Wild Forest - WildWolf Information

WildWolves are a hybrid. A cross between a geneticly altered pair of dogs, and either a wolf, or a domestic dog.

Young pups communicate in the language of the wolf until such time as they are old enough to leave their parents (which is when they are mostly grown, yet still young enough to be called pups), at which point, they start learning about the world at a very fast pace. Most, if not all pups soon begin to learn to speak english, in addition to their ability to communicate as wolves.

WildWolves have no special "powers" but their senses are much stronger than the run-of-the-mill wolf, and their life span is much longer. Every once in a great while, one pup will be born with the gift of flight through a pair of stark white wings. The gene seems to be recessive, both parents must carry it for a pup to have a shot at inheriting it. If both parents Have wings, their pups will have a good chance of having them as well.

Coats vary to the extreme. Virtually ANY color and pattern can show up in any given litter... and most look downright unnatural... though the pups see the colors as completely normal.... and normal wolves, being color blind, don't even notice.

Full blooded wolves and half (or however the percentage is split) bloods can get along just fine. Though the wolf population treats their brightly marked relatives just the same as they would any other wolf... unless they were raised with WildWolves. Otherwise a WildWolf is just another wolf to them. This will apply to everything from taking mates, to territory, and food. Every once in a great while a WildWolf may find himself in a fight for his mate, his home territory, or his dinner. But more often than not these things can be settled peacefully.

Human inhabitants of the island are thrilled by the existance of the WildWolf population for the most part. They are very beautiful to watch or see, and they are smart enough to know that farm animals are not on the menu for dinner.

Some people even choose to adopt needy pups as pets, which is how they get crossed out to domestic dogs from time to time. Domestic outcrosses are very loyal to their owners, they do tend to roam a little, but often lacking the skills and instincts to survive alone in the wild forest, they are always home to sleep by the fire at night.

WildWolves tend to choose one mate to stick with, and stick with them. They are quite loyal creatures. They thrive being around others of their own kind, and will enjoy spending the afternoon just "hanging out". Packs are usually only formed loosely, and are mostly made up of friends and/or family, so that it's not really a pack exactly, more like a "family". Family packs are usually much tighter than say, a pack of friends.

Unlike most members of the canine species, WildWolves tend to enjoy a wide variety of foods, and will eat practicly anything that we humans would. They will eat raw meats, but once introduced to the cooked variety, expect them to prefer it forever more. One thing they still can't have though is chocolate. As advanced as they are, it's still toxic to them.
