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Donald Sauter for President, 2000 - Revisit and Wrap-up

NOTE: This page is provided mostly for completeness and historical purposes. I recommend you read the highlights in my current presidential campaign page instead.

First, the wrap-up . . .

Well, the 2000 elections are finally history. I'd like to report that, in spite of my policy of no active campaign effort, I've (we've!) made great strides since the 1996 elections! See, in 1996 the Washington Post wrote a big, fat article making fun of me. In 2000 the news media had toned it down to a single mocking sentence in the Oregon State University Daily Barometer. (Read all about it in the article section below.) That's progress! Who knows, maybe in 2004 some political guru will give gut-busting humor a temporary break, and give democracy in the White House a moment of consideration.

By the way, you can probably guess my feelings on having a president who lost the popular vote. You can find an old letter to the editor by me on the Electoral College below.


And now for the accumulated discussion generated by the 2000 campaign . . .


This page answers questions posed to me prior to the presidential election in 2000. It reiterates my political ideas expressed in my "You And Me for President" page. The only thing I said there - and am saying here - is, "pure democracy." Kind of funny how many kilobytes I've burned up just trying to get those two words out. Maybe one day I'll get lucky and say it in a convincing way.

This page also presents articles written by others about my candidacy and presidential platform. Perhaps their words will hit the mark with you.

My policy is "no interviews". I will respond in writing to written questions only. (That includes email.) I will not answer the same question twice. Ask me anything pertinent, after reading this page and my "You And Me For President" page.

My responses and commentary are labeled "DS". [Additional comments by me are in brackets.]



Miscellaneous questions

Q. If 51% of the people in a nation of "majority rules" are cannibals, then the 49% minority become dinner. (Z.

DS (answer 1): Which nation is that?

DS (answer 2): You would rather the cannibals be handed control if they were a minority?

DS (answer 3): Ask me any question of the form, "If the majority thought, did or wanted ______ (fill in the blank with the most ridiculously absurd and unlikely thing you can make up), would you still support majority rule?"

My answer remains, "yes".

Questionnaire from Veterans Political Action Committee

Are you a military veteran?

DS: No.

1. Do you support the constitutional amendment banning the destruction of the U.S. flag?

DS: As is the case with every issue that comes before him, presidential action relating to treatment of the U.S. flag will be dictated by majority will.

2. Do you support increases from Congress for prescription medication for veterans and their dependents?

DS: Any presidential action relating to health care for veterans will be dictated by majority will.

3. Do you support an increase in education for patriotic programs?

DS: Any presidential action relating to patriotism in the schools will be dictated by majority will.

4. Do you support granting preference to qualified veterans for their military service?

DS: Any presidential action relating to the hiring of veterans will be dictated by majority will.

Questionnaire from Youth Service America/Service Vote 2000

"Service Vote 2000 is a national campaign to encourage volunteers, ages 18 to 24, to engage in the political process." [See web sites and .]

1. While volunteering is at an all-time high among young people, the number of young people voting is at an all-time low. How would you propose to address this disconnect between volunteering and voting?

DS: Volunteering and voting are two different things so I don't understand why you expect, need or want a correlation between them. Allow me to address the question in this form, "As president, what would you do about volunteering and voting?"

My answer, as hammered to death in my web site, is that presidential action on every issue that comes before him will be dictated by majority will. Thus, any presidential action relating to volunteering will be dictated by majority will. (I know - that sounds funny, doesn't it?) Likewise, any presidential action relating to voting will be dictated by majority will.

Note that majority will includes young people of voting age.

2. What is your position on mandatory service requirements for students in the public school system?

DS: Presidential action relating to mandatory service requirements in the public school system will be dictated by majority will.

3. What is the one thing that you would say to compel a young person to vote and vote for you specifically.

DS: I am not inclined to urge anyone to vote for anybody or anything. A non-vote is a vote for the status quo. In fact, I sympathize with anyone who distrusts those people who are power-hungry and money-hungry enough to go through what one has to go through to get before the public eye and on a ballot of any kind.

The reason for voting for me is that you would share equally in the presidential power. We would all be co-presidents. Everyone of voting age would have a vote in every single decision the president makes.

4. Where do you stand on the reauthorization of the National and Community Service Trust Act, which provides financial support to Learn and Serve America, Serve America, Senior Corps and Americorps programs nationwide?

DS: Presidential action relating to the National and Community Service Trust Act will be dictated by majority will.

5. What types of community service do you think are most desperately needed and what types of incentives would you support to encourage youth participation?

