Welcome to Simply Going Vegetarian!

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Making the leap to a vegetarian lifestyle can be an easy experience if you just know how.

If you have the desire, but don't know where to begin, you have come to the right place. I have created this web site to illustrate my own personal experience in making the transition to the vegetarian lifestyle with the emphasis on SIMPLICITY.
First, be aware that being a vegetarian is no longer a peculiarity. Nowadays those who are knowledgeable about healthier diets are influential in shaping mainstream thinking. There are, however, still misconceptions which may lead you to believe it is a lifestyle of menus loaded with complicated recipes taking much time and effort. It doesn't have to be that way any more, as long as you eat a healthy and balanced diet.
In this Web site I have provided some ideas to help make the transition easy. The extent to how far you want to go in becoming a gourmet cook is up to you. First, make the transition.

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