Higher Ground Quotes

"Yeah right...You got rid of Mum, now you're getting rid of me? Yeah right, tell me all about it, Dad." - From Ep. 1 "Scott Free."

"I gotta pee." - From Ep. 1

"Go to hell, Dad! I hate you for this! Just get out of here, and take that skank with you!" - From Ep. 1

"I just...like getting high!" - From Ep. 1

"I like what you've done with the place. What, no bars on the windows?" - From Ep. 1

"Cliffhangers. Cute, huh?" - From Ep. 1

"I got one nerve left, dude. And you are really working it." - From Ep. 1

"You want me to run my tail off?" - From Ep. 2 "Babe in Arms."

"Markasian only gave me two minutes to eat. I don't have time to chew." - From Ep. 2

"They hauled me out of my house in these. I wasn't planning on going mountain climbing." - From Ep. 2