DS: Speaking strictly as a regular person - NOT as a presidential candidate - I think community cleanup is desperately needed. I'm sick and tired of America looking worse than any pig pen. How is it that Canadians manage not to throw their trash everywhere? The incentive for not leaving a mess everywhere you go would be not getting your nose broken by someone who has gone to the trouble to clean up his little corner of America.

6. Would you consider participating in a youth debate (youth moderated and youth asking the questions) with your opponent?

DS: No, I will not engage in debates, interviews or other extroverted campaign activity. All anyone needs to know is that every presidential action will be dictated by majority will. If I violate that, somebody shoot me. What more needs to be said?

7. What message of inspiration would you give to young people to encourage them in volunteering and to become more active in developing public policy?

DS: Volunteering can be fun and satisfying. Don't get me started on "public policy", grrr...

8. Who is your coordinator of youth and/or student outreach and what is their contact information?

DS: I guess that would be me. Last time I looked, there was nobody else on my staff, ha ha. My contact information, and everything else you need is right here on my website.

Questionnaire from Northern Regional Center For Independent Living (NRCIL)

Northern Regional Center For Independent Living (NRCIL) is a disability rights and resource center, run by and for people with many different disabilities. Through NRCIL people discover choices to live independently, with enhanced dignity. We promote the community's efforts to create accessibility and achieve lasting change in a fully inclusive society. [DS: Their web address is .]

1. List your most current, important issues for individuals with disabilities and how will you address these?

DS: Presidential action on any issue that comes before him will be dictated by majority will. The president himself will not generate lists of issues.

2. If passed as currently written would you sign the Medicaid Community Attendant Services and Support Act (MiCASSA), S.1935?

DS: As with anything that comes before him, the president will sign MiCASSA only with majority approval.

3. What is your opinion on Electroconvulsive Therapy and its place in the treatment of people with Mental Health Disabilities?

DS: Any presidential action relating to Electroconvulsive Therapy will be dictated by majority will.

4. How do you think there could be better enforcement of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)?

DS: The president will act in accordance with majority will on any plan that comes before him regarding better enforcement of ADA. (Speaking as a regular person, I believe the overarching problem is a completely dysfunctional system of justice which needs to be replaced completely.)

5a. How do you plan to enforce the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?

DS: The president will act in accordance with majority will on any plan that comes before him regarding enforcement of the IDEA.

5b. How would you ensure compliance with the IDEA?

DS: The president will act in accordance with majority will on any plan that comes before him regarding compliance with the IDEA.

5c. Do you support the proposed amendments to IDEA?

DS: Presidential action regarding proposed amendments to the IDEA will be dictated by majority will.

6. The federal insurance law has been a failure due to loopholes that let insurers pay lip-service to dollar parity while drastically limiting service types, frequency, and duration. The result is that few employer-offered insurance plans provide adequate coverage for voluntary mental health treatment. This makes it harder for people to return to work and reduce their dependence on government benefits.

Would you pass legislation to require parity in quality, frequency, duration, and expenditures between health insurance coverage for voluntary mental health services and coverage for physical health services?

DS: Presidential action regarding health insurance will be dictated by majority will. (Speaking as a regular person, I believe insurance - of all sorts - is the problem, not the solution. Without it, health care would be affordable; honesty would be restored; and we might regain a compassion for family members, friends, and even people we don't know who experience problems.)

7. Would you sign legislation for an increase in the number of accessible units and increased accessibility features in housing developments regulated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)?

DS: Presidential action regarding accessibility features in housing will be dictated by majority will.

8. What is your plan to decrease the unemployment rate among individuals with disabilities?

DS: The president will act in accordance with majority will on any plan that comes before him to decrease the unemployment rate among individuals with disabilities.

9. How are you going to address the accessible transportation issues in rural areas?

DS: The president will act in accordance with majority will on issues of accessible transportation in rural areas.

10. What role would you envision for people with disabilities on your staff and in your cabinet?

DS: I have not given thought to staff and cabinet, beyond the obvious condition that any placements or removals must have the approval of the majority.

Questionnaire from Political Voice For Animals

[DS: Political Voice For Animals (PVA) is "a Colorado non-profit organization advocating for animals in the political arena."]

1a. Does your family have animals?

DS: No.

2a. Did you grow up with animals? If so, what kind?

DS: Pet beagle dogs, plus cats, and various farm animals.

3a. Do you believe that, given the well-documented connection between animal abuse and human violence, cruelty to animals should be a felony? If so, would you be likely to support related legislation at the federal level?

DS: Presidential action regarding animal cruelty will be dictated by majority will.

4. Do you support strengthening the Endangered Species Act, or at least not weakening it in any way?

DS: Presidential action regarding the Endangered Species Act will be dictated by majority will.

