
Winter is nearing it's end
and spring is almost here.
When life is born again
and birdsong fills the air.

The circle of life keeps turning,
'round and 'round it goes.
But it's hard to keep life fires burning
when you're in 3 feet of snow.

It's dark and cold and dreary,
and no body goes out much.
You have to be very leary
when driving on ice and such.

But soon this will be changing
as the great circle goes around.
The flowers will be so engaging
as they emerge out of the ground.

Life will start anew once more
as the old has been cleared away.
And once again Nature opens the door
to the dawn of a brand new day.

The clouds will clear, the sun will show
and warm our Mother Earth.
Animals mate and plants will grow
as the circle brings rebirth.

The people will all come out to play
in cars and bikes and boats.
And I will just love every day!
It's my favorite time, you know!

Spring, when everything turns green
and it gets so warm and brite.
I'm sure you know just what I mean.
It makes everything so right.

by Andy York

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