd!

And as the dark of the ignorance is getting so deep...your toughs will be lighter and mystic.