5a. Are you in favor of the spaying/neutering of dogs and cats to prevent overpopulation? If so would you be likely to support related legislation at the federal level?

DS: Presidential action regarding overpopulation of dogs and cats will be dictated by majority will.

6a. Do you believe that wildlife should be protected from cruel forms of hunting and trapping? If so, would you be likely to support related legislation at the federal level?

DS: Presidential action regarding methods of hunting and trapping will be dictated by majority will.

7a. Do you believe that animals raised for slaughter should be protected from inhumane housing, transportation, and slaughter? If so, would you be likely to support related legislation at the federal level?

DS: Presidential action regarding animals raised for slaughter will be dictated by majority will.

8. Would you be willing to consider objective documentation supporting our position on a particular issue?

DS: Yes, but my opinion would count for no more than anyone else's. Presidential action will be dictated by majority will.

9. Do you have the endorsement of any humane organizations?

DS: No.

Questionnaire from

Abortion issues: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Affirmative action: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Campaign finance: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Crime: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Defense spending: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Drug policy: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Homosexual issues: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Education money: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Environment: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Evolution: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Foreign policy: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Gun control: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Health care: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Moral issues: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Social security: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Tax policy: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Trade issues: Presidential action dictated by majority will.
Notes: none.

Questionnaire (highly classified!)

[DS: This questionnaire was received in November 1999. I am not permitted to give the name of the questionnaire or the organization that devised it.

[The questions were compiled and refined by 84 leading political scientists. They deal with the "top concerns of the American people." So even though my answers to all of the questions here are the same - simple majority rules - it may be of value to you to consider each of these "top concerns" and ask yourself if you'd like to have a say in it. If the experts did their job, this questionnaire serves a checklist against which you can pit the idea of pure democracy. In each case, ask yourself whether you trust the majority - or whether you must keep the door cracked in hopes of finagling your own minority position through.

[I haven't quoted every word of the whole questionnaire. Where they state a position in full sentence format, I distill it down to a few keywords. For example, where they ask if I "support national standards and testing of public school students," I just give the keywords "national standards". You can figure out that they're asking if I'm either fer 'em, or agin' 'em. You'll see these distillations within curly brackets {}.

[My answers are given repeatedly in the somewhat stodgy form, "Presidential action will be dictated by majority will," instead of a more folksy, "Whatever the majority wants." The latter sounds too much like a promise, and there is certainly no assurance that the executive branch of the U.S. government can give the people any, much less all, of what they want. There is no guarantee, even, that any particular issue will come up for presidential action.

[There are just a few places where I become effusive. Keep your eye out, or actually search below, for the keywords: "nominees", "super-majority", "restitution", "fast-track", "decline", and "priorities".]

Abortion Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning abortion. {Legality; viable fetuses; first trimester of pregnancy; incest; rape; danger to the woman; waiting periods; notification requirements; "partial birth" abortion; public funding; RU-486; buffer zones at abortion clinics; family planning funding.}

DS: Presidential action concerning abortion will be dictated by majority will.

Will your Supreme Court nominees share your principles on abortion?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Probably. Supreme Court nominees will have the approval of the majority. As such, it seems likely that they would agree with the majority on abortion, but that doesn't necessarily have to be the case.

Budgetary Priorities:

Indicate what levels of federal funding you support for the following general categories. {Agriculture; arts; defense; environment; international aid; law enforcement; medical research; NASA; national parks; scientific research; transportation; welfare.}

DS: Presidential action concerning federal funding will be dictated by majority will.

Would you support enforcing the spending limits agreed to in 1997 by the President and Congress to balance the budget?

DS: Presidential action concerning any spending limits will be dictated by majority will.

Defense Spending:

Indicate what levels of federal funding you support for the following categories. {Personnel training; covert intelligence operations; defense plant conversion; military hardware; military space shuttle missions; pay; National Defense Missile program; modernization of weapons; programs to improve retention rates; new weapons; troop readiness.}

DS: Presidential action concerning defense spending will be dictated by majority will.

Budget Surplus:

Indicate your priorities for spending any anticipated federal budget surplus. {Defense; education; federal debt reduction; medicare; social security; tax cuts.}

DS: Presidential action concerning the spending of any budget surplus will be dictated by majority will.


Indicate what levels you support concerning taxes. {Questionnaire explicitly lists income brackets with boundaries at $25,000, $75,000 and $150,000; and retiree income over $40,000.}

DS: Presidential action concerning income taxes will be dictated by majority will.

Indicate what levels you support concerning other taxes. {Questionnaire explicitly lists alcohol; capital gains; cigarette; corporate; estate; and gasoline taxes.}

DS: Presidential action concerning other taxes will be dictated by majority will.

