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The following may be offensive to people.  Too bad.

Problems with various things.

New Jersey
Criminals always have the upper hand.  They're armed.  Law abiding citizens cannot be.  Politicans and wealthy celebrities can afford their own armed bodyguards, but as for the rest of us, too bad.  You get to die, get beat up, raped, or otherwise touched in an unapproved manner.
It seems that the law enforcement is made up of a club of individuals that seek to maintain their hold on the club.  If someone wishes to become a police officer, then they must know someone in order to join the club.  Doesn't really matter if you can pass all the tests.  Really.
Protect and Serve?  Not here.  They really have no obligation to protect anyone but their own ass.  The police have basically been morphed into a crime scene pickup crew, and a local fixture in many 7-11's.
Preventable crimes will never be prevented as long as the police state of NJ reigns uncontested.  Whatever.  I don't live there anymore, but it does worry me every time I visit friends and family.
Do whatever you like, just make sure it's not outdoors, or on your own property, where anyone could break a finger.
ATV's, for the most part, are contraband in the state.  You can't even start them up without getting some kinda fine.  The DMV manual for ATV's has more "Don'ts" than it does "Do's" in it.  I think they could print the whole f'in book on one page:  "Don't ride an ATV in this state, you can hurt yourself.  We've decided that your life is for us to live, not you."

New York

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