Money on the net

Over the years I have checked out more than a few different ways of making money on the net. Most of them involve spending or investing money. Never seemed like you could make more than it cost to "earn" any back.
I have found a few that not only are cost free, but do not ask you for your credit card number. I have personally gotten a return large enough to make it worth my time. Check them out and I think you will like them

One last thing, I suggest that you set up an seperate online mailbox to cut down on the spam. You will get some. I have more than a few online accounts, but keep two for friends and do not use those addresses for any other purpose. After five years on the net they are still spam free.

                              My points                                All advantage
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Although mypoints does not send you cash, you can trade in your points for gift certificates at local stores. About once a week I would chase the links for about fifteen minutes. Than around thanksgiving I traded in the points and got close to $100 in gift certifies. The key is to mark all but a few of the areas of interest when you sign up. It will increase the number of links they send you. Since you can get points for referrals, feel free to use me, STEDOU01000301 as a referral. My goal this year is for $200 for xmas This is the only one I have found that doesn't take over your browser or only pay your for chasing their links. By the way, this one does un-install without causing major problems. Once again this one helps the person who refers you. if you click on the link above, it will fill in the info. Otherwise when asked, tell them ksg-650 sent you.
Another place that sends out the checks isiwin1banner I have gotten quite a few checks from them. Takes a few minutes aday to stop in and enter their lottory, but they do pay.

If you list me as a referral, I will be glad to help you with the coding of a page like this to add to your sight. Just drop me a line at

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