Indicate what levels you support concerning tax deductions and credits. {Questionnaire explicitly lists charitable deductions; medical expense deductions; mortgage deductions; child tax credit; student loan tax credit.}

DS: Presidential action concerning tax deductions and credits will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support replacing the current U.S. income tax structure with a flat income tax?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning income taxes will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support instituting a national sales tax?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning taxation will be dictated by majority will.

Should a married couple filing jointly pay the same taxes as if they were an unmarried couple filing separately?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning taxation will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support requiring at least a 2/3 majority (super-majority) vote in both houses of Congress to raise taxes?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Probably not. It seems unlikely that a populace that chooses majority rule in the executive branch would want minority rule in the legislative branch. But you never know.

Would you cut taxes if there were an operating surplus?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning taxation will be dictated by majority will.

Would you cut taxes and use Social Security surpluses to supplement the difference?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning taxation will be dictated by majority will.

Campaign Finance Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding campaign finance issues. {Taxpayer funding; matching funds; contribution limits; full disclosure; PAC contributions; free advertising; soft money; contributions from non-U.S. citizens; mandatory spending limits; union dues for political advocacy; campaign money from home state.}

DS: Presidential action concerning campaign financing will be dictated by majority will.

Crime Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) to address crime. {Death penalty; penalties; more federal prisons; serving full sentences; programs for prisoners; crimes at school; community policing; hate crimes; and who enforces civil rights.}

DS: Presidential action concerning crime will be dictated by majority will. Personally, my sincere hope is that people will give serious thought to moving to a system in which a criminal is forced to make restitution rather than undergo incarceration.

Juvenile Crime:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) to address juvenile crime. {Prosecute as adults; fund boys & girls clubs; grants to states; harsher penalties; "boot camps"; job training.}

DS: Presidential action concerning juvenile crime will be dictated by majority will.

Drug Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning illegal drugs. {Penalties; mandatory jail for sellers; death for international drug traffickers; drug education and drug treatment programs; marijuana for medical purposes; hemp for agricultural purposes; federal funds for the "war on drugs".}

DS: Presidential action concerning drug issues will be dictated by majority will.

K-12 Education Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning education (K-12). {National standards; vouchers; tax-free savings accounts to send child to desired school; charter schools; all federal education money goes to the states; merit pay for teachers; funding to reduce class size; funding for computers; funding for school capital improvements; eliminate strings attached to federal funding.}

DS: Presidential action concerning K-12 education issues will be dictated by majority will.

Higher Education Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning higher education. {Affirmative action in admissions; no financial aid for persons with drug convictions; funding for grant and loan programs; tax incentives to save for college.}

DS: Presidential action concerning higher education issues will be dictated by majority will.

Religion and Public Schools:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding religion and public schools. {Religious expression allowed; religious groups not allowed.}

DS: Presidential action concerning religion and public schools will be dictated by majority will.

Employment Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding employment. {Tax credits for companies that move where jobs are needed; re-training displaced workers; reduce government regulation; empowerment zones; increase minimum wage; flex-time, comp-time and unpaid leave; tax credits for on-site child care; AmeriCorps program.}

DS: Presidential action concerning employment will be dictated by majority will.

Affirmative Action Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding affirmative action. {Continue it; discontinue it; race and sex versus merit in government contracting decisions.}

DS: Presidential action concerning affirmative action will be dictated by majority will.

Environment Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding America's environment and natural resources. {Clean Water Act; Clean Air Act; grazing permits; mining on federal lands; logging on federal lands; privately-owned land; alternative fuels; ethanol; emission controls; international pollution credits; nuclear waste; reduction of federal regulations.}

DS: Presidential action concerning the environment will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support the United Nations (Kyoto Conference) treaty, in its current form, regarding global climate change?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning this treaty will be dictated by majority will.

Gun Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) concerning gun issues. {Semi-automatic guns; purchase and possession of guns; concealed guns; child-safety locks; responsibility for gun crimes committed by minors; minimum age for ownership; background checks; licenses.}

DS: Presidential action concerning guns will be dictated by majority will.

Health Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding health issues. {Fed involvement; universal health care program; prevention; a Patient's Bill of Rights; same tax deal for self-employed as for large employers; tax-free medical saving accounts; malpractice lawsuit damages; needle exchange programs; sell Medicare coverage to citizens aged 55-65; prescription drugs under Medicare; AIDS programs.}

DS: Presidential action concerning health issues will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support increasing taxes on alcohol and cigarettes to help defer costs of Medicare and Medicaid?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action on taxes on alcohol and cigarettes will be dictated by majority will.

