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We Dare You To Resist

NOTICE:  This site will no longer continue to be updated.  However, I have created a new archive which authors can submit to, and readers can read from.  It's a general fiction archive, spanning fandoms such as Star Trek, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, The Mummy and any others.


Support Freedom

Site Disclaimers: This site is in no way affiliated with Paramount Pictures.  Star Trek: Voyager and Enterprise is copyrighted and property of Paramount Pictures.  All stories within are owned exclusively by their respective owners.  All images within were submitted to Someone To Watch Over Me and are the property and responsibility of their respective submittor. 

Doc/Seven collage on this page was created and copyrighted by Lao Ma.

This site makes no profit except the enjoyment of it's visitors. No infringement is intended. 

Someone is a member of the following webrings:


Someone To Watch Over Me Doc/Seven Archive copyright 2000 AJ Drews