(Over 1 Year of Age)

1. Ask If Person Is Choking

If person can't answer, call 911 or EMS. Go to step 2.

If person is coughing forcefully and can breathe, do not interfere.

Stand by, and encourage person to cough.

2. Position Your Hands

Wrap your arms around person's waist.

Make a fist. Place thumb side of fist in middle of person's abdomen (above navel and well below lower tip of breastbone).

3. Give Abdominal Thrusts

Grasp fist with other hand.

Press fist with quick, upward thrusts into abdomen.

Continue until person either starts breathing or loses consciousness.

4. Call EMS if Someone Hasn't Already

5. Place Person on Back

Clear mouth if necessary.

Check for breathing.

If no breathing...

6. Begin Rescue Breathing

Tilt head back and lift chin.

Pinch nose shut.

Seal your lips tightly around mouth.

Give 2 full breaths for 1 to 1 1/2 seconds each.

If breaths won't go in...

7. Retilt Head and Try Again

Tilt head farther back.

Pinch nose shut, seal your lips, and try again to give 2 breaths.

If breaths still won't go in ...

8. Give Abdominal Thrusts

Straddle person's legs.

Place heel of hand in middle of abdomen, just above navel and well below lower tip of breastbone. ·

Place other hand on top and point fingers toward person's head.

Give 6 to 10 quick thrusts inward and upward.

9. Do Finger Sweep

Grasp tongue and lower jaw. Lift jaw.

Slide finger down inside cheek to base of tongue. Sweep object out.

If person is still not breathing ...

10. Go Back to Step 6

Repeat sequence until person begins to cough or breathe.