Immigration Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding immigration. {Numbers allowed into country; eligibility for social programs; time allowed to take the oath of allegiance; federal aid to states with more immigrants; social services for illegal immigrants; children of illegal immigrants; immmigration quotas for computer scientists; English as official language; separate bureau for border patrol; state autonomy; reimburse states for costs of illegal aliens.}

DS: Presidential action concerning immigration will be dictated by majority will.

International Aid Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding U.S. economic assistance. {Disaster; security interests; allies needing military assistance; nations known to abuse human rights; eventual elimination of aid.}

DS: Presidential action concerning international aid will be dictated by majority will.

Should the International Monetary Fund (IMF) be restructured so that it can respond to international financial crises more effectively?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning the International Monetary Fund will be dictated by majority will.

Indicate what levels of economic assistance you support (if any) for the following countries and/or agencies. {Eight countries and 7 international agencies are named.}

DS: Presidential action concerning any country or international agency will be dictated by majority will.

International Policy Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the Kosovo province. {Ground troops; withdrawal deadline.}

DS: Presidential action concerning Kosovo will be dictated by majority will.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the Middle East. {Diplomacy; military action against Iraq; embargo against Iraq; our role in the Israli/Palestinian peace process.}

DS: Presidential action concerning Iraq and Israel will be dictated by majority will.

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding the United States-United Nations relationship. {Peacekeeping missions; withdrawal; paying our debt.}

DS: Presidential action concerning the United Nations will be dictated by majority will.

Should the U.S. have full diplomatic relations with Cuba?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning diplomatic relations with Cuba will be dictated by majority will.

Should the U.S. have full diplomatic relations with China?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning diplomatic relations with China will be dictated by majority will.

Should the U.S. recognize and extend full diplomatic relations to Taiwan?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning Taiwan will be dictated by majority will.

Should the U.S. have full diplomatic relations with nations with documented human rights abuses?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning nations with documented human rights abuses will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support the cooperative threat reduction programs with Russia to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons to unfriendly nations?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning the prevention of the spread of nuclear weapons will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support modifying the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty in order to deploy the National Missile Defense System?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning the National Missile Defense System will be dictated by majority will.

International Trade Issues:

Do you support the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning NAFTA will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support broadening NAFTA to include other countries in the western hemisphere?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning NAFTA will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning GATT will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support continued U.S. membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning the WTO will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support China becoming a member of the World Trade Organization?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning the WTO will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support imposing tariffs on products imported from nations that maintain restrictive trade barriers on American products?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning tariffs will be dictated by majority will.

Should a nation's human rights record affect its normal trade relations (most favored nation) status with the United States?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning trade relations will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support normal trade relations (most favored nation) status with Vietnam?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning trade relations will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support granting the President "fast-track" authority in trade negotiations?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Yes. This would have the effect of giving "fast-track" authority to the people.

Do you support the trade embargo against Cuba?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning trade relations will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support strengthening the American anti-dumping laws which give the Commerce Department additional power to fight imports priced below the manufacturing cost?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning anti-dumping laws will be dictated by majority will.

Do you support an open trade policy for the United States?
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: Presidential action concerning trade policy will be dictated by majority will.

Moral and Ethical Issues:

Do you believe there has been a decline in moral and ethical standards in America over the last four decades? If yes, please explain in one hundred words or less what you would do as President to address this concern.
__Yes __No __Undecided

DS: You make it very hard for a mature adult not to say, "duhhhhhh." As always, though, presidential action will support any majority-approved initiative to reverse, stop, slow or accelerate this decline (or perceived decline) in moral standards.

Social Security Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding Social Security. {Private accounts; invest Social Security assets in stocks and bonds; increase payroll tax; invest some of the budget surplus into Social Security; minimum age for receiving benefits; cost-of-living increases; limit benefits to well-off recipients; Social Security tax on income over $68,400; limit Congress' ability to spend Social Security and Medicare surpluses.}

DS: Presidential action concerning Social Security will be dictated by majority will.

Technology Issues:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding technology. {Taxation of Internet transactions; regulation of Internet content; on-line voter registration; voting on-line; cleaning up television; Internet crimes; Internet privacy laws.}

DS: Presidential action concerning the internet will be dictated by majority will.

Welfare and Poverty:

Indicate which principles you support (if any) regarding poverty and the welfare system. {Housing assistance for welfare recipients; apartment vouchers for homeless families; state and local responsibility for welfare programs; welfare-to-work requirements; unwed teenage mothers to live with a parent or guardian; food stamps for legal immigrants; Medicaid benefits for people who have moved from welfare to work; assistance for transportation for low-income workers; poverty aid from religious and non-profit organizations.}

DS: Presidential action concerning poverty and welfare will be dictated by majority will.

Presidential Priorities:

In 100 words or less, please explain what your top two or three priorities will be if elected President of the United States. If they require additional funding for implementation please explain how you would obtain this funding.

DS: Priorities will be set by the people. People will have to pay for the government programs they want. Fair enough? Personally, I believe the number one priority should be an overhaul of our system of justice, creating one based on common sense and conscience. Any movement in that direction, of course, would have to have majority approval. (A justice system based on word games and dishonesty is apparently of no concern to the "84 leading political scientists" who devised this questionnaire; it does not come up anywhere in the 8 pages.)

Questionnaire from Elaine M. Verdi

[DS: This questionnaire was received in August 1999.]

The following questions are of primary concern to me, and are being sent to each of the candidates running for President of the United States in 2000. All responses, and lack of responses, will be made available to major media outlets, as well as to other interested parties. In answering, please be as specific as possible.

1. What do you believe are the most critical issues you as President would need to address?

DS: Those issues that the majority of Americans believe are the most critical.

2. How do you propose your administration could accomplish what is needed regarding these issues.

DS: Every presidential action will be dictated by majority will. As such, no promises are made with respect to actual accomplishments, since the other 2 branches of government may continue to act without regard for majority will.

3. Do you feel the American government is in good shape? Yes___ No___ Do more?___ Do less?___ Please explain.

DS: As President, my opinion on this or any other matter would carry no more weight than any other American's opinion. Obviously, my idea of implementing pure democracy in all matters is radically different from how government works now, so you can deduce that I feel the American government to be in poor shape.

4. What could you as President do to most benefit the American family?

DS: The executive branch of government would back any program that the majority wants and is willing to pay for. Again, there are no promises, as there are 2 other branches of government in this picture.

As President, my opinion would count no more than anyone else's, but my personal belief is that the biggest problem in society is that no one is held responsible for anything he does. If the majority agrees with that to any extent, then it would seem that the judicial branch of government is the one that is in the position to make positive changes. I, personally, would like see our justice system changed over to one based on common sense and conscience. I, personally, would like to see wrongdoers forced to make restitution.

5. What would improve the quality of public education since, at present, students' scores rank below those in a number of other nations.

DS: The executive branch of government would back any educational program that the majority wants and is willing to pay for.

As President, my opinion would count no more than anyone else's, but my personal belief is, again, that the single biggest problem is that even children understand nowadays that there are no real repercussions for doing what they shouldn't do, and for not doing what they should do. They know that the worst that teachers can do is splutter.

6. What do you feel is the condition of our economy? If, in good shape, how do you plan to keep the economy solvent? If, in poor shape, what do you propose to restore a stable economy?

DS: The executive branch of government would back any economic measure that the majority wants and is willing to pay for.

7. How would you handle international trade with countries engaging in serious human rights violations, considering that many American companies have established businesses within those countries?

DS: The executive branch of government would back any economic sanctions that the majority wants.

8. Do you believe the United States should remain in the United Nations? If yes, why? If no, how can the United States disengage, since we are extensively involved in U.N. activities?

DS: The executive branch of government would back majority will regarding the degree of U.S. involvement in the United Nations. If disengagement were called for by a majority of Americans - and allowed by the other branches of government - it could proceed gradually or instantaneously, or anywhere in between, according to the will of the majority.

9. Are you pro-choice, pro-life, or somewhere in between? Please explain your view.

DS: As President, my opinion regarding abortion would count no more than anyone else's. The executive branch of government would back majority will in this and every issue. (It's hard to imagine that the lopsided majority support of our current permissiveness toward abortion will change in the foreseeable future.)

10. Where do you stand on civil rights for those whose sexual orientation is other than heterosexual? Do you favor legislation allowing a couple of the same gender to marry? Adopt children?

DS: As President, my opinion regarding gay rights would count no more than anyone else's. The executive branch of government would back majority will in this and all issues. (For an idea of what majority will may be in this issue, consider what happened to Anita Bryant's career as a result of her anti-gay stance.)

11. Why should we vote for you over the other candidates running?

DS: Understand that you are voting for an idea, not a person. As President, I would have no more or less power than any other American.

To not vote for this idea gives rise to a paradox. If the majority votes against the idea of pure democracy, then the people are saying that the majority cannot be trusted. But since that vote was a majority vote, then it can't be trusted, and the voted-down idea should have been the winner.

12. Do you anticipate possible national and/or global Y2K problems such as business failures, or other disruptions? Yes___ No___. If yes, what policies should the U.S. government pursue to deal with potential problems?

DS: The executive branch of government would back Y2K policies which the majority thinks are necessary and is willing to pay for. I, personally, do not foresee appreciable problems arising from computer programs which can't handle the year 2000. In any case, it seems to me it will be too late for the next administration to do anything about.

13. If, in the event of a national disaster, such as widespread domestic terrorism, or crippling economic downturn, martial law is invoked, would you favor an extension of the incumbent President's term? Yes___ No___

If yes, for how long? If no, should the election take place as usual? Or do you favor another plan? Please explain.

DS: As long as the majority agrees it is right to only have presidents who behave in accordance with majority will, it doesn't matter who is president. I would vacate the presidency as soon as the majority demands it, for any reason.

14. Numerous polls show a decline in in American's faith and trust in government and elected officials. How do you propose to reverse this trend?

DS: Give all power to the people.

Class report by Dan Hussain

[DS: Dan is a student at Richland Senior High School in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. His teacher is Mr. Jones. My online communication with Dan was a pleasure.]

"You and Me for President" - the candidacy of Donald Sauter

Reported by Dan Hussain (under the assumption that agreement or disagreement with the issues presented is not to be assumed.)

Campaign slogan: Mr. Sauter's campaign slogan will be "You and Me for President."

Direct quote from conversation with Mr. Sauter: "I am an enthusiastic classical guitar player, scrabble player, and Beatle fan."

Another direct quote from online conversation with Mr. Sauter: "Initiate a discussion about whether there is any better way to determine what's 'good' and what's 'bad' than majority will."

Proclamation: I have tried best to present here what I understand is Mr. Sauter's position on government. I have written here freely, and no doubt included a lot of my own thinking. It should also be clear that I do not endorse nor oppose Mr. Sauter. Do not even assume that I agree with anything written here. These are just Food for Thought.


Donald Sauter has a very simple (and elegant?) proposal for the federal government and society. He sees his position as both logically sound, moral, and practical and efficient. The idea is very simple:

Every government decision will be made by majority will.

What does that mean? It means that every law/practice/act to be done by government will be put to a direct, referendum vote to the populace. Specifically, Mr. Sauter proposes the following single plank to his whole campaign:

The president will act according to the majority will.

The ultimate goal, of course, is to eliminate government and replace it with "competing" private firms. In practice, if elected President (and this is a BIG if), Mr. Sauter promises to make no act until a vote of the people has been taken. Then, he will act on the vote of the simple majority.

Sauter has the fascinating position that requiring a supermajority for any action (such as the conviction or acquittal of a convict) stalls action and puts a gridlock into the system. According to Mr. Sauter's proposal, which he calls Unarchy, every action requires a simple majority vote - no more, and no less. [DS: Unarchy is actually my proposal for a simple conscience-based system of justice.]

Mr. Sauter's position really challenges us as to whether or not we really believe in democracy. Do we really believe in the majority's right and intelligence to make proper choices and decisions? Or do we think that a "guided-minority" should direct American politics - a minority that "knows better" or "has greater qualifications" or "is more intelligent" or simply, "has more time to think"? That assertion goes to the heart of the democratic question, and Mr. Sauter has raised it in his candidacy for President. Unfortunately, the majority of the media is ignoring it. (To the peril of politics.)

So the question really is: Can the majority make a moral, just, fair decision? Mr. Sauter's position is that it is the only thing that can. To think that a minority has the right to impose its position on the majority is absurd, and flies in the face of democracy.

History has been the increasing acknowledgement of Everyman's capabilities to Think, to Act, and to Choose - Wisely, Rationally, and Objectively. These are abilities that are not reserved to a Select Minority, but rather, belong to the each Individual Human Being. These are qualities that can be fostered and nourished in all people. The Majority is Rational, Wise, and Just - but only if it chooses to!

It is time for Americans to assert their Individual Dignity, Intelligence, and Self-Reliability and Strength by standing up for their ability to Choose their Destiny. And that is a vote for Unarchy. [DS: Again, I want people to understand that my unarchy idea, which might (just maybe) be considered "radical", is not a part of my presidential platform. A president acting according to majority will would not only be far from radical, it would be downright humdrum.]

[I see that I've made seemingly contradictory statements about whether or not my proposal is "radical". You sort it out...]

Summary by


Donald Sauter (Maryland)

Sauter is campaigning on a "You and Me for President" platform of "pure democracy." What that means, he explains, is that every Presidential action will be "dictated by majority will." In fact, that is the answer Sauter gives to every single question he is posed on any issue. He plans to set up 1-900 phone lines and have the American people call and register their views on any action he needs to take. Whatever the majority wants -- even if he disagrees -- he promises to do. Don't try to trip-up this candidate with any live media interviews as his site contains the statement: "My policy is 'no interviews.' I will respond in writing to written questions only." He previously ran for President on this same platform in 1996. Sauter, 47 and single, is a computer progammer and amateur guitar player. His text-only web site also contains lots of information on the Beatles, UFOs, guitars, board games and other assorted topics.

[DS: The summary was written by Ron Gunzberger, I believe, and is quite accurate. The exact implementation of collecting votes is a minor detail. It doesn't have to be 1-900 phone lines, if anyone has a better idea. I think it makes perfect sense for someone to have to pay for the effort required to process his vote, but the majority may disagree. I am currently working as an instructional aide at an elementary school (and hope to avoid ever going back to work again as a programmer.) I hope the mention of UFOs doesn't make me sound like some kind of looney. My web page merely describes a few bizarre sightings for which I have no explanation.]

Independent parties still a better idea in theory than practice

by Nick Heydenrych for The Daily Barometer, Feb 28 2000, Oregon State University.

When it comes to politics, it's hard to know anything for sure. In an age where the hype industry has grown larger than Rush Limbaugh's backside, who can say what's genuine and what's fluff? And is it a good or a bad thing that any moron with a computer can put his name on the ballot?

Between the four major candidates, we have a former coke-head, a POW, a robot and what's-his-name... The differences in their policy proposals, if any, are minute. The 2000 presidential election comes down to choosing between four different flavors of vanilla...

The sick thing is, they might just be the best people this country has to offer. Despite all the hype and meaningless hoopla, the major parties seem to offer the most sane candidates.

Take Dr. Heather Anne Harder for example... Harder, who holds a doctorate degree in education, is also quoted for having said "UFOs exist and have always existed. You must only view the Nazca Lines in Peru as proof. No amount of government denial will change my beliefs..."

Which makes her marginally better than Mr. Paris Carlos Lewis Alvarez. Regarding his professional experience, Alvarez says: "I have been a professional at everything I have ever wanted to be professional at..."

Clearly, Alvarez has not studied up on his history. If he had, he could have learned from Adlai Stevenson that intellectual campaigns never work. But then again, I suppose that it's pretty unreasonable to expect all our candidates to have high school diplomas.

Then again, there are some candidates out there who made it all the way to college. There's Mr. Donald Sauter, who opposes the concept of evolution; Thomas Koos, who's really just running to raise public awareness and involvement; and then there's Bernie Palicki of the "Corrective Actions Party," who believes that we betrayed the American dream by letting power fall back into the hands of the "econo-privileged," by which he means socialist atheists...

It's hard to take American politics seriously when you have so many idiots taking up bandwidth. The whole third party situation was bad enough to begin with. It's enough to make a person vote mainstream. The two major parties may be the same flavor, but at least they try to keep the nuts out.

[DS: In October 2000, I wrote a letter to the Daily Barometer pointing out that:

My campaign for president has to do with one thing only - pure democracy. Every presidential action would be dictated by majority will. You may disagree with the idea (actually, you can't, because that gives rise to a number of paradoxes), but it's hardly ridiculous. Read all about it at my website. Just plug my name into any search engine. (Leave off the "Mr." - I hate titles.)

On an unrelated subject, if Nick would like to describe, in generation-by-generation steps, the emergence of a new species from the accumulated effect of random mutations I'd be glad to add it to my web page on that subject. I suspect he, like many others, is content in the belief that there are real smart people somewhere who could do it.

I don't know if they ever printed my letter.]

Re: Electoral bogeyman.

[Letter by me to the Washington Times, May 23 1992, unpublished.]

It's hard to imagine any reader of Paul Greenburg's defense of the Electoral College ("Electoral Bogeyman") coming away in agreement, no matter what his previous opinion was. The editorial is shot through with contradiction.

Greenberg argues the Electoral College is good because people don't think enough to be trusted to choose their president directly - this after already having praised the Electoral College for "routinely" reflecting the popular will.

In support of his claim that people are stupid he points out how We the Dummies elected Richard Nixon - twice, even. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Electoral College in operation during those elections?

On top of all this, he gushes about how the Electoral College system locks out all viewpoints except for those of the two major parties - any more would be "confusing." He must be truly ecstatic that our current two parties are barely distinguishable.

After having read the arguments for the Electoral College presented by a true believer, I must say it sounds completely unnecessary, at best, and more probably a huge barrier to desired social change